Seems to be a beginner author, probably writing his first novel. While I want to encourage him to persevere, the novel in it's current state is riddled with issues. There are many issues, but I'll focus on what seems to me the main one : The main character feels like a awkward puppet who acts very strangely and only thinks what comes to the author's mind. To give a few examples : he wakes up naked, and he only notices it hours later, after someone tells him. Or he's covered in blood, and doesn't get uncomfortable, and once again, only after someone reacts, will he wash himself. Later, his clothing gets reduced to rags over a long period of time, but he only notices when someone points it out. He earns a lot of money after a LOT of work and time, but he spends it all in a frivolous manner in a few hours, on the first thing that catches his mind (and is totally non-essential). Overall, he gives a feeling of being seriously autistic and mentally disturbed, for instance he accidentally causes someone's death and has a hard time to keep himself from bursting out laughing while he covers it up like it's some kind of gag.
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LIKEBut look at the situations he was in, he first arrived and was scared ****less, then got attacked, ran for his life after surviving the attack, starving and bats could be anywhere, would u care about clothes at that point? Covered in blood, but was in that much pain because of his bones being reset into position, pissed off and just wanting to complete the quest and get out of there, would you care about blood on you? He spent all the money on the clothes that will mend itself and clean itself so he doesn't have to keep changing and washing clothes, and the idle system is making his body stronger, if he uses a weapon he doesn't get anything, it's only if he uses his skills does he get something for killing them. And yes while he caused someones death, he panics and did all that to get out of it, the smile is not because of his death but because he got away with it, even if it was only an accident, he knows the punishment for murder. You would smile too.
Right? When you're uses to wearing clothes all the time, and then suddenly are butt naked, feeling the wind on your privates, you notice. Not to mention, he didn't look down once during all his walking? It's not about not caring about ckihtes. Unless he's blind and his nerves in his skin stopped working, he would have noticed. Also, when he was covered in blood. When blood dries on your skin, it's very noticeable.
Furthmore, most humans feel guilty if they kill someone accidentally. They don't start giggling and smiling because they got away with murder. Only if you're a cold hearted sociopath, do you not feel any guilt. Yet this guy still claims to have a moral code. What moral code?
hahaha.. agreed .. this novel synopsis interest me and I decided to read the reviews first .. when I read this Fleeting_Cloud review, I thought maybe he was biased or just don't like this novel.. but the moment I read the author comment, it was clear to me what happened!. also agreed to skylarias comment.. maybe I still picked this novel to read someday for it was in top 3 original ranking, so it maybe had some epic plot.. someday
And don't forget jiggling balls.
I enjoy it ;-) I kinda understand the author too, with the background of the main character it doesn’t feel unnatural
And his old body was used to wearing cloths, but he just got reincarnated and was in a new body on a new world. Then all that happened so cloths were the last thing on his mind.
Haven't read the novel(Don't plan to, no offense. Has nothing to do wit novel) but if these things aren't explained properly then this happens..