
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Filmes
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43 Chs

Chapter 23: The Plot has Began (18+ fixed)

Timeline: April 20, 2003



Billy Brolin's heart raced as he undid the laces of Cruz Wilson 's corset, his hands trembling with anticipation. He couldn't believe they were finally alone together in this tent, away from their friends.



Cruz let out a soft moan as Billy pulled her corset down, revealing her perfect breasts encased in a lacy black bra. She reached up to help him remove it, their fingers brushing against each other in an electric touch that sent shivers down their spines.



Billy leaned forward and took one of Cruz's nipples into his mouth, sucking gently at first before teasing it with his tongue. Cruz arched her back and let out a long sigh of pleasure as she ran her fingers through Billy's hair. Her other hand found its way to the button on his pants, eagerly undoing them before sliding inside to feel the hardness that had been growing between them all day long.



Without breaking their kiss or losing contact with each other's skin, they both managed to get out of their clothes until they were naked. Then Billy positioned himself behind Cruz and slowly entered his penis in her vagina from behind in missionary position; she bit down on her lip trying not to cry out too loudly but couldn't help herself when he hit just right spot inside of her causing waves upon waves of pleasure throughout every part of body making sure not miss any spot while thrusting deep into cruz taking control over situation making sure both parties are satisfied. Then this time another position cowgirl position



As Billy watched Cruz ride him in cowgirl position, he couldn't help but admire the way her breasts bounced with each thrust. He reached up to cup them, teasing her nipples with his fingers as she continued to grind against him.



Cruz Wilson moaned loudly, the sound echoing through the tent as she felt Billy's hands on her chest. She leaned forward slightly so that their lips could meet once more in a passionate kiss.



As Billy Brolin, an 18-year-old boy, and Cruz Wilson, also 18 having sex in a tent.



Cruz whispered breathlessly, "Oh God, Billy, I love you so much."



Billy replied softly, "I love you too, babe."



As they continued, the tent suddenly unzipped, and three masked figures wielding knives appeared, causing Cruz to scream in terror.



"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Cruz exclaimed.



Billy reacted swiftly, shouting as he punched one of the masked figures, causing him to stumble.



The masked intruders then removed their masks, revealing themselves as Billy's friends.



One of them, holding his jaw, complained, "Damn it, Billy, I think you broke my jaw!"



Billy hastily wrapped the blanket sheet around himself and Cruz, both of them now realizing they had fallen victim to their friends' prank.



"You fucking deserve it, you assholes!" Billy yelled at his friends.



Gus McKaley, recovering from the punch, approached Lita Marquez, who looked at him with concern.



"Are you okay, baby?" she asked, her voice filled with worry and also smiling at him.



Gus shook his head slightly, still nursing his sore jaw. "No," he replied sheepishly.



Cruz, her heart still racing from the scare, couldn't contain her frustration. "Get the fuck out of here," she demanded, her voice trembling with anger and embarrassment.



Billy, his face flushed with a combination of anger and indignation, looked at his friends incredulously. "What the hell are you guys doing dressed like that anyway?" he demanded, gesturing to their makeshift costumes and masks.



Julian Jones, one of the pranksters, couldn't help but grin. "For the Mountain Man Festival. Thought we'd have some fun," he explained, clearly amused by the situation.



Gus, now recovering from the shock, joined in the laughter. "Yeah, where are your costumes?" he teased, his amusement evident as he glanced at Billy and Cruz, who were still trying to compose themselves and cover their nakedness with the blanket sheet.



Meanwhile, Lita chuckled softly at the unfolding scene, finding the prank both daring and hilarious. Billy looked at his friends with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.



"What?" he asked, his smile widening as he realized the extent of the prank.



Cruz, still clutching the blanket around herself, interjected, "We don't have any costumes."



Lita laughed, tossing a mask towards Cruz. "You can't go without a costume. It shows lack of commitment," she teased playfully.



Cruz caught the mask and threw it back at Lita, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Can we have this conversation after I can get dressed?" she retorted.



Lita and everyone else chuckled at Cruz's response.



"Okay, okay," Lita conceded with a grin, catching the mask and holding onto it.



Julian Jones, one of the pranksters, chimed in with a smirk, "Nice one, Billy."



Billy chuckled despite himself. "Nice. Assholes." he replied, shaking his head in mock frustration.



With their prank successfully executed, the trio decided to leave the tent, giving Billy and Cruz some space to dress up and compose themselves.



As they exited, Lita turned back with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You two have fun getting dressed." she quipped before disappearing outside with Julian and Gus.



Once they were alone again, Billy and Cruz shared a knowing smile. They quickly dressed in their clothes, still laughing about the unexpected interruption and their friends' elaborate prank.



"I can't believe they got us like that." Billy said, pulling on his shirt and trying to stifle his laughter.



Cruz nodded, buttoning up her blouse. "They sure know how to make an entrance." she remarked, her eyes sparkling with amusement.



Billy finished dressing and moved closer to Cruz, gently taking her hand. "Well, at least we know they're committed to the Mountain Man Festival." he joked, leaning in to kiss her cheek.



Cruz grinned, leaning into Billy's embrace. "Yeah, and I guess we have to step up our costume game now," she replied playfully, enjoying the moment, despite the initial shock.


Kaleen Webber, the news anchorwoman for a local news affiliate in Fairville, West Virginia, stood amidst the bustling crowd, ready to report on the town's annual Mountain Man Festival.



"This is Kaleen Webber, reporting from the small town of Fairlake," Kaleen began, her voice clear and authoritative amidst the festival's lively atmosphere.



She glanced around at the people busy with preparations and festivities before continuing, "which, once a year, transforms into a bustling hub reminiscent of Halloween, all thanks to the 10th annual Mountain Man Music Festival."



Pausing for effect, Kaleen adjusted her microphone and continued, "People from all over the country descend upon Fairlake for a weekend of music, partying, and fun at the fairgrounds just outside town."



"The festival has grown over the years to where it now rivals iconic events like Coachella and Lollapalooza," she added, gesturing to the vibrant scene around her. "But some say its free-spirited vibe and rowdy crowds remind them more of Burning Man."



She shifted her gaze towards the town, the evening sun casting a warm glow over the festivities. "This unique blend of music and culture has local officials keeping a watchful eye tonight," she explained, her tone turning more serious. "Here with me is one of the town's visitors, Mr. Albert Patterson."



Turning to face Albert, a man with striking red hair and piercing red eyes, Kaleen asked, "Albert, what are your thoughts on the festival and its impact on Fairlake?"



Albert's smirk hinted about something beneath his polite demeanor as he replied, "As you can see, our town is fully embracing the festival spirit today, and I believe it's going to be a day filled with excitement."



"Thank you, Albert," Kaleen said, nodding politely. "That's wonderful to hear." She turned back to the camera, wrapping up her report, "And that concludes our coverage from Fairlake. Now, back to you at the studio."



With a final smile for the camera, Kaleen signaled the end of her live broadcast, the sounds of music and laughter from the festival continuing in the background as she prepared to return to the studio.



Adam Wilson and Porter Harmss hurried along the road leading towards the town where Alpha was. Adam knew that the plot started during the Mountain Man Festival



"Let's go, we can't waste time." Adam urged, his voice tinged with determination as he checked his gear.



Porter nodded, his expression focused as he double-checked his weapons—a gun and a knife—making sure everything was in place. "Got it," he replied, his tone serious.



"Man, I still can't help but be jealous of your abilities," Porter admitted, a hint of admiration and envy in his voice. "You have this inventory power, like a game."



Adam smiled faintly at Porter's comment, understanding his friend's sentiments but focusing on the task at hand. "Come on, let's keep moving." he said, gesturing for them to continue on their way.



Porter chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Okay, okay." he agreed, falling into step beside Adam as they walked briskly toward their destination.



As they moved forward, Adam's thoughts raced ahead. "Alpha, wait for me, because I'm going to make sure to kill you this time." he vowed silently, his determination fueling each step they took closer to confronting their nemesis.



Outside the cluster of tents and camping gear, Julian Jones, Billy Brolin, Lita Marquez, Cruz Wilson, and Gus McKaley gathered, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the bustling campground.



Gus, still nursing his sore jaw from Billy's punch, held a soda can against his face as an improvised ice pack.



"Hurry up, man. Come on. We've got to get on the road. I don't want to be late for the festival." Gus urged, his voice slightly muffled by the can.



Billy stretched lazily, his movements slow as he yawned. "Alright, give me a minute to get up first." he replied groggily, rubbing his eyes.



Julian, ever the joker, couldn't resist teasing Billy. "We heard you're the one-minute man." he teased with a whistle, earning chuckles from everyone around.



Cruz, standing beside Billy and defending him playfully, placed a reassuring hand on his chest. "No, I assure you, he has no problems in that department." she quipped with a smirk.



Billy grinned at Cruz's comment. "Alright, alright. I'm starving," he declared, his stomach rumbling audibly. He turned to Gus, his demeanor shifting to a more serious tone. "I've got to make breakfast first." he added firmly.



Gus sighed in exasperation. "Come on, Billy." he pleaded, eager to get going.



"Well, you've got to start your day out right." Billy retorted, his tone lightening slightly as he glanced around at his friends.



Julian nodded in agreement, a mischievous grin still on his face. "Well, that's... okay." he conceded, acknowledging Billy's insistence on breakfast.



As the group bantered and prepared for the day ahead at the festival, the camaraderie among them was evident, their playful exchanges setting a cheerful tone for the morning.




Meanwhile, Kaleen Webber and Mr. Albert Patterson walked through the peaceful woods, looking for a quiet moment to have sex together.



"So, Mr. Albert, this is your idea of a private spot for some fun?" Kaleen teased, eyeing him up and down. Albert, with his wealth and striking features—red hair, crimson eyes, and charming lips—looked every bit of a wealthy gentleman.



Kaleen met Albert charming eyes and remarked, "I never knew you had this wild side."



Albert chuckled softly. "A man like me appreciates places like this, Ms. Kaleen." he replied with a smirk.



"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get naked." Kaleen suggested playfully.



Albert nodded, but his expression shifted. "Oh, before that, allow me to introduce you to my minions."



Suddenly, figures emerged from the shadows—disfigured and armed with knives and machetes, their laughter echoing eerily through the woods.



Kaleen's playful demeanor turned to fear. "What's happening, Mr. Albert?!"




The disfigured figures closed in around Kaleen, who backed away in terror. "Don't touch me! Albert! Help me!!!"



Suddenly, one of the figures swiftly swung their weapon, cutting off Kaleen's head. Her head rolled on the ground and stopping near Alpha's feet.



Alpha knelt beside Kaleen's lifeless form and sneered, 'Your lusty expression disgusts me... Just as I expected, Adam's face is truly different.



He looked up at the sky, his voice tinged with anticipation. "I cannot wait for you, Adam. Please, return to me quickly. Come to me."



To be continue