
Whirlwind of hearts

The reunion of Isabella and Nick after two years sets the stage for a captivating journey of love, friendship, and unforeseen complications. Once school friends with an unspoken connection, their paths diverged, leaving behind unresolved tensions. As they reunite, the air is thick with emotions they can no longer ignore. Amidst the delicate dance of rekindled feelings, Nick's best friend, Lucas, enters the picture, introducing a new layer of complexity. Lucas's genuine charm unwittingly sparks jealousy in Nick, adding a dimension of unexpected romance. Isabella, torn between the comforting familiarity of Nick and the magnetic allure of Lucas, finds herself at the center of a love triangle she never anticipated.

AmaraNova · Urban
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13 Chs


The following morning, I awoke with a renewed determination to navigate the challenges of the day ahead. I dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit, reflecting my desire to present myself with confidence and poise. The confrontation with Nick in the last evening still lingered in my thoughts, but I refused to let it overshadow my focus. 

Heading to the university, I decided to take a different route, avoiding potential encounters with Nick. I knew that the best way to move forward was to create distance and establish new boundaries. As I strolled through the campus, my earphones once again delivered a soothing soundtrack, providing a buffer against the external world. 

Upon reaching the university at approximately 9:15 am, my attention was unexpectedly drawn to a scene near the entrance. A red Mustang stood prominently, and in its midst was Nick – surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, all captivated by the same girl from yesterday but striking a red dress, proudly showcasing her ample assets. I observed the spectacle from a distance. 

The girl in the red dress, whom I recognized as Emily, seemed to revel in the attention, desperately seeking Nick's acknowledgment. My intuition sensed the one-sided nature of their connection. 

Strolling past the spectacle, I maintained my indifference, purposefully avoiding eye contact with the Mustang entourage. Even as Ava, a familiar face, called out to me I resisted the urge to acknowledge the unfolding theatrics. 

"Hey!" Ava shouted, her voice cutting through the surrounding noise. 

"Oh, God. This is exactly what I hoped to avoid. Why, Ava?" I mused to myself, determined not to let my annoyance show. With a forced smile, I continued walking, ensuring my expression betrayed no sign of irritation. 

"Hey, hi! There you are," Ava exclaimed, prompting Emily to glance back. Suppressing my reluctance, I walked back to Ava, offering a side hug as if the encounter was nothing more than a passing interaction. 

Approaching the group, I noticed Nick's possessive gesture as he wrapped his arm around Emily, pulling her closer. She seemed desperate for his acknowledgment, a connection that, from my perspective, appeared one-sided. Ava took the initiative to introduce me, announcing, "Isabella Baker," prompting me to interject, "But you can call me Issa," I finished her announcement. 

Each person in the group took their turn to introduce themselves, leaving only two individuals for the end of the lineup. The girl in the red dress, still entwined with Nick, extended her hand towards me. "Hi, I'm Emily, Emily Jones. Just call me Emily. We met yesterday, right?" 

Masking me uneasy with a forced smile, I acknowledged, "Oh, yes. Hi, Emily. You can call me Isabella," all the while casting a pointed glance at Nick's possessive hand firmly wrapped around her waist. 

To assert her connection with Nick, Emily began an unsolicited monologue about their relationship. "This is my boyfriend, Isabella. He's Nick, Nicholas Carter. He's quite famous in college, a remarkable piano player, and, oh, did I mention his father is a politician? He's practically a celebrity, and everyone adores him." 

Ava, sensing the discomfort in the air, interjected with a raised hand. "You don't have to give us the whole biography of Nick. They already know each other, and I'm pretty sure she's well-acquainted with Nick's story." Her words hung in the air, a subtle reminder that some narratives need not be rehearsed, especially when the history between the involved parties is already known. 

The expression that crossed Emily's face was priceless; a fleeting mix of discomfort and embarrassment danced in her eyes. It was as if she realized she had been boasting about something everyone already knew. Swiftly, she composed herself, replacing the momentary awkwardness with a perfectly executed fake smile. "Oh, but all I remember about Nick talking is that he never mentioned you," she remarked, her words laced with a subtlety that didn't escape Isabella's notice. 

Internally, I sighed, thinking, "This woman is pushing my buttons now." Despite the irritation simmering beneath the surface, I responded with a gracious smile. "Well, I suppose you're not as close to him as you think. That might be why he never brought it up. You know, he has his little secrets," I added, patting Emily on the shoulder with a hint of pity in her gaze. Her irritation was palpable as her eyes shot daggers in Nick's direction. 

Nick, breaking the tension with laughter, withdrew his hand from Emily's back and stepped toward me, arms open as if expecting a warm embrace. However, I took a step back, creating a deliberate distance. His discomfort flickered briefly, but he maintained composure, greeting me with a casual, "Well, hi there." 

The revelation that she was his girlfriend left me burning with anger and unanswered questions. How could he have concealed such a significant detail? The love I once felt now drowned in a sea of resentment, and the flames of frustration burned hotter than any remnants of affection. And I stood there not replying to him. 

"Hmm... how are you?" he asked. 

"Pretty, as you can see," I smiled. 

"Right, you actually are," he replied. I sensed Emily's tightly clenched fists, a silent testament to her jealousy. Her sharp look at Nick spoke volumes. Nick, seemingly oblivious to his girlfriend's discontent, couldn't seem to take his eyes off me. 

"Bad manners, Nick. Your girlfriend seems to be jealous. Look after her," I casually remarked. 

"Oh, I'm absolutely not jealous. Don't worry about it, Bella," Emily quickly retorted. 

"Isabella, it is," I corrected her before bidding my goodbyes to everyone and heading to the classroom. 

Ava followed me, and as we entered the classroom, she said, "I see there's some tension between you and Nick. What's wrong, Bella?" 

I replied nonchalantly, "Oh, nothing. We aren't kids anymore, and we're not even close. He has his own life, and I have mine. I wish not to interfere with him anymore." 

"Hmmm..." She paused for a moment and said, "I have my doubts, but never mind; time reveals the right thing at the right time." She continued scrolling through her social media, leaving the unspoken tension to linger in the air like an unanswered question. 

The lecture hall buzzed with the low hum of students settling into their seats, the shuffling of papers, and the occasional whispered conversation. Nick entered, glancing around nervously, a textbook in hand. His girlfriend, Emily, followed closely behind, her eyes scanning for empty seats. They finally found two at the back of the room. 

As they took their seats, Nick couldn't help but notice Isabella and her best friend already seated in the front row. Isabella was animatedly talking to her friend, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Unbeknownst to Nick, Isabella had her phone discreetly placed on her lap. 

The lecturer began the class, the topic of the day capturing the attention of the students. Nick half-listened, his focus drifting to Isabella in the front row. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. 

As the lecture progressed, Nick noticed Isabella's constant glances at her phone. Her smiles grew wider, and her cheeks flushed with a delicate pink hue. Jealousy gnawed at Nick as he watched her engage in what seemed like an intimate conversation. 

Unable to contain his frustration, Nick leaned into Emily and whispered, "Do you see what Isabella is doing up there?" 

Emily glanced at Isabella and then back at Nick with a puzzled expression. "What's the matter?" 

"She's on her phone, chatting with someone named Grey. Look at her, she can't stop blushing," Nick grumbled, his jealousy turning into annoyance. 

Trying to keep her focus on the lecture, Emily replied, "Maybe it's nothing. People text during class all the time." 

Nick couldn't let it go. He squirmed in his seat, irritation growing with every stolen glance at Isabella. Finally, unable to take it any longer, he tapped her on the shoulder. 

"Isabella, could you please stop using your phone? It's distracting," Nick said, trying to keep his tone composed. 

Isabella shot him a dismissive look and turned her attention back to her phone, typing away with a smile. 

Nick's frustration reached its peak. He decided to take the matter to the lecturer. He raised his hand, and when acknowledged, he complained about Isabella's constant phone use. 

The lecturer, a stern-looking professor, peered over his glasses at Isabella. "Miss Isabella, kindly refrain from using your phone during the lecture. It's a distraction to your fellow students." 

Isabella shot Nick a glare but reluctantly put her phone away. The atmosphere in the lecture hall tensed, and Isabella fumed in her seat, her eyes shooting daggers at Nick. 

As the lecture continued, Isabella's anger simmered. Unable to contain herself, she stood up abruptly, grabbing her bag. "This is ridiculous! I can't believe you're complaining about my phone use," she exclaimed, loud enough for the whole lecture hall to hear. 

The lecturer sighed, "Miss Isabella, if you cannot abide by the rules, I'll have to ask you to leave the lecture hall." 

Isabella huffed, grabbed her belongings, and stormed out, shooting one last venomous look at Nick as she left. The lecture hall fell silent, and Nick couldn't shake the mixed emotions of guilt and triumph. Emily shot him a disapproving look, and Nick realized that while Isabella's behavior had been annoying, perhaps he had taken it too far. 

The day weighed heavily on Nick's conscience as he replayed the scene in the lecture hall repeatedly. He knew he had overreacted and felt a growing sense of regret. Determined to make amends, he sought opportunities to apologize to Isabella throughout the day. 

Finally, when classes were over, he approached Isabella with a genuine expression of remorse. "Isabella, I'm really sorry about what happened in the lecture. I shouldn't have complained to the lecturer like that. It was out of line, and I regret it." 

Isabella, still visibly upset, shot him a cold glance and replied curtly, "Whatever, Nick. Just drop it." 

Undeterred, Nick offered, "Can I give you a ride home as a way to make it up to you?" 

Isabella hesitated for a moment, her eyes narrowing, but then she waved him off dismissively. "No, thanks. I can manage on my own." 

Nick nodded, acknowledging her decision. As he turned to leave, Emily, who had been observing the exchange, couldn't contain her jealousy. She joined Nick, shooting Isabella a forced smile. 

"Nick, let's go. We've got stuff to do," Emily said, attempting to pull him away. 

Feeling the tension, Nick glanced back at Isabella, offering one last apologetic look before reluctantly following Emily to his car. As they approached the vehicle, Nick opened the passenger door for Emily, but Isabella's rejection still lingered in the air. 

Throughout the car ride, the atmosphere was palpably strained. Nick's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Isabella, while Emily couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She fidgeted in her seat, trying to regain Nick's attention. 

"Nick, are you seriously still thinking about Isabella? I mean, I get that you want to apologize, but it's not like you killed someone," Emily said with a hint of frustration. 

Nick sighed, realizing the impact of his actions. "I know, Em. I just feel bad about it. I didn't mean for things to escalate like that." 

Emily rolled her eyes, "Well, you better figure out how to make it up to me too." 

The car continued in an awkward silence, with Nick divided between guilt for Isabella and the tension with Emily. As they dropped Emily off first, she exited the car without saying much, leaving Nick alone with his thoughts. 

Driving away, Nick couldn't shake the regret and worry about the strained relationship with Isabella. He knew that fixing things wouldn't be easy, and he was left contemplating how to bridge the gap and salvage the friendships that seemed to be slipping away. 


I entered my room, letting out a heavy sigh as I closed the door behind me. I couldn't shake off the events of the day, the confrontation in the lecture hall, and Nick's attempts to apologize lingering in my mind. 

Sitting on my bed, I reflected on my reactions. "Why did I look at Nick like that? Was I too harsh?" I wondered, feeling a tinge of regret. Despite the apology, the hurt and frustration I felt resonated within me. 

As I replayed the scenes in my head, I reminded myself, "He's just a stranger now. We used to be friends, but things changed." I tried to convince myself that Nick's actions shouldn't affect me anymore. 

"I shouldn't dwell on it too much. It's not worth my energy," I thought, trying to push the thoughts of Nick to the back of my mind. "He doesn't mean anything to me now." 

Deciding to let go of the lingering tension, I resolved to treat Nick as just another person in my life. "I shouldn't waste my time thinking about him. There are more important things to focus on," I told myself, determined to move on. 

With a deep breath, I decided to put the incident behind me. "I should just sleep and start a new day tomorrow. Whatever happened today doesn't define me, and Nick shouldn't have that much space in my thoughts." 

As I lay in bed, I gradually let go of the negative emotions. Sleep gradually took over, offering a temporary escape from the complexities of the day. Tomorrow was a new opportunity to approach things with a fresh perspective, and I hoped to wake up with a clearer mind, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

I do not feel great today but I hope this chapter lightens up your mood.

See you on next Thursday with new chapter.

With love,


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