
You Give Love a Bad Name.

When she was 5 years old, Dakota Roth's mother ripped her away from her father and fled back to Scotland in the middle of the night. Fast forward 15 years and Dakota is now an adult and due to her mother's new boyfriend coming onto her has been thrown out of her house, she finds out that her dad has been desperately trying to get in touch with her all these years so she travels back to Colorado to reunite with him. Upon arriving there she is reunited with her dad and his best friend, a man she remembers as her Uncle Remy - sparks fly between her and her dad's best friend; they both know it is wrong and try to fight it but their connection is too strong but what happens when Dakota's mother and her boyfriend hunt her down?

Susan_Haswell_4401 · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 28 - Nothing Compares to You.

Dakota Roth…

Propping myself up on my elbows to look down at the man currently between my legs, his talented mouth working me up into some sort of sexual frenzy. Energy is zapping along my veins, awareness of him sizzles along my flesh by way of goosebumps and my heart is thundering a powerful beat. The feel of his eyes caught in my own has the emotions inside me surging towards a far too soon confession.

I know that he said forever - but that could very well be a heat of the moment mistake. Forever could mean literally nothing. I won't let myself believe it until he shows me, he means it.

I have to guard my heart because up until about an hour ago - he has been playing hot and cold with me. I am not a toy that he can just pick and choose when to play with. I am a real, living, breathing human who has feelings and needs and emotions that I can admit to myself are spiralling out of control.

"You have your thinking face on, sweetheart-" pulling his lips away from where they were placing light, feather-like kisses against the very top of my thighs. A spot that I had no damn idea was an erogenous zone. My trembling flesh testament to that little fact.


"No sorry needed, beautiful. It just means that I have to up my game!" Winking at me, he doubled down on his efforts.

Finally bringing his mouth back to my swollen pussy - sucking one side into his hot talented mouth, drawing even more blood to rush down there and I was panting in a mere instant. Seemingly satisfied with the reaction, he moved to the other lip and repeated the action. Nothing has ever felt so amazing - the sensation of his wide shoulders spreading my legs wider than I would have managed to do alone. The possessive grip of his hands that he had curled around my hips. The heat of his breath. The moans that, he let fall against my soaking cunt. Everything about him was consuming me at an alarming rate and I didn't quite know what to do.

Should I be touching him?

Should I be making noise? I always assumed that women moaning and screaming during sex was simply done in pornos to heighten the eroticism but here I am feeling more wanton than I ever imagined I could be, and the moans are flowing through my lips without my control.

Just when I think that I have a handle on how this is supposed to feel, his mouth envelopes my slit and his tongue swipes along the length of my seam in the same manner in which he kisses my mouth and my entire body jolts and jerks with a surge of undiluted pleasure - and a sob of excitement flies from my mouth, my head falling backwards onto the sofa beneath me. My mind feels like it has gone completely blank as I stare at the ceiling trying to drag much needed air into my lungs but still, he carries on his torture of my pussy.

Swiping the length of his tongue against my clit has my hips jerking once again and a long sultry moan pierces the air, and it takes me a few moments to realise that it is coming from me. My entire body feels like I am soaring, I have never felt more alive than I do in this moment with Jeremy.

Moving his talented tongue down to my entrance and swipes against the edges, making himself growl against me which seems to vibrate through my pussy until a fresh stream of arousal coats his tongue and he is pulling me harder against his mouth that I swear to God propels him to God status. This man owns me - he has me in the palm of his hand and as much as I tell myself to remain cautious; I know it is futile. I am his.




I have never felt so connected to another human being before. Like there is some sort of chord that connects my heart to his. I am powerless to fight it. Too weak to put up resistance. All I can do is hope that he isn't going to back off again.

I have to take his confession at face-value because it is becoming abundantly clear to me that no other man will ever hold the place in my heart that Jeremy does. No other man can make my heart race and skip beats the way my uncle Remy does. No other man could ever light up my body the way that this man does with simply one look.

The soft brush of his tongue along the inside of my pussy has me gripping the sofa in a death grip as he guides me straight towards release with his confident movements and deep-rooted growls.

Just as my body seems to sink into the sensations, he decides to switch it up again and slides out of my tight walls, the pure satisfaction of the drag of his tongue has me crying out my protest of him retreating, "trust me, sweetheart!" Is all he says before moving to my clit and suctioning his lips around the small silken bud of nerves and beginning to suck it deep and hard, using his tongue to continue lashing against it. My back arches off the soft plush cushions and then contorts even more drastically as I feel two of his fingers breaching my tight channel.

Sparks of light burst along the edges of my vision as those fingers find a spot inside me that feels like it is adjacent to my clit, like he is stroking said hub of pleasure both from the outside and the inside - it is a double form of attack that has my feet digging into the sofa to give me traction to thrust against his face - all movements that he allows and growls his approval to.

"Shit - fuck - don't - stop, Uncle Remy!" What started as a means to piss him off has warped into some sort of arousal that we both seem to get off on. I know that I like how dirty it feels to call him Uncle Remy when he is touching me, fucking me, or eating me out like this.

"Nnnghhhhh!" His grunts fuel the desire and pleasure surging up inside me like a tidal wave getting ready to pull me under.

Still, he strokes along the hidden spot inside of me as his tongue continues to lavish my clit with tight, hard circles as I feel the pressure beginning to rise. My body is climbing higher as something feels more than a little different this time. The build-up is more intense, more consuming as it begins to blossom deep inside my pussy. It coils tighter and tighter - this is too much; I am scared of what is about to happen.

"What is happening to me?!" I moan out, my breath racing away from me in gasps and sharp hisses.

"Just let go sweetheart, I got you. I won't let anything bad happen-" his response eases the fear as that pressure continues to rise deep in my core.

Taking a shaky deep breath, I slowly allow myself to succumb to the onslaught of pleasure and the release hits me with so much savage intent that it feels like I am drowning in it and that is when I feel the squirt of my juices hit his face and he growls deeper and doubles down. Completely overcome with pleasure my hands fly to his hair and tug him closer to me as my hips jerk with reckless abandon.

Wave after wave of pleasure rushes through me and I swear my whole world narrows to a pinpoint with Jeremy dead centre.

Gasping and heaving lung-ful's of air into my system becomes the grounding force I need as pleasure and pure nirvana courses through me. Wave upon wave that doesn't stop or lessen as he continues to work me through it. My back contorts into an impossible angle and for a few short moments I think I must black out from the ravage rapture rippling along my body because as I start to come around, I find that I am gathered up against his chest and the deep-rooted sense of satisfaction is numbing my entire body.

"You ok, sweetheart?" The soft press of his lips to the top of my head.


"You passed out for a few moments," he chuckled softly, his hand tracing light circles on my hip, "I have never seen a woman squirt before though!"

"That's what that was?"

Heat blasted over my face. I know that he said he didn't mind that I was so inexperienced but there is a part of me that feels ashamed that I am so unsure of what he manages to do to my body. I never thought that I would care about sex and intimacy the way he has made me care in this past hour.

With him, I want to experience everything. I want to learn how to please him. How to make him cum apart with such force that he passes out for a moment. Just like he did for me.

"Yeah, you are so fucking beautiful when you cum, made me almost burst along with you!"

How did I get so damn lucky?

We both sink into our thoughts, and I can't help but wonder what he is thinking. Is he going to pull away from me again?

Am I going to be left with nothing more than a memory of what amazing pleasure he gave me?

I don't know that I could survive that again. I don't think that I am strong enough to go back to pretending that there is nothing between us. I am addicted and overcome with such strong emotion that I am terrified of how I am going to handle it all.

Jeremy Danielson…

The sweet honey taste of her pussy lingers on my tongue as I hold her tightly tucked into my side. Watching her cum apart was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen - the way her head fell back, exposing her long slender throat in the ultimate show of submissive vulnerability. The frantic rise and fall of her chest as she moaned huskily. The erratic thrusts of her hips against my face as she squirted over me. It was my first time ever seeing a woman squirt and it just made me hornier. The reminder of her inexperience never more evident than when she hadn't known what was happening to her.

Everything about her was seeping into my soul - letting her go now was impossible. I couldn't stand to even think about letting her go. Dakota was mine. I owned her as much as she owned me. I was hers. And only hers.

"That was amazing-" she panted, her breath still uneven and out of control.

"I'd say, I have never caused anyone to pass out before!" I chuckled as I pressed my lips to the top of her head.

I can't even lie; it had scared the fuck out of me when she went completely limp and unresponsive. My first instinct was to call for help but as I reached for my phone, I suddenly remembered an old buddy that Jensen and I once had, Heath, he had been a bragger when it came to sex. The guy had stories of his sexual conquests that at times felt more than a little fabricated, but he had mentioned the fact that he had once fucked a girl into unconsciousness. I could remember him telling us that she was only out for a few seconds, long enough for him to get her cleaned up and then she came around. So, I hedged my bets on what he said being a standard and I positioned myself on the sofa and pulled her against me just as she started to come around.

"Sorry I-"

"No. 'Kota, sweetheart, you do not ever have to say sorry to me for that!" I explained, "besides, do you have any idea of the ego boost that was?"

"Oh God, I've created a monster!" She giggled, her arm draped over my torso, her head resting against my chest as we both tried to just get our breathing under some semblance of decency.

"Speaking of monsters," I began, "unless you want to see my possessive asshole side, please text Gavin now and cancel your lunch-"


"Because you are having lunch with me today,"

"Oh, you decided that - did you?" She asked, lifting her head to meet my gaze and I couldn't help but grin down at her.

"I did!"

Honestly, the thought of her having lunch with anyone but me was not a thought that I could entertain right now. Not after what we have just shared with one another for the first time. Maybe given some time to get used to the idea, I will feel comfortable enough to be ok with her having lunch with another man. Don't get me wrong; it isn't that I don't trust her. I just know the way Gavin is attracted to her. I have seen the way he looks at her - the same adoration that I feel for her is mirrored in his eyes. The way he talks to her with such unyielding devotion in his tone. It is clear to me that he is falling for her in the same way I am. However, I am the one who has her. I am the one she belongs to and right now, I just can't share her time.

When we go home; we are going to act as if there is nothing between us. We are going to have to keep our distance from one another. No touching. No kissing and definitely no fucking. Not under my best friend's roof. It was bad enough that I felt like I was betraying him as it is, I won't add to my betrayal by fucking his daughter under his roof. I just won't.



"But I am only doing this because the thought of being away from you right now, after what we have just shared, doesn't feel right. You are going to have to accept that Gavin is my friend and I like to spend time with my friends!" She exclaimed as her fingers flew over the keys on her phone before she dropped it onto the small table that was in front of the sofa where we were.


"You're not happy-"

"No. I'm not, sweetheart," I sighed softly, "not because I don't trust you because I do, much more than I even thought was possible but that does not mean that I trust Gavin -"

"What do you mean?" She looked up at me, positioning her body so that her head was resting in my lap.

"I mean that he is into you. I don't know if you can see that or not, but Gavin is attracted to you, and you may believe that what you have is friendship but trust me when I tell you that friendship isn't all that he is after-"

"But he knows how I feel about you-"

"Yes, which means he has ample opportunity to break through your defences -"

"Hold on a second, you said you trusted me-"

"I do!"

"Then trust that if he even so much as tries something like that, that I would shut that shit down before he even finished!" Her passion and steadfast belief that she knows who and what she wants is so fucking sexy to me. The true conviction of her desire's pores from her body and through her tone of voice.

"I trust you!" I nodded.

Honestly, I do, and I also know that Gavin would hear no and he would accept it. I knew that I had nothing to fear with her being friends with him but there really is a part of me that is so possessive that I can't stand the idea of any man looking at her. It isn't rational and it is pure cave-man bullshit, but it is how I feel. I have never been like this with any other girlfriend that I have had. Not even in the good days with my wife.

"Besides, don't you think we have more pressing matters to discuss?"

"Your dad!" I sighed.

Now don't get me wrong - since I have accepted that there is no escaping this amazing woman and the things that she does to me, it still makes me uneasy to think that we are doing this behind my best friend's back. Admitting to myself how she makes me feel and that there is no escaping her - I feel more at peace than I have since my divorce. No, since before my divorce. I don't quite know how but it is as if my soul has found the ultimate calm and peace. There is no feeling in the world that can compare to this.

Is it love? Maybe. I don't know for sure but what I do know - I have never felt like this about anyone else.

"I don't like the idea of lying to him, Rem'!"

"Me either but until we know what this is and if it works, I think that is the only option open to us," stroking my fingers through her long, satin smooth hair, watching the way the strands fell through my grip, "what I mean is - there is no point in blowing up his entire world until we know that what we have is strong, and right," I am an asshole - I know it is more right than anything I have had before but there is a part of me that simply wants to be selfish and bask in her and what is growing between us.

I want her to myself for a little bit.

"I agree," she nodded, a small moan ripping through her mouth when my fingers massaged along the top of her scalp, "a part of me is scared that he will disown me-"

"Hey, that won't happen," I promised her, I knew my best friend better than I knew anyone else and there simply is no world where he would ever blame her.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know your dad and the way he ached to have you back in his life, there is no way that he would ever jeopardise you being here. If he blames anyone, it will be me!"

"I don't like the thought of that either-"

"It is inevitable, sweetheart. Why do you think that I fought so hard against this in the first place?"

"What changed though?" She asked me, "I mean, I know you said it was the outfit, but it can't have been just that-"

"It was a lot of things - the clothes certainly didn't help," I smiled down at her, "but seeing you getting closer and closer to Gavin and thinking that you were dating him, the thought of never being with you like that, the scent of your perfume, your laugh, the way you care about everyone, what you have been through - in short, just you! You are just too hard to resist and the way you make me feel - my fate was sealed the moment our eyes laid on one another at that airport!"

"So, you did feel that?"

"Of course, I did, baby-girl. I am actually surprised that your dad didn't see it-" but then again, he was a little preoccupied with his own little crush that there was no way that he would have noticed me and his daughter.

We both slipped into silence as we thought about Jason and how he was going to react to all of this. I knew it was going to be bad. I mean this is his daughter. No good father would be able to readily accept such a thing. I mean, as Dakota stated, it is romance-novel level crazy. It won't stop me from being with her though.

I need to be with her.

I have to be with her. There is nothing in this world or the next that will stop me. If I have to lose my best friend, then I will find a way to cope with that because my happiness is what is at stake and for a long time after my divorce, I thought that I was destined to live the rest of my life alone. Then this beautiful angel walked into my life, and everything seemed to just fit back together.

I can't give that up.

I won't give it up.