
Chapter 27

"I have never seen anyone pick this up this fast."

I gave Wanda a laugh. "I pride myself on picking things up quickly. Plus, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to learning a new skill."

"Well, you certainly have it down pat now. Let's go get dinner. It's been a full day."

We headed to the dining room, and I sat down next to Bucky while Wanda took her usual place by Vision who had showed back up a few days ago.

"How was training, Doll?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Doll?"


I laughed. "Training was good. But I'm happy it's over for the day. I'm hungry."

The room filled with conversation as we all ate. Suddenly, a blonde woman came into the room.

"Hello everyone. Miss me?"

"What the hell are you doing here, Sharon?"

I blinked. I had never heard Steve be so harsh before. I leaned over and whispered to Bucky.

"Who's she?"

"Sharon Carter. She and Steve used to date a while back, but she cheated on him and it came out that she had just been using him for information."

I instantly disliked this woman for what she did to Steve. I knew he had to have been devastated to have all that happen. She looked around and noticed me whispering with Bucky.

"Who's the dark-haired tramp?"

I looked calmly at her. "Your worst nightmare, you blonde-haired bitch."

Silence filled the room. It seemed like everyone was afraid to move.

She glared at me. "You really don't want to get on my bad side, skank. I can make your life very difficult."

I stood and stretched. "Look bitch. You don't want to mess with me. Or my family. I'm pretty sure you aren't welcome here. So, get your fake ass out or do you need some help finding the door, ho?" She made a noise and turned to leave. 

"Oh Sharon. A couple of things before you go. First, a warning. If you mess with my family, I may just have to break your face. Two, before you show back up you may want to step up your makeup game. Your old age is showing. Toodles, you harpy-faced bitch." I waved my fingers at her.

She stomped her way out of the house. It was quiet. Everyone was staring at me. I looked down at Bucky. He was grinning. 

"Damn Doll. I'm proud of you." He started to clap. It seemed to wake everyone up and everyone joined in. I was confused as I sat back down.

Steve looked at me. "That was the greatest thing ever. We usually just deal with her nastiness and take it, but it was great seeing someone stand up to her."

"But why would you take it?"

Tony spoke up. "Because she works for some very powerful people and they can make things difficult. You did a good job, Kid. Oh, by the way, I've been meaning to ask. When is your birthday?'

I looked over surprised. "August 5th. Why?"

"Perfect! That's tomorrow. We are having a party. First to celebrate Ariane's birthday and second for the set down Sharon got."

I was surprised. "A party for my birthday? I haven't had a birthday party since I was five. Thank you. Umm… if it's not too much to ask, can we have cake? I don't remember ever having cake for my birthday."

"Anything you want, Doll. What kind?'

"If it's not too much trouble, can I have angel food cake topped with whipped cream and fresh strawberry slices? I had a kid's mom once give me a piece that she had made after I saved her family. It was delicious and it's always stuck with me."

"Absolutely. Is there anything else you want for your special day?"

I looked around at everyone. "Just all you guys being there. To celebrate my birthday with my family."

There were some teary eyes around the table. 

"We'll all be there Doll, don't you worry about that."

He reached over and gave me a hug. "I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be than with you on your birthday."

Steve got up and I felt his arms go around me too. Next thing I knew I was buried in a group hug. Giggling, I tried to hug everyone back at once.

"You have the most adorable giggle, Kid." Tony ruffled my hair. "And with that, I think it's time we all turned in. Party tomorrow at 7:00 sharp."

We all headed to our rooms. As I shut my door, I realized how quiet my room was. I had quickly gotten used to Loki always being there. With a sigh, I got ready for bed. He would be home tomorrow, and everything would be back to normal. I laid there in the dark a while before sleep finally claimed me. 



I was trapped in a nightmare. I was back watching as a Werewolf tore my family to pieces. But this time I wasn't a five-year-old child. I was an adult and a fully trained Hunter. But it seemed I was never fast enough. I tried to run but it was as if I was stuck in slow motion. I watched as he tore my sister apart like she was paper. Suddenly he was right in front of me, his claws about ready to rip into me. I started to fight. I felt a metal hand grab my arm and then I heard Bucky's voice.

"Ariane, wake up. It's just a nightmare. You're safe. I'm right here and nothing is going to hurt you. You're safe."

I sat up, my breath sobbing out, and I struggled out of the nightmare. Bucky was sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand still holding my arm. I scrambled over and threw myself in his lap, wrapped my arms around him, and just cried. 

"Shh it's ok Doll. I've got you. It's ok." He stroked my hair and murmured comforting words in my ear. Gradually I calmed down. I pulled back and looked at him. 

"I'm sorry Buck."

"Don't be Doll. We all have nightmares. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really but it might help," I told him of my dream, of my past. I was worried he would hate me but I needed to get it out.

"It's all going to be ok." He pulled me close for another hug. I looked into his eyes.

"You don't hate me?"

"Doll, I could never hate you. Besides, we all have dark parts of our past." He took a deep breath. "I don't imagine anyone told you about me being the Winter Soldier and what that actually meant."

I shook my head. I held my breath as I knew this was a big moment for him.

"To keep it short since it's late, I was kidnapped by Hydra, the group Thor and Loki went to stop today. They brainwashed me and removed all my memories of my family and friends. They reprogrammed me to be a killing machine and pumped me full of the super-soldier serum like what Steve had. They sent me on a lot of assassination missions. Finally, they sent me to kill the Avengers. I fought with Steve and when I was about to kill him, he broke through the programming to bring some of my memories of who I was before Hydra to the surface. It took a lot of work and time, but we were eventually able to fully break my mind free from their programming. But I still have the memories of what I did as the Winter Soldier and knowing that darkness is inside of me."

I threw my arms around him as tears streamed down my face. "Oh god Buck, I wish that had never happened to you. I'm so sorry."

His arms came around me and for a moment he just held me close. In spite of my walls, I could feel that Loki was right. Bucky's love for me was almost as deep as his. I knew that should the worst happen, and something happened to Loki, Bucky would become my new soulmate. Bucky may not know that, but I knew that Loki had felt that.

I pulled back. "Thank you for being here. Strangely I feel much better after telling you." I gave a big yawn.

Bucky laughed. "It's time for you to get some sleep Doll."

He went to leave. I grabbed his arm. "Please, don't leave me alone. I've gotten so used to having Loki here and I'm scared of having another nightmare." It shamed me to admit I was scared but I didn't want to face that scene again tonight.

"Of course, Doll." He slid in next to me on the bed and pulled me to his side. I rested my head on his chest. I had never noticed how firm and well defined his muscles were before. I was already half-asleep when I mumbled "Good night, Buck."

"Good night, Doll." He stroked my hair as my breathing evened out. I knew he thought I was asleep when I heard him whisper "I love you, Ariane." Then sleep overtook me.