
Whirlwind of hearts

The reunion of Isabella and Nick after two years sets the stage for a captivating journey of love, friendship, and unforeseen complications. Once school friends with an unspoken connection, their paths diverged, leaving behind unresolved tensions. As they reunite, the air is thick with emotions they can no longer ignore. Amidst the delicate dance of rekindled feelings, Nick's best friend, Lucas, enters the picture, introducing a new layer of complexity. Lucas's genuine charm unwittingly sparks jealousy in Nick, adding a dimension of unexpected romance. Isabella, torn between the comforting familiarity of Nick and the magnetic allure of Lucas, finds herself at the center of a love triangle she never anticipated.

AmaraNova · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


The city lights painted streaks of color as Nick sat in the car, the engine's hum blending with his chaotic thoughts. The night air was chilly, but Nick's internal turmoil created a warmth that surpassed the cold exterior.

Returning home, Nick was greeted by the comforting scent of familiarity. Lola, the cheerful maid, smiled, but Nick, lost in his thoughts, barely acknowledged her. Alone in his room, he replayed moments with Isabella, contemplating how to mend their fractured relationship.

Time passed, and at 8:30, the tranquility was shattered by the creak of the front door. Carlos, Nick's brother, entered with a casual greeting. Lola called out, breaking the solitude. Nick emerged, eyes carrying the weight of unresolved emotions.

Nick sat on the edge of his bed, replaying moments with Isabella like a broken record. The walls closed in as he contemplated mending their fractured relationship.

At the dinner table, Carlos glanced at Nick with a probing gaze.

"I heard Bella is back," Carlos said, his tone casual but eyes searching for a reaction. The room became tense.

Nick, staring into his plate, remained silent. Carlos pressed on, "What's wrong, Nick? You've been distant."

A heavy sigh escaped Nick, admitting there was more beneath the surface. Lola served dinner, stealing glances at Nick.

"What are you thinking?" Carlos insisted. Nick finally spoke, his words laden with a weight only he could comprehend.

"I don't know how she is, and I don't know what to do about it," Nick admitted. The truth hung in the air, laying bare the complexity of emotions in Nick's heart.

Carlos leaned forward, "Nick, if there's something you need to talk about, I'm here."

Nick nodded, and the dinner table became a confessional, the ghost of Isabella lingering, casting a subtle influence over their lives.

Nick and Carlos lapsed into an uneasy silence. Just as he was about to make his exit, Carlos broke the silence, his voice cutting through the quiet. "I want to meet her. It's been so long since I've seen her. Invite her to our place next Sunday. We'll have dinner together."

Nick's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected request. He stood frozen for a moment, the weight of Carlos's words settling around him. Reluctantly, he responded, "Of course, I'll invite her. But I'm not sure if she'll come."

Carlos fixed him with a determined gaze, his expression unwavering. "Don't be rude, Nick. Invite her politely and sweetly, or else I'll invite her myself."

A tinge of jealousy stirred within Nick as he imagined Carlos and Isabella in conversation, their worlds colliding in a way he hadn't anticipated. He hesitated for a moment, grappling with the conflicting emotions, before finally asserting, "Don't worry. I will invite her myself." The words carried a subtle undertone, a silent claim over a connection that still held significance, despite the passage of time. The promise lingered in the air, leaving an unspoken agreement between the brothers.

The night hung heavy with Nick's contemplations. The flickering city lights outside cast fleeting shadows, mirroring the ephemerality of his thoughts.

Nick, ensnared in memories and what-ifs, found solace only in the silence of the night. Fatigue pulled him into its grasp, settling onto his bed still clothed in unresolved emotions. Unbeknownst to him, the night continued its steady march, carrying the hopes and uncertainties of a new day just beyond the horizon.

The next day dawned, finding both Nick and Isabella lost in their thoughts about the upcoming college day. Isabella, true to her usual style, kept things simple in her attire, not caring much about showcasing her beauty. Nick, on the other hand, went for a more daring look, rocking torn jeans, a denim jacket, and a casual t-shirt.

As Nick headed to college, he picked up Emily along the way. Surprisingly, she seemed brighter, choosing to overlook the tension from the previous evening. "Good morning, love," she greeted Nick with a warm smile.

"Morning," he replied casually, the air thick with unspoken words. A moment of silence settled in as Emily got into the car, and Nick's mind raced with thoughts of how to bring up the idea of inviting Isabella to dinner.

During a casual conversation, Nick mentioned that his brother Carlos wanted to have dinner with Isabella. Emily, hiding her jealousy beneath a composed exterior, tried to play it cool. "Oh, that's wonderful. How about I join the dinner too?" she suggested, her words carrying a subtle rivalry masked by a pleasant demeanor.

Nick hesitated for a moment, quickly evaluating the situation. The idea of turning the dinner into a gathering appealed to him, a subtle strategy to diffuse potential awkwardness between Isabella and Emily. "Oh, that's a great idea, babe," he replied, the words carrying a sense of relief. Emily blushed, pleased with the response, unaware of the unfolding plan in Nick's mind.

"We can invite everybody else too and have a little dinner party at my place," Nick suggested, a sly smile on his lips. The initial joy on Emily's face vanished, replaced by sudden awkwardness. She managed a hesitant "yes," her mind recalibrating her expectations for the evening.

Emily had envisioned a more intimate encounter with Carlos, a chance to stand out as Nick's girlfriend without the distraction of a larger gathering. The sudden change in plans didn't align with her desires, but she consoled herself with the thought that, even in a crowd, Nick would introduce her as his girlfriend, allowing her to assert her presence. Little did she know that the dynamics of the impending dinner party would carry more weight than she initially anticipated.

I guess I'm little late for the day. I had a busy day. Hope you guys will enjoy the chapter.

See you again on Sunday.

Wishing you happy, healthy, fun filled weekend.

With love,


AmaraNovacreators' thoughts