
whispered promise of love 7


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 7

Diego hug his mum and say, am late, I have to go and he walk out and his mom rase her head and say; God bless my son, while Elisa is on the stairs, watching

After which Elisa went to upstairs in Diego room and start packing her clothes and everything belongs to her!

Elisa park her things finish and turn to walk out and saw Diego picture on the table; and she pick the picture and say; is this not what, I have always wanted; then why now that you have give it to me; I feel crap inside me, as if am about to lost something precious!

Downstairs Diego mum call the driver and he help Elisa took her things to the car!

Elisa walk towards Diego mum to say something just when she is about to open her mouth and Diego mum say; don't worry I understand you; greet your parents for us and she went upstairs

In Sammy house

Diego walk in and shake Sammy hand and seat on the sofa while Sammy is playing video game

Diego) let play challenge, who lose will take the winner out tonight to have fun and pay the bills

Sammy) you like money too much; everything you wants to use it to make money;

Diego) money is important in this world, you can't trust people but you can always trust money; because whenever you get into trouble money will solve it simple!

Sammy drop the game pad and held Diego hand and say; Diego you are strong guy; don't let that nonsense break you;

After some minutes Elisa arrive her parents House and she get down from the car and the driver return back to B. P. R mansion

Elisa parents rush towards her and hug her and welcome her; and her mum say; Elisa is everything alright? why you brought all your things back?

Elisa) I'm sorry for disappointed you! mum and dad; I have divorce Diego!

Elisa father) what; do you want our family to go to jail or? and he held Elisa hand and tell her to seat and she seat after few minutes of talking and her parents understand her;

Elisa mum) my daughter, don't worry, no matter what you will do, we will always support you; and Elisa enter her room

Evening time in a restaurant; Sammy and Diego arrive and place they're order; after which and the waiters serve them

Sammy) since we became friends this is the first time you have loss a game; and I know it because you want to spoil me tonight,

Diego) tonight all the bills is on me, order what ever you want; and he move close and whispered that; even if you wish to go night club, I will go with you!

Sammy) what? are you serious about that? yes yes! and Diego say, don't be too excited! And Marcus say wow, your parents has finally free you

Diego and Sammy turn around towards the person;

Marcus) I heard, your parents allowed you to divorce your force wife!

Marcus continue say nonsense while Diego heart is rasing, and Sammy held his hand and shake his head, and Diego breath out and let it fly

After which Elisa return from bathroom and walk towards they're table but she didn't see Marcus and turn around and saw him stand on Diego and Sammy table and she walk towards him

Marcus) sometimes I wonder why your parents are so stupid thinking, they can do everything they want, because they have money; and Diego phone ring and he answer the call,

Diego) mum, yeah I'm with Sammy, maybe I will not return early, please go to bed early, ok, I love you mum and hang up

Marcus laugh and say, still your mother is still acting stupid, when will you grow up, Marcus say stupid things to Diego and Diego take off his jacket before Sammy could hold him and he punch Marcus on his nose,

Marcus rush to punch him, before Marcus could rase his hand and Diego clear him down on the floor

Diego held his hand and say; be careful; before I mess you up and Diego drag him towards the war and the waiters, beg Diego to stop and Diego whispered to Marcus ears; if you ever say something dirty about my parents; consider yourself died. and he let it go of Marcus hand

Marcus stared at how people are stared at him, and he walk out without even tell Elisa to come and Diego return to his table

Sammy) wow smart move; and they smile and continue on they're meal