


Just someone who enjoys writing and does it as a hobby and is hoping to eventually do it as a full time job. Love all feedback thank you to anyone who reads my books.

2020-10-20 JoinedUnited States



of reading


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  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago

    Impressive world-building an idea that is all based on. I enjoyed reading very much and it leaves me wanting more and to know what happens when the MC's true power is revealed to the world. It also leads to ideas and assumptions where did the dungeons come from? What is the monster's motives? How could this all end. All questions the author has plenty of room to develop and eventually answer through masterful storytelling and writing. Great job author don't quit, you have something unique and extraordinary in your hands.

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago

    Excellent writing and truly captures the idea of what it feels like to be in a romance and the lust that is included with it. The story gets hot and steamy with a great tone that keeps the reader captivated the whole way through.

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago
    Replied to TheRedHand

    Completely agree ^^ it all changes as the story progresses

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago
    Replied to RazorIsSharp

    thanks I will look at that

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  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago

    A very interesting read turning the afterlife into a game. I loved the creative approach of the author in how they explained the afterlife and the process of waiting to meet the king of the underworld. One thing that threw me off was that the king of the underworld was a female although constantly being referred to as King which is normally a term saved for males. Other than that the writing was great the pacing amazing throughout. The way the character grows in the game and outpaces many other players out of sheer determination was interesting to see and reminds me of some people I know in real life who are the same way when gaming. All in all. Great work author! It was a fun read and it is exciting to see where the story will go next.

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago
    Replied to Michael_Crew

    As of right now, I update when I can. I try to post at least a chapter every other day and sometimes I post one every day.

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago

    Through doing a quick read I can see that the author takes a lot of care in their work. The story is without error and the storyline is clear and concise. So far from what I read the story is interesting dipping into what seems like Japenese mythology with the Yokai spirit realm. Great work.

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago

    The idea behind the story is creative and fun to read. To see what a god would do in a world that they created to see how everything changed to be able to live with the very beings that she breathed life into... it's all very unique and oozes style. There are many places the author could take this story and many genres they can dip into as they continue the MC's journey through their own world. Love it. Keep it up!

  • AxlesOfFate
    AxlesOfFate4 years ago

    First I want to talk about the title "Battle Maids." Already loving the idea of it. It reminds me of the anime overlord where they have the Pleiades a combat maid squad of the great Tome of Nazrick. I don't know I just love overlord so I again love the idea of Battle Maids. From reading, I can tell this Author moves quickly. The reader is dropped right into the conflict of the story from chapter one. Not many stories can do that but the tension is expertly built from the very first paragraph, and it only grows from there. Dialogue is masterfully utilized to increase tension and flesh out characters letting us as readers immerse ourselves in the writer's story. In summary, not many people are able to use the first-person perspective quite as well as it is used here. We can only see things from one angle and it is refreshing to see it done well. Continue the good work author!