
X-Men: The fastest man alive!

Bart Allen is a college student studying at the university of San Francisco. However, one night while going over a new theory he thought up while trying to figure out the law of motion, the phoenix force returns and with it a massive wave of energy spreads throughout the world. Bart is hit by the wave while in his lab and is suddenly hit by a red lightning bolt. Changing his life forever.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime e quadrinhos
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26 Chs

Pulled back in.

After getting his and Laurie's stuff from Utopia, Bart began roaming the new school. Using the time, he has to rest and explore.

" This place is pretty big. And it feels a lot more. Well, more like home." Bart said to himself as he walked the halls of the school.

" I thought that as well." A young lady's voice said to Bart.

The boy turned to see who it was that spoke to him and to his surprise it was Idie, the young lady who had been a part of his team long ago.

" Idie!" Bart ran up to the girl and hugged. " It's good to see you again. You've grown a little since the last time I saw you. How have you been?" Bart asked the girl.

" I've been good. This place is more comforting than the Island. But it's still a crazy nest most of the times" Idie replied. " What are you doing here?" Idie asked.

" Well, me and Laurie left Utopia. And decided to come here." Bart replied.

" I'm glad to hear it. I know Hope will be thrilled to see you guys again as well." Idie said to the boy.

" Hope's here? I thought she was taken by the Avengers. What happened?" Bart asked.

" You don't know? I guess Mr. Summers wouldn't share much of the truth. Come on, I'll take you too her." Idie said to Bart. She grabbed the boy's hand and led him out of the school and towards a graveyard where, Hope and Wolverine were talking with one another.

As they were talking Hope looked over to Idie and smiled when she saw Bart. She nodded at Logan and walked over to the group.

" Bart it's so good to see you. How have you been?" Hope asked.

" I was gonna ask you the same. Last time I saw you, you were being taken by the Avengers. So what gives?" Bart asked the girl.

" You have a lot of catching up to do and we don't have much time. Scott and the others have gone off the deep end. They've been locking up Avengers left and right, Imprisoning them in hellish prisons. They're losing themselves to the phoenix force and must be stopped. If they don't, they could end up killing us all. And that I went with the Avengers voluntarily." Hope explained to the boy.

Bart brought his hands to his head and rubbed them down past his face. " All right, guess I'm coming to." Bart said to the girl.

" No, you are not." Hope replied.

" Yes, I am. If you're going out there to fight, I'm coming with you. Besides Laurie and I came here to escape from the fighting. But it sounds like all hell is about to break loose. And I guess you guys could use all the help you can get." Bart explained to the woman. " When do you guys leave?" Bart asked.

" We leave as soon as Beast is finished with his project." Hope replied.

" Then I'll head down there and see if I can help them out." Bart said to the girl. " Where is he?" Bart asked.

" In the sub-labs basement." Hope replied.

Bart nodded and turned to leave. " Bart." Hope called out to the boy. Bart turned back and looked at Hope questiongly. " It's good to see you again." Hope said to the boy.

Bart smiled and nodded before running off to the institute's basement.

" So, I heard Sparky's joining in now?" Logan asked Hope as he walked up to her and Idie.

" Yeah, guess so." Hope replied.

" Well, the boy's smart. If he can help Hank and the others, this just might go a bit more smoothly than I thought. Still though. This has all been one giant mess. And I'll be glad when it's over and we can move on." Logan said to the girl before walking away.

" Me too, Logan. Me too." Hope said sadly.

Bart ran down to the sub-labs basement and knocked on the giant steel door.

" What is it?" Hank asked as he opened the door. " My word, Mr. Allen. It's a pleasure to see you again. But we're currently busy. Can you please come back later." Hank asked the boy.

" Well, that's just it Mr. Mccoy I think I could be of some assistance here. I'm a bit of scientist myself." Bart replied.

" Yeah, well maybe you can help us kid. We could use as much as we can get." Tony said to Bart as he and sage went over the data they had collected.

" What could you know that we don't?" Sage asked.

" Well, if you'll let me. I can show you." Bart replied.

Hank looked at the others and nodded. " Okay, this is everything we've managed to compile on the Phoenix. Hope and Wandas powers and other potential solutions." Hank said as he showed Bart to the computer.

Bart rubbed his chin as he mewled over the data and suddenly felt a air of hands at his side.

" If I may friend. I might be of assistance." Broo said to Bart.

" Sure, friend. But I have a few ideas of myself." Bart replied.

The two young geniuses got to work shifting through the data together speeding through it and sorting out any gaps that tony and the others had found themselves stuck with.

" If we put this here. Then we should be able to maximize the output.' Brooo stated.

" No, if we do that, we risk a potential overload. And besides it seems like they have a clear-cut idea to win. And I have to admit it seems like the only plausible way." Bart replied as he shifted the genetic sequence out from where Broo had placed it.

" Yes, but as you should know there are many ways to skin the cat i think humans call it." Broo replied. " If we take this here and add on to this."

" Then the backflow will halt, and the circuits will be able to withstand more of the energy. Brilliant. Now, maybe if I factor in my speed and trail, I might be able to help keep Scott and Emma in place long enough for the plan to work. I'm surprised so many of the phoenix five have fallen in such a short amount of time. But that only means Scott and Emma will be stronger. Perhaps..." Bart hummed.

" What are you thinking?" Broo asked

" Well, I was thinking of a cascade effect." Bart replied.

" What kind of cascade effect. Do you mean the phoenix force itself?" Broo asked.

" No, I was just trying to envision any possible negatives that could risk failure. And there are a few. i believe the best course of action would be to take both Scott and Emma down at the same time. That way the energy from the phoenix force would have no other host to go to. But then that entails another problem. By releasing all of the energy, we would in turn be freeing the phoenix from its hosts and return it to its previous form. What do we do then?" Bart asked.

" I believe the best course of action would be for, Hope to take possession of the phoenix force. And maybe with all of the help she's received from Iron fist she may be able to control it." Broo replied.

" Maybe, but then wasn't that Scott's original plan? If so, then doesn't that mean this entire fight was pointless? Questions for later. For now. I believe we have your answer Mr. McCoy." Bart said to the man as he and broo finished their calculations.

" Hm, I see. Yes, this could work. It addresses most of our problems anyway." Hank replied.

" If you don't mind, young man." Tony said to Bart.

" Oh, just call me Bart, Or Barry, or Impulse Whatever you choose, it's all crash." Bart replied.

" Well, Barry, if you ever need a job. Stark industries is hiring."

" Not the time, Stark." Hank said to the man. " All right, we have everything we're ever going to get. It's time to go everyone." Hank said to the group as he gathered his things. Stark and Sage nodded and joined the man as he left the room.

Just before Bart could run and join the others, he was stopped once again by the little Brood. " I don't believe I have properly introduced myself friend, Barry. I am Broo the Brood." Broo introduced himself to Bart happily.

" Hey, Broo. Nice to meet you man. I hope after all of this we have a chance to talk shop. I'm not used to be surrounded by people my age who are as smart as I am. It's been a while since I've had the chance." Bart said to the boy.

" Well, Broo believes we will make it through this no problems." Broo stated.

" Yeah, hopefully we make it back." Bart replied.

" Oh, you are going with friend Barry?" Broo asked.

" Yeah, gonna try and put a stop to this mess. I can't sit on the sidelines while everyone else puts their lives on the line." Bart replied.

" Well, Broo wishes you the best of luck friend Barry." Broo said to Bart with a smile.

" Thanks, Broo. I'll see ya later." Bart said to the boy before running up the stairs, and joined the others.

" What are you doing, Mr. Allen?" Hank asked.

" Well, I'm coming with ya. No way am I sitting this out." Bart replied.

" Are you sure, sparky?" Logan asked.

" And let you guys get all the credit for saving the world? Ya no way. Now, let's go put an end to this stupid mess." Bart exclaimed.

Logan grinned and turned to the X-men that were coming with him." All right you heard him, everyone. Let's go."

Xavier, Rachel, Beast, Iceman, and Angel all walked side by side with Logan towards the final battle with Scott.

' How the hell did it get to this point so fast? Oh, man.' Bart thought to himself as he boarded the X-Jet with the others, potentially for one last time.

As they left a familiar figure watched in the distance.

" The phoenix Force. A powerful entity capable of wiping out planets with ease. A beast comparable to the speed force. I read many stories about this battle. It should be fun see how, Barry does. Hehehehe!" Thawne said before running after the ship.