
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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58 Chs

Side Chapter: Nightmare

Adam and his friends were gathered outside, preparing for a hiking trip planned for the weekend. Among them were Jonathan Hudgerson, Adam's best friend with his black, messy hair; Jacob Morales, a black teenager with short hair; Diane Gayle, a girl with short, boyish black hair; David Smith, a bulky teenage boy; and Rebecca Pritt, a vibrant girl with sexy, yellow hair.



"Adam, so your uncle will join us on our hiking trip?" Jonathan asked.



Adam, ever the nerd, replied, "Yes, he told me that someone should supervise us, so he volunteered to be our guardian."



David scoffed and said, "What are we, 12? We don't need babysitting." He shot a disdainful look at Adam and added, "As expected of Adam... a grown child."



Diane glared at David and countered, "Shut up, David. We're 16 years old, okay? We're still teenagers. What Adam's uncle is doing is right. Someone needs to supervise us. What if we get lost or something happens to us? We need an adult to help us."



David retorted, "Whatever. I'm not like Adam—a baby."



Adam thought to himself, "If only I could kill someone, you'd be first, David. But you're just lucky I consider you a friend." His mind was already clouded with dark thoughts.



Jacob stepped in, trying to diffuse the tension. "Chillax, man, okay? Chillax."



Rebecca looked at David and said, "Babe, don't mind him. He's just an average boy, okay?"


David, feeling reassured, said, "You're right, babe, He is just a nerdy" and kissed Rebecca on the lips.



Diane rolled her eyes at David response but decided not to say anything. She knew David could be stubborn, and arguing with him wasn't worth ruining the mood before their trip.



Jonathan, though irritated by David's comment, tried to keep the peace. "Alright, guys, let's not argue. We're all looking forward to this trip, right?"



Jacob chimed in, his excitement evident. "I can't wait! This is gonna be so much fun. And David, don't worry, Men, Adam's uncle won't cramp on your style. He'll probably just be chilling by the campfire or something."



David smirked, finally relenting. "Alright, alright, if you say so. As long as he doesn't try to give us a curfew or something."



As their conversation wound down, the group began to disperse, each member heading off to their respective activities for the day.



Jacob suddenly remembered his baseball practice. "Oh shoot, I still have baseball practice today," he exclaimed, looking at his watch with concern.



Rebecca glanced over at David with playful eyes. "Guess we should get going too, right babe?" she teased, nudging David gently.



David grinned back at her, equally playful. "Yeah babe, tonight's going to be a blast," he replied with a wink, the anticipation evident in his voice.



Diane, standing a bit apart from the others, muttered under her breath, "These hyenas," shaking her head with a sigh. She then addressed the group more audibly, "I should probably head out too. I've got band practice later."



Jonathan, ever the supportive friend, chimed in, "Oh, good luck with that, Diane!"



"Thanks," Diane replied with a small smile, appreciating Jonathan's encouragement.



Adam, who had been observing the interactions quietly, nodded to himself. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts about the upcoming trip and the dynamics within the group.



Jonathan turned to Adam, breaking the silence. "Should we head out too, dude?" he asked, ready to move on with their day.



Adam snapped out of his thoughts and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice as he looked forward to the weekend's adventure.



With that, the group began to disperse, each member heading off in their own direction, their minds already shifting gears to focus on the tasks and practices ahead of them.




As Jonathan and Adam walked together, their conversation continued with a mix of humor and sincerity.



Jonathan nudged Adam playfully, a grin on his face. "Did you see how Diane looked at me and said 'Thanks'?..... I'll forever engrave it in my mind."



Adam chuckled, shaking his head. "You're being a bit of a romantic loser right now."



Jonathan mockingly feigned offense. "Hey, it's not being a loser, it's called appreciating a moment!"



"Sure, whatever you say," Adam replied teasingly, amused by Jonathan's enthusiasm.



Jonathan chuckled and then turned more serious, looking ahead as they walked. "You know, Adam... I'm really excited for this trip."



Adam raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"



Jonathan paused for a moment, reflecting. "Well, it's just... It's fun hanging out with all of you, you know? Being with friends, away from everything else."



Adam couldn't help but smile at Jonathan's sincerity. "You're so corny, dude," he teased gently.



Jonathan blushed slightly, scratching the back of his head. "Sh-shut up," he stammered, trying to regain his composure.



Adam burst out laughing, his amusement infectious as Jonathan joined in, their laughter echoing as they continued on their way.



Their camaraderie and banter highlighted the genuine bond between them, setting a lighthearted tone as they looked forward to the upcoming adventure with their friends.




In a dark and abandoned building, Alpha, with striking red hair and eyes, sat like a king among his disfigured minions. The atmosphere was tense, filled with creaking sounds and occasional whispers echoing through the desolate space.



Alpha, clearly bored and looking for amusement, watched as two of his minions played around clumsily. They seemed oblivious to Alpha's presence until he spoke up.



"I'm bored. Kill each other for me," Alpha commanded, his voice carrying authority and menace.



The two minions exchanged nervous glances, clearly startled by Alpha's sudden demand. Their disfigured features twisted in confusion and fear.



Growing impatient, Alpha's eyes flashed red as he repeated, "I said, I'm bored! Kill each other!!" His voice reverberated with intensity, underscoring the threat.



Feeling the urgency and threat in Alpha's words, the two minions hesitated no longer. With desperation and fear driving them, they grabbed crude machetes and lunged at each other.



One swung wildly, aiming for the other's legs, while the second retaliated by slashing at the first's arm. Their cries of pain echoed through the decrepit building, filling the air with a chilling echo.



Alpha observed the brutal scene with a twisted sense of satisfaction, a smirk creeping across his face. "Now that's entertaining," he remarked, relishing the chaos he had incited.



Yet, beneath his outward amusement, Alpha longed for something deeper. His thoughts drifted to finding someone who could provide him with constant thrill and amusement, someone who could exhilarate him every day.



In the unsettling silence that followed the violence, Alpha's craving for excitement burned brightly. Seated on his makeshift throne amidst the aftermath, he pondered his next move, forever hungry for the thrill that always seemed just out of reach.



After Adam and Jonathan finished their conversation and parted ways, Adam made his way home. Approaching his house, he noticed his uncle Joe sitting on the porch, engrossed in reading the newspaper.



"Uncle Joe, you're here," Adam greeted him warmly, a small smile playing on his lips.



Uncle Joe looked up from his newspaper, folding it neatly and setting it aside. "Hello, Adam. Come here," he beckoned gently.



Adam approached his uncle, standing before him with a mix of emotions visible on his face.



"Are you embarrassed that I want to come on your hiking trip?" Uncle Joe asked, his tone gentle and understanding.



Adam hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he responded. "To be honest, Uncle, I am embarrassed. You know me—I'm introverted. This is the first time I've made friends aside from Jonathan, and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have any friends right now," Adam admitted, looking into his uncle's eyes earnestly. "I don't want them to think of me as lame and weird, but..."



Uncle Joe listened attentively, his expression softening with empathy as Adam continued.



"But," Adam continued, a small smile breaking through, "I think it's better for you to be there for me. I'm still 16 years old, and I still need you."



Uncle Joe's eyes glistened with mixed emotions, touched by Adam's vulnerability and honesty. He wiped a tear discreetly and spoke with heartfelt sincerity, "Adam... you..." His voice momentarily faltered as he composed himself. "I'm sure Glen and Mari, your parents, are proud of you."



Adam nodded, a sense of gratitude and relief washing over him. "Thanks, Uncle Joe... for everything."



Uncle Joe smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's what an uncle does—to always be there for his nephew."



With that assurance, Adam felt a sense of reassurance and comfort. His uncle's presence meant more to him than just supervision on a hiking trip—it symbolized support, understanding, and familial love that he cherished deeply.



Now days has passed


Adam Wilson had been looking forward to this hiking trip for weeks. At sixteen, he found peace in nature, but spending time with his close friends made him especially excited.



As they walked deeper into the forest, sunlight filtered through the trees, casting shadows on the trail. Adam, usually lost in thought, watched the light and the movements of animals around them.



Jonathan, his best friend since childhood, broke the silence. "Adam, can you believe we're finally out here? No Teachers, no homework—just us and nature."



Adam smiled, appreciating Jonathan's excitement. "Yeah, it's nice," he said, adjusting his backpack.



Rebecca, with her perfect hair and a touch of makeup even for hiking, walked ahead. "Ugh, I can't believe we're out here with no music. How am I supposed to survive without my CD player?"


Jacob, the planner, checked the map. "We're making good time. The clearing should be up ahead. Perfect spot for a break."



David, always the bully, walked behind Adam, whispering in a low voice so only Adam could hear. "Hey, Adam, think you can keep up? Don't want you slowing us down."



Adam stumbled slightly but kept his composure. "I'll be fine, David," he replied quietly, used to David's taunts.



Adam thought, "Should I poison this guy? No, no, no. Remember what Uncle Joe said—killing is bad."



He took a deep breath, trying to push away the dark thoughts and focus on enjoying the trip with his friends.



Uncle Joe, a reassuring presence ahead of them, turned back occasionally to make sure everyone was keeping pace, unaware of the undercurrent of tension. "Let's keep moving, everyone. Safety first."



Diane Gayle, with her short boyish black hair and determined stride, caught up with David and Adam. "David, lay off him. We're all here to have a good time," she said firmly.



David rolled his eyes but didn't argue. "Whatever, Diane."



When they reached the clearing, Adam sighed in relief. A stream wound through the meadow, bordered by wildflowers. It was a peaceful scene that made Adam feel calm.



Adam thought, "This is perfect for killing, huh? I wonder if there is a killer here."



Despite his dark thoughts, he tried to focus on the tranquility around him. Then Rebecca broke his fuck up thoughts.



"I call dibs on this spot!" Rebecca announced, spreading out a picnic blanket. "And don't even think about sitting too close, Adam."



Adam thought, "Bitch, I'd rather die than sit with you... you're just a slut." He sighed, shaking his head. He thought again "No, no, don't do that Adam she is a friend."



He took a deep breath, trying to focus on the beauty of their surroundings instead.



Jacob spread out the map to mark their progress. "Sir, we are here in this location," he said, pointing to the map.



Uncle Joe nodded approvingly. "Alright, everyone, let's take a break and have some snacks."



They settled down, unpacking their snacks and sharing snippets of their lives outside the forest. Rebecca complained about her latest school drama, while David bragged about his recent victories, occasionally throwing a jab at Adam.



"Bet you couldn't even lift your own backpack, Adam," David sneered quietly enough so that Uncle Joe, who was at the edge of the clearing looking at the trees, wouldn't hear.



Jonathan shot David a look. "Cut it out, David. Adam's doing fine."



Adam repeated to himself in his thoughts, "He's a friend, okay? No matter what jerk he is... he is your friend. Erase your dark thoughts."



As his face turning red due to angry, but he decided to ignore David's remarks. He focused instead on enjoying the comforting sounds of laughter and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Despite being naturally introverted, he valued these moments with his friends, flaws and all, as they were an integral part of his life.



Then Adam looked over at Uncle Joe and said with genuine appreciation, "Uncle, this is nice. Being out here with nature, it feels good"



Uncle Joe smiled warmly. "Indeed, Adam. Sometimes, being surrounded by nature is the best medicine."



But Their peaceful break was abruptly shattered when arrows, swift and silent, began raining down on them from the surrounding trees.


"Get down!" Uncle Joe's voice rang out, pulling Adam behind a large tree trunk.



Panic surged through the group as they scrambled for cover. The tranquil clearing transformed into a battlefield within seconds, leaving Adam's heart pounding with fear and confusion. He clung to Uncle Joe's guidance, his senses overwhelmed by the sudden chaos.



Jonathan cried out in pain as an arrow grazed his arm. "What the heck is happening?"



David's voice was filled with disbelief. "Who would attack us out here?"



Rebecca screamed, her voice piercing the chaos. "This can't be happening!"



Diane, ever the brave one, tried to spot the attackers. "Everyone stay low! We need to stay together."



Uncle Joe's voice, steady despite the urgency, cut through the chaos. "Stay low, everyone! We need to find cover until they stop."



Suddenly, arrows whizzed through the air, striking each person in the neck. Even Uncle Joe was not spared, muttering a curse before he collapsed unconscious.



Adam, who had been watching in horror, felt a surge of panic as he saw his friends and uncle fall one by one. "Shit, shit, shit! What happened?" His voice quivered with fear and confusion.



Before he could react, Adam himself was hit by an arrow. Pain shot through his neck, and he staggered backward, clutching the wound. "Uncle Joe, everyone, no!" he managed to gasp before darkness enveloped him completely.



The peaceful clearing, where laughter and companionship had reigned moments ago, now lay silent and eerie. The group had been knocked unconscious by unseen attackers, leaving only the occasional rustle of wind through the trees to break the stillness.



Emerging from the dense foliage, a figure with striking red hair and piercing red eyes moved gracefully elegant into view. He surveyed the scene with a sinister smirk, his gaze fixating on Adam with sadistic eyes.



"This will be interesting," he muttered softly, his voice carrying a chilling undertone that echoed through the trees.



Adam Wilson, also known as Eric Newman, woke suddenly, breathing heavily and in a panic. His abrupt movement stirred Porter from his sleep.



"Adam, are you okay?" Porter mumbled, rubbing his eyes groggily.



"It's nothing, just a nightmare," Adam replied, his voice trembling with the remnants of fear.



Porter blinked at him, his eyes heavy with sleep, and muttered, "Okay," before turning over and trying to drift back to sleep.



Adam lay there, his thoughts swirling like a storm. The nightmare had felt terrifyingly real, vividly bringing back the memories of pain and tragedy. In the darkness of his room, he whispered to himself with quiet intensity, "One day, you will die by my hand, Alpha." His voice was barely audible, filled with anger and resolve. It was both a personal vow and a challenge to the monster who had shattered their lives.



 The End of Side Chapter