It was pretty interesting in the beginning. a few complaints about overly relying on the system instead of actually thinking for himself but it was bearable. I won't say too much about the whole story, but I can say undoubtedly the worse thing to happen was his relationship with Bulma and kalans hard on for training. it started off good but took a huge dive as the mc apparently stopped knowing how to put in any effort into anything besides training. he starts a dojo with the intention to build faith and then doesn't even introduce himself to the students for 2 years because of training. he saves his race with the intention to build faith and then never visits them for several years to the point where 90% of the population doesn't even know him. he starts a relationship with Bulma that works out at the beginning where they spend time together traveling the world only for him to completely ruin it because he spends years at a time training. even Goku and Vegeta managed to train on earth and don't usually stay gone from their families for longer than a year at most in Z and super. and they become strong enough to fight gods. if he uses the system to do anything else I don't see why he didn't use it to build his own improved time chamber like Dende's that lets you go in more than twice if he really needs to spend years at a time training certain forms. in the end the problem wasn't the training, but as I said, it was his lack of effort in anything else. he becomes so forgetful to the point where it's painful (like completely forgetting to teach any of his students how to even use ki which was the whole point of him making the dojo in the first place. so they recognize ki isn't magic or fake). it was like the older he got the dumber he got. i'm sure kalan would and could have asked the system to keep memo's for him so he remembers to do things. my problem is he never tried to compromise when he definitely could have. it gets to the point where half the time i forget he's in the story because he doesn't say anything and just watches everyone or goes to train. well, I rant because I care. everything up until the end of the Dragonball saga was really enjoyable, but it's like the author stopped caring after that. i liked the new history on planet sadala. i liked how he actually tried to think to assassinate Frieza. i liked some of the new races although they were horrendously underdeveloped. i loved his relationship with bulma in the beginning because he acted like a normal human being. i liked the idea of him having to gather faith energy to get stronger although that went nowhere basically since he forgot about it. i liked that super saiyan 4 managed to find a way in the story in a pretty believable way. i liked how funny the dragonball saga was in general. but again things just fell off after that. mc got dumber and less likable.
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