
You Give Love a Bad Name.

When she was 5 years old, Dakota Roth's mother ripped her away from her father and fled back to Scotland in the middle of the night. Fast forward 15 years and Dakota is now an adult and due to her mother's new boyfriend coming onto her has been thrown out of her house, she finds out that her dad has been desperately trying to get in touch with her all these years so she travels back to Colorado to reunite with him. Upon arriving there she is reunited with her dad and his best friend, a man she remembers as her Uncle Remy - sparks fly between her and her dad's best friend; they both know it is wrong and try to fight it but their connection is too strong but what happens when Dakota's mother and her boyfriend hunt her down?

Susan_Haswell_4401 · Urbano
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52 Chs

Chapter 29 - Too Much Temptation.

Later that Night…

Dakota Roth…

Uncle Remy had spent the whole day with me locked inside his office. When I asked if we should get back to work, he informed me that he had pushed all his meetings to tomorrow and there was nothing within the office that needed his immediate attention. Even when it came time to eat, we decided to just order in - I think we both knew that our time was limited, and we didn't want to spend any of it in a public setting.

The reminder of having to come home and pretend that something life altering hadn't happened between us today was suffocating and the closer it came to coming home, the more desperate we became. As if we knew that we would have to spend the next several hours acting like we aren't falling for one another.






All accurate words to describe what had transpired in that office this afternoon. My body felt wrecked. I hurt in places that I had absolutely no idea that you could actually hurt. I am covered in love bites, all in places that can be covered, thank God because I can't even begin to imagine explaining all of it to my dad. Not right now. Call me selfish but all I really want right now is to keep Jeremy to myself.

My dad.

If Jeremy and I get to a point where we have to come clean to my dad - he is going to be devastated. Angry. No, angry isn't a strong enough word, furious might be closer. Furious and devastated.

I don't like the thought of arguing with him and I like the idea of hurting him even less. However, what am I supposed to do? I have been miserable without Jeremy. I can see now that I was barely even living without him - after today, I feel like I can breathe again. I feel like my body is humming with this undercurrent of pleasure at just the thought of being with him again. My heart feels full of these swelling emotions that I am pretty sure are love.


There is no denying that I have never been even a smidgen close to ever being in love with anyone. So, what I am feeling may be the stirrings of love, but I really have no idea. I like the idea that it is. I can see myself falling in love with Jeremy. I can feel my world consisting of him and only him, but there is no way I am going to admit that to him, not until he admits it to me first. I am following his lead here because he is the one who is more experienced in this type of thing and let's face it he has a lot to make up for. I would be stupid to just jump straight in without restraint. After all he has done - the constant one step forward, then the half dozen steps backwards were a mind-fuck of epic proportions. It isn't something that I can just forgive, and I have told him that. I have been completely open with him and what I need from him emotionally. All things that he has agreed that I deserve after his actions.

I mean, I'm not a monster. I know why he acted the way he did. How could I not? Jason may be his best friend, but he is my dad and the idea of causing him pain when he has been nothing but accepting of me is not something that I can comprehend fully. I mean we both know it won't matter how long we wait to tell him, there will always be an issue for him.

His best friend; dating his daughter.

His best friend; fucking his daughter.

That is always going to be a fatal blow. Right? It is always going to feel like we have both betrayed him but that is why we want to wait. Going to him now, before we have had a chance to even see if this could go somewhere feels reckless. Like we would be blowing up his life for potentially something that might fizzle out after a couple of weeks. Although it really doesn't feel like that is what is happening between us. It feels like maybe we are heading towards love, living together, marriage, kids. I mean that is what I want. I'm not sure about Jeremy but he has been vocal about this being long-term for him. I don't think that he would potentially blow up his life-long friendship with my dad over a fling with me. I am simply not that special.

My eyes catch his across the table where the four of us are sitting having dinner - Charleigh had cooked her famous steamed Salmon and green salad. And the four of us decided to eat together at the dinner table.

Jeremy is sat directly across from me; Charleigh is at my right side and dad is sat directly across from her. We are silent as we enjoy the food my friend prepared and that is giving me way too much time to analyze everything that is happening between Jeremy and me. Not that I mind thinking about him and all that is happening between us, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't frustrated. Being so close to him had never felt so far at the same time. It feels almost like a pulse inside of me, dragging me towards him. Pulling at my heart with a devastating force that suddenly feels like my heart simply isn't my own anymore.

My emotions are so linked into his that I can feel him radiating the sentiments back at me as we keep stealing little glances at one another. Every so often he would send me a wink that would light me up so fiercely that I feared my dad would notice.

My eyes flicker over to him once again and he is watching me with open adoration sparking in his eyes and the moment he catches my gaze, his tongue darts along his bottom lip in a slow seductive motion that has my core clenching desperately, needing that friction that only he can provide. I have never wanted anyone more than I want this man. All of these feelings and emotions are as new and exciting to me as the discovery of what amazing sex feels like was to me earlier.

My poor pussy feels used and wrecked in ways that feel more satisfying than anything that I have ever experienced before. There is no way I can have more sex today but damn it if I don't want to try. The smile hits my face in an instant and I slowly reach my foot out and make contact with his ankle, instantly his eyes snap open and he tries to stop himself from choking on the food in his mouth.

"Everything ok?" My dad asked, turning to his best friend as I slid my foot up his shin, grazing lazily along the material of his sweat-pants, then back down to his ankle, twirling around his sock-covered foot and repeating the action.

"Yeah, just went down the wrong way-" he spluttered as he grabbed his glass of water and sipped some into his mouth, his eyes snapping back over to me when my dad nodded and patted his back in a helpful manner, "thanks!"

"No problem," turning back to his own food, I slid my foot a little higher this time and Jeremy stabbed his fork into a piece of his salmon and brought his eyes back to mine.

Oh yes, I was going to pay for this. I could see it flashing in his eyes. The need to punish me. Maybe some more spanking - something that I can't deny turned me on in ways that I never even imagined it could. I was so turned on right now that I was pretty sure that I had to be broadcasting my feelings to the entire table. Thankfully, if anyone noticed - no one said a word.

Of course, that only emboldened me even more. My foot inches higher and Jeremy shifted forward in his chair - giving me easier access and then his hand shifted down, grabbing my foot, and pressing it against his thick hard length. Biting down on my tongue to stop a moan from escaping me, I handed him the control to slide the length of my foot up and down his pulsing shaft.

I know we agreed that we wouldn't do anything at home, but it felt like something had been awakened in me. Something that felt both dangerous and exciting. I have never felt anything like this before. I feel out of control and yet completely in control at the same time. For the first time in my life, I feel what I thought I would never experience.

Love. Unbridled and out of control love.

Does he feel it too?

Is this happening too soon?

All of my previous belief was that love has to grow, that it was something that would blossom from time and attention, but this feels like a damn freight train hitting me at full speed. My heart and soul seem to be tethered to this man and as scary as that feels, I also feel more, safe than I ever have before.

A Couple of Hours Later…

Jeremy Danielson…

Tonight, has been a damn lesson in restraint and patience.

After spending most of the day balls deep in Dakota - I thought that I was prepared to be at home with her and be able to keep my distance. I thought that I was far stronger than I clearly am because all I can think about is bending her over this sofa and sinking back between her tight, satin smooth walls until I couldn't get any deeper and she was moaning my name.

The way she had teased me to release at the dinner table had been nothing short of sinuous torture. For the first time since I was 15-years old - I jizzed in my sweat-pants. So much, that I was surprised when I couldn't see the wet patch when I excused myself to go to the bathroom to clean up afterwards. It was a stupid risk to take but my need for her was unwilling to be tamed or restrained. Now that my cock had had a taste of her - he craved her more than ever.

I craved her more than ever.

Somehow, I had even found myself agreeing to movie night. Here we were - in the basement where Jason had built a small theatre-room at the far end of the space, it is completely walled in and sound-proof so as not to disturb any guest who might be staying over in the room at the opposite end of the space where I have been sleeping for longer than I can even remember now.

Jason and Charleigh were curled up on separate bean bag style chairs on the floor in front of Dakota and me. We were currently watching Child's Play on the large projector-style screen, popcorn lay between Jason and Charleigh and another bowl lay on the sofa between Dakota and me.

However, ever so slowly, Dakota was inching her way closer to me, grabbing a blanket from the back of the sofa and draping it over her legs as she came to rest right next to me. Our pinky fingers hooking around each other, emboldened by the fact that there was no shine on the screen so Jason couldn't see us reflected back at him, I slid my hand under the blanket and skirted slowly up her naked thigh.

So much for not doing anything under Jason's roof!

Had I really thought that I was capable of keeping my hands off her now that I knew what she felt like under my touch? God, I am an asshole.

I am also going to Hell for this. I am breaching so many rules on the guy code right now, but I can't find a single excuse to stop myself. Don't get me wrong, I know that I need to get myself under control but with this being new - it felt more addictive than I had planned for. I mean - I had thought that if I screwed her as much as I had during the day, that being at home where I shouldn't be touching her wouldn't be so hard. I hadn't counted on just how right it all felt to be with her.

The satin smooth feel of her inner thigh felt amazing against the callousness of my fingers as I slip up inside the Jean-shorts leg, my fingers trailing over the edge of her panties. The heat coming from her core drawing me forward, my eyes moved back to my best friend to ensure he was still engrossed in the movie, satisfied, I turned back to Dakota to see her biting her bottom lip, eyes hooded with lust and desire, her chest rising and falling as she tried to remain as quiet as she could.

Pressing my thumb against her hardened little clit through the panties she was wearing, she reached her hand under the cover and gripped my wrist - whether she was trying to stop me or encourage me, I couldn't quite tell and I grabbed my phone with my free hand and typed quickly, 'put your phone on silent, sweetheart! Xxoxx'. Hitting send as I slid my finger along the length of her slit, pushing her panties into her I moved along.

I watched as she did as I requested of her and then her eyes swept to mine, the desire, the hunger, and need was shining so brightly that I swear they lit up the room.

'Can you be quiet if I make you cum, baby-girl? Xxoxx'.

'I think so xx'.

'I think so is, not good enough, little one. You will be quiet for me, am I understood? Xxoxx'. I loved the fact that she looked at me and nodded - giving me her submissiveness without thought or question, 'that's my good girl, now open those legs wider for me! Xxoxx'.

I am pretty sure that she was already spreading her legs before she even finished reading the message and I grinned as I slipped my hand away from her sodden panties and she all but glared at me. It took every little morsel of restraint I possessed not to chuckle. Unfortunately, I knew that we had limited time here, not to mention that there was a strong possibility that Jason could turn around at any moment, so instead of punishing her, I slid my hand up to the flimsy waist-band of her panties and eased underneath, sinking down until my index finger was nestled between the length of her seam, coating my finger in her arousal.

'Fuck sweetheart, you are really soaked, does it hurt? Xxoxx'.

'Yessss, make it better please, Uncle Remy! Xx'.

The palm of my hand grazed along her hardened little clit, and she jerked towards my touch as if someone, or something else was in control of her body. The heat radiating from her was making my cock desperately hard, as it began to thump against the soft cotton of my clean sweat-pants. I have no doubt that I am going to be needing another clean pair before the end of the night.

'I got you, sweetheart. Let Uncle Remy make it all better xxoxx'.

Once my finger was completely coated in her juices, I circled around her tight little hole. God my cock is remembering taking that hole so many times earlier in the day that I swear if the damn thing could talk, he'd be screaming at me to let me take care of her. Pushing those stupid thoughts out of my head, I sunk my finger through her slick, tight walls until I was right down to my knuckle, and she brought her hand to her mouth, biting down hard.

One thing I have learnt today is that my girl is very vocal. And I fucking loved it. I loved hearing her rantings while lost to the passion and pleasure. So much that I am slightly disappointed that we have to be quiet here.

I have no doubt that there is a sopping sound coming from the way my finger is working her Heavenly cunt, but the sound of the movie playing is the perfect camouflage to the sounds of our naughty play. Not to mention the fact that Jason and Charleigh are actually a few feet in front of us, completely engrossed in the movie.

I have never wanted to kiss someone as badly as I want to kiss her right now. My need is growing to the point where I don't think that I am going to be able to wait until tomorrow before I sink my dick back into her hot channel. I need her. I ache for her. My balls are screeching for release as she finally lets go of the wrist that is working her insides and slides over the space towards me throbbing cock. I can't quite believe that I am going to do this, but I shake my head at her.

'You don't want me to touch you? Xx'.

'God, do not ever think that baby-girl. I just know if you touch me right now, I won't be able to control myself and we agreed that we aren't ready to tell your dad about us yet xxoxx'. The moment she read the message, her eyes snapped up to my face and she nodded her agreement but the disappointment in her expression was so difficult to ignore, 'tomorrow you can touch me all you want too xxoxx'.

'What about work? 😝 Xx'.

'My meetings are all by Skype and that pretty mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson, don't you think? Xxoxx'. Quickly and dare I say eagerly, she nodded her head and then fell back against the sofa as I curled my finger inside her to tease along that elusive g-spot that most men couldn't find with a detailed map and torch.

I loved the sight of her eyes rolling back in her head. The way she bit her bottom lip as her hips rocked against my hand - coaxing me to a speed that felt more comfortable for her. I was really pounding against her now and my palm was like a constant pressure on her sensitive clit and that is when it happened - her very noticeable tell. It was something that I had picked up on during the day - the minute her ascent to nirvana began, her breath would hold in her chest until she leapt off the ledge into the abyss of pleasure.

It should scare me how easily and quickly I have been able to read her body, her needs, her wants but it is almost as if we have been doing this for far longer than we have. It is the type of connection that some people spend their entire lives searching for.

Grinding my palm, a little harder against her engorged clit and she was instantly thrown off that ledge, her hand stuffing into her mouth as she fought the need to scream her pleasure into the air. Working her tight little pussy through the contractions and flutters until she was basically thudding back into the sofa, her breath shallow and rapid. Still, she remained as silent as a mouse, and I knew that was the type of restraint that I wouldn't have thought she was possible of if I hadn't just witnessed it myself.

As soon as her hips dropped and her pussy stopped pulsing around my fingers, I slid out of her, giving her little clit a gentle stroke before sliding my hand out of her panties and bringing my glistening hand to my mouth, licking it clean of the evidence. God, I loved the taste of her.

Tonight, is going to be a long night.