
whispered promise of love 8


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 8

Sammy) wow smart move and they smile and continue eating they're meals

Elisa look at Diego and Sammy and walk out towards Marcus but Marcus didn't stop and went straight to home

9;30 pm in Elisa parents house in Elisa room; Elisa try to sleep but she can't sleep, and flip on the bed.

After Elisa fall asleep!

On road Diego is driving from town to home and his car break spoiled; Diego try to step on the break but it didn't work; after which and he crash with someone's car and Diego car flip in the air, while Elisa stand aside; and scream Diego name, just when the car landed on the ground and Elisa rush towards the car; while Diego is bleeding seriously, when they check him and say his died;

Elisa rush towards Diego on the floor while crying, and held Diego on her laps, shed tears, and screaming Diego name, and someone knock on her door and she wake up

Elisa) it's a dream; why such a dream, and grab her phone to call Diego, after scrolling to Diego contact, she stop and stared at the contact and close to phone screen and put the phone on the bed and walk out

After which in some coffee shop

Diego and Maria meet again to have coffee

Maria) last time you run off after I told you, I have crush on you?

Diego) yeah; I left something at office and went to pick it; but why do you love me?

Maria) there is no reason for me; I like everything about you, that is all

After few minutes, Diego and Maria holding each other hands, walking towards the gate while talking to each other and laughing and Diego bump up to someone on the gate and the person hand bag fall down,

Diego) ma,am! I'm so sorry and he grab the hand bag on the floor, just when Diego stand up and say here and saw Elisa; and Elisa stared into Diego eyes while Diego holding the bag

After few minutes of stared in each other eyes and Maria say, sorry and Diego handed the bag give Elisa and say, sorry

Maria) let's go and they pass by Elisa after they pass and Elisa turn to look at them and her eyes and Diego eyes crash and she turn fast

In Diego car;

Maria) I'm sorry I hope I didn't get you into trouble?

Diego) why do you say that?

Maria) because we just bump up to your wife, and Diego smile and say don't worry about that

Evening time in B. P. R mansion

Diego walk in and seat opposite his mum on the sofa and lay down on his mum lab

Diego mum) what is going on, are you ok

Diego) I'm good, but I feel strange about something?

Diego mum) what is that?

Diego) I ask my lawyer about my divorce and he says Elisa has not signed the papers yet

After some minutes in Elisa parents house, someone knock on the door and Elisa mum open the door, and Diego say good evening

Elisa mum) fine evening, how can I help you?

Diego) where is your daughter? And Elisa mum call her and she come out from the room and walk towards her mom; and her mom say; he is looking for you

Diego) I need our divorce papers; give it to me, if you have sign them

Elisa) I haven't signed it yet; give me some time to figure things out

Diego smile and say; what things, you wanted divorce and I give it to you ; what do you still want to figure out? I want it to be done soon as possible, my parents want me to get married this weekend; and I can't keep them waiting! And he turn and enter his car and drove away

Elisa stretch her hand towards Diego to say something; but Diego has already gone and she put her hand down and enter her room, and took the divorce papers and stared at it quietly and smile and put it back

The next day in B. P. R mansion Elisa knock on the door and Diego mum open it; Elisa has brought all her things back, and walk inside the house

Diego mum) I thought you have divorce my son