
whispered promise of love 9


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 9

B. P. R mansion

Elisa knock on the door and Diego mum open it and she entered

Diego mum) Elisa, I thought you have divorce my son and what are you doing here?

Elisa) maybe I didn't do it, and I'm here to claim my price! And she call the maids to took her bags upstairs

After which and Elisa went to upstairs to Diego room

After some hours and Diego return back from work and hug his mum and say; how was your day and drop his bag on the sofa, and Elisa walk from upstairs and seat on the sofa

Diego stared at her and whispered to his mum that,; what is she doing here?

Diego mum whispered back; I don't know why she return back, again; and Diego turn towards Elisa and say; what do you want in my house here?

Elisa) come on, am your wife, I don't need permission to enter here!

Diego laugh and say you most be dreaming; have you forget the divorce papers, I give to you?

Elisa) oh this and she took the paper out and say; I didn't sign them and right now I think it has no use to me! so; I will destroy it and she tier it into two and return to upstairs

Diego took his phone and call Sammy; 📞

Diego) hey bro meet me, at the bar; I have something to discuss with you,

After some minutes in the bar; Diego walk towards Sammy and shake his hand and seat and Sammy tell the bar man to give him something to drink;

Sammy) is everything okay; why are you worried?

Diego) is about that Elisa girl!

Sammy) did she call you in court or;

Diego) she is in my house right now; I thought she said she doesn't like someone like me; then what is she doing in my house again?

Sammy) I thought you give her, divorce before she left the other Time?

Sammy) yes but she didn't sign it!

Sammy draw close to Diego and whispered something into his ears and they smile

After some minutes in B. P. R mansion

Diego walk towards his room, just when he enter the room and saw that they have change the curtains in the room! And Diego scream his mom, name mum; and Elisa come out from the bathroom, with her night wear

Diego) who permit you to change the curtains, and Elisa walk towards him; and say; this room looks old, so I diced to turn it to this, how do you see this; and Diego got angry; he almost slap Elisa and he control his anger , and put his hand down and walk out towards downstairs, and sleep on the sofa

Next morning in kitchen; Elisa walk inside and greet Diego mum; and start preparing her breakfast,

Diego mum) don't play with your life; not everything is ordinary to Diego; you could be died body anytime; if you continue to, mess up with his things; that means, a lot to him and she walk out

In Elisa mind; does that curtains really mean, something to him; and he could kill someone who mess up with them! After which Elisa finish preparing her breakfast and went back to the room!

After which Diego bath finish and return to the room and dress up and went to downstairs, and eat breakfast after that and he went to work

In the downstairs Elisa walk towards Diego mum, seating on the sofa and seat next to her

Diego mum) do you need something or?

Elisa) why you still care even when I act disrespectful towards you? and Diego mum smile and say, I know young people! they don't know what they want and you are one of them, but I have an advice for you! You better act fast before it too late!

Elisa) why that old curtains seems like it means, su much to Diego? and Diego mum turn towards her and say; that was the last gift his cousin Mirabel give to him; before she gets accident and died! the last time I mistake cut some piece from it, he didn't talk to me like a week!

Evening Diego return from work; and went straight to his room to change his clothes! Diego look around, they have change the curtains again; and this time it's his old curtains

Diego stared at it and smile quietly and Elisa walk in and Diego went to bathroom without a word

Diego' left his phone in the bedroom and Elisa take Sammy number from it and put it down again and went to downstairs

After which the family meet in downstairs; to have dinner

Diego father) I thought you say, you have divorce Elisa?

Diego) sometimes, people come into our life because of our money not because they love us; maybe she is one of them;

Diego mum) let stop the talking and eat!

Elisa just stared in the food while, keeping the spoon inside the food without eating and Diego mum ask her to eat and she smile;

After the dinner! in Diego room Elisa stared at Diego and say; you think I'm here because of your money?

Diego) I Know people like you; if not because of money; why are you here? while you supposed to be with Marcus your lover?