
Zombies in town

Have you ever dreamed of the world falling apart? Maybe not but that's not the same to Jessica Walton. A serum was created by a group of scientist headed by Gaius and given to Jessica unknowingly. This serum was meant to aid the effect of the time traveling machine. Gaius suspected Charles and the fact that he was a convicted criminal who was caught experimenting on different species for a reason unknown to any of them. So, he needed someone to go into the future. The serum made it look as though Jessica was sleeping but what she didn't know was that the future she saw in her dream was fast approaching. Charles has succeeded in creating a vaccine that effects humans and makes them alive even after death. Now, it's left to Jessica and the man she saw in her dream to save the world but how? After managing to find the antivirus, it turned out that the cells kept recreating. And the people they gave the antivirus to, turned into zombies again, leaving the world in ruin. Well, Max stood up again, with Jessica. He discovered that the real solution lies in Jessica blood.

Debbie_Chocolate · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

Dreams becoming reality

Chapter fourteen

Jessica kept quiet for what seemed like an eternity.

She doesn't believe it. No, it's unbelievable. How can she travel to the future? How can the world get so ruined? She just can't believe such Hocus pocus.

Gauis moves closer and touches her slightly, "We created the time machine to enable us to see the future"

" Who's trying to disrupt the balance of the world?" Jake asks and looks up at Gaius.

" Charles Mardiv, "Marcus replies, looking up at Jake," He's a great scientist that was caught and convicted. He was pronounced dead last two months. But Mr. Gauis saw someone that looked like him a month ago. And we made quick findings and discovered he's really in the country. Also, we suspected he was up to something really bad. So, we created a serum and the time machine but we needed someone to go into the future and see what is there to see"

" Why can't you go yourself?"

" Because we are uncertain of what we would see," Stanley blurt in quickly, "For all we know if anyone dies in the future, he or she will cease to be"

Jake sighs again, "So, now what?"

" We need to know what she saw so we can think of a solution, "Gaius supplies immediately.

Jake looked at Jessica and caught her staring. He made a sign, probably egging her on.

Jessica signs again and looks away, "I saw the dead," she started in a voice lower than a whisper, "Everywhere was ruined, the whole city was collapsing," she looks up at Gauis now," I saw the dead come back to life. They were so violent and were chewing human beings like meat. They had cannibal desire"

" The undead?"Gauis whispers. They all look up at him, skeptical," I and Charles had an experiment that killed a rat when we were still young. We tried our best to rescue it because it was supposed to be our mark. And, we were able to resurrect it. It was a great achievement on our side. We had our marks but the rat started killing other animals in the lab. We were able to set a fire in the laboratory and burn all the animals there. We even paid for damages. I don't ever think Charles would plan on doing it on humans"

" You don't even get this. This thing seemed to spread with a bite from them. After a bite, the victim will become them in an hour," she looked away," I got bitten'

Marcus' eyes narrow"What's happened? Did you come back before you died?"

"I didn't die, "Jessica look up at him now," I survived and saved the world with Max"

"Who's max?" Jake asks.

"A guy that is as powerful as you are."

Gauis, Stanley, and Marcus look at each other with reassuring smiles.

Jessica stands suddenly, "I don't believe in you. All these look like some movies"

"But it's not, "Stanley started.

" You expect me to believe all this Hocus pocus?" Jessica fired back," That a scientist made a virus that could make people come back alive? Does that even make any sense to the ear?"

" But you saw everything, didn't you?"Marcus targets her again

Jessica stared at him for a while," You mean to tell me there's a machine that could take a human being to the future? I'm not an idiot," she finishes and turns to walk away but Stanley rushes to her, blocking her entrance.

"You can't go like that. You saw what would happen. Charles is a really bad man. He might even be thinking of a way to destroy us quicker than we expect"

Jessica studies her for a while," What's the difference between you and Charles? You gave me a serum against my consent? What if I had died? If truly I went to the future. If you do wish to save the world, you've got yourselves," she spat and walked out.

Jake races after her. He holds her hand and pulls her to a stop, "Jessica, calm down and think this through. What if they are telling the truth?"

Jessica raises a brow amazingly," Don't tell me you've allowed these Hocus pocus to enter your head. There's nothing like the undead and no machine is capable of transporting human beings to the future. We only watch them in movies"

" But what if it happens? How are you going to take the consequences?"

Jessica scoffed," What the heck are you saying? My parents have died in my dream but they are alive here. I don't need to tell you more about the difference between the two," she sighs, frustrated," I'm so disappointed in you Jake. And I'm out of here," she says and walks out before he would say more.

She stays longer at the front of the hospital, thinking about it all, about all Jake said. What if it happens, will she take the consequences?

That's not even possible. Those balderdash doesn't even fit in anywhere.

Jessica enters the ice cream and orders a strawberry. Her phone rings as she settles down with her order. It's a call from Jake. She ignores it and stares into the strawberry ice cream she ordered.

For some reason, she can't stop thinking about it. Why can't her mind settle with her head? It's like there's something in her telling her there's a core of truth in what they all said. But she doesn't want to believe it. Why will someone create a virus that will make the dead come back alive with a cannibal intention? It doesn't make any sense. Besides, there are differences between her dream and reality. It's like day and light. Yet, she can't stop thinking about it.

She's taking a car straight back to Roderwall. She thought practicing with Jake would make her feel better but guess, that was wrong. She needs to go see her mom and yes, her dad.

Jessica took a bus going to Roderwall immediately. She regrets not coming in the car earlier. It would have been better.

The bus stops now and then to allow more passengers in. so, it made the journey longer than expected. Jessica sighs again for the umpteenth time and stares out through the window.

The signboard by the right told Jessica they are already in Roseville, a town that's close to Roderwall. It's the town you will need to pass through to get to Roderwall.

In Jessica's dream, Roseville was the town where the virus broke out from. It seems strange but she can't help reconnecting the puzzles.

She sees the petrol point and her heart suddenly hammers wildly in her heart. It was the petrol station where Max and the others stopped to get a few things. One of Max's men got bitten here unknowingly.

Jessica looks away and tries to shudder off the thought. It's not real, it's all Hocus pocus.

The bus stops suddenly and Jessica opens her eyes. It seems she slept off while thinking. The bus is no longer moving and it's surprising.

She's the only one on the bus while others are gathered outside already. Jessica gets down too and stares at each one of them, "What's wrong?"

"The bus stopped suddenly. And I don't think they can fix it now," a female passenger says

Jessica sighs and looks at the driver," It's going to be late soon. Why don't we find a place to stay? Then we can fix whatever went wrong with the bus tomorrow. Then, we can pick up"

" Nice idea, "one of the passengers supported and soon, everyone accepted the idea.

Jessica walks a few miles toward a popular hotel in the area. Jessica is so familiar with the town and knows everywhere like the palms of her hands.

Staying in the room seems boring to Jessica. So, she decided to take a look around.

She walks some few miles, checking everywhere again. Not that she wanted to go sightseeing. But something is going on in her head. Why can't she just forget it all?

"What's going on? Why is he like this?" A woman loud Yelp made Jessica look up. She watches a woman kneeling so close to a man who is lying lifelessly on the ground. Crowds have started to gather around.

"Can someone call the ambulance?" Someone offers, moving closer to help.

Jessica walks nearer too, out of curiosity.

Suddenly, blood starts gushing out of the man's ears and nose. It reminds Jessica of the 'undead' she saw in her dream. No, it's just a coincidence, right?

Yet, Jessica couldn't stop herself from looking away.

The woman starts sobbing, "Mart, please wake up," she sobs harder. Two men father around her.

"I've called the ambulance," another lady offers and moves closer to them.

"What happened to him exactly?" One of the helpers asks.

"I don't know. He just collapse and wouldn't answer my calls"

Jessica's gaze goes to the man lying on the ground like a dead man. She watches him lift a finger. Her mouth opened slightly and her eyes went wider when the man jumped at one of the men close to him. His teeth collided with the man's flesh and he let out a scream.

"What the fuck is this!" The second man curses and tries to pull back the other man. Instead, he turned back at him and that was when Jessica saw his face. His face was rough and pale, his eyes looked so out of the world as if they were dead.

Jessica's heart skips a beat as she remembers that it's exactly like the undead she saw in her movie.

The man pushes the other man over and bites off the flesh on his shoulder.

Everyone screams at the violent act and moves away.

Another man eventually seizes him and holds him down, "where's the fucked up ambulance!" He screams as he struggles to pin him down.

Jessica couldn't move, she couldn't leave, not move closer to help.

The man seems stronger as he yanks away the left hand of the man pinning him down. The other two men rush forward and help to pin him down successfully.

Crowds have gathered again.

"What the heck was that?" One asks.

"Maybe he's a psychic," another supply woman sobs aloud," He's not. Nothing was wrong with him when we left home. Please, save my husband".

Jessica continues to stare.

The sirens of the ambulance clear the ominous atmosphere. The nurses walk nearer to the psychic.

"Let's take him in," one of the nurses says to the men pinning the psychic down.

Instead, the three men fall, giving way for the psychic to jump over at his wife and start to bite her flesh. She screams and everyone scarpers again.

The nurse takes a step back when the three men suddenly stand up again and stare at them.

Jessica stared harder at their faces and it seemed familiar. Yes, it does because their faces all held the same one as the psychic earlier.

Within a twinkle of an eye, they each jump at people and start to bite off fleshes.

Jessica made a flashback.

The undead had some things in common.

They all died and came back to life.

They all have cannibal desires. What! Yes, the desire to eat your fellow human beings.