
Chapter 26

The sunlight hit my eyes and I groaned. I didn't want it to be morning. Loki would be leaving soon. I opened my eyes and found Loki watching me. I stared into those clear blue eyes.

'I could wake up to this view for the rest of my life.'

I smiled. "My view isn't half bad either. I could wake up to seeing your eyes first thing for the rest of my life too."

He blinked at me and sat up. "Ariane, I didn't say anything."

I sat up and looked at him. "But I heard you clear as day. You said you could wake up to this view every day for the rest of your life."

He shook his head. "No, I didn't say it. But I did think it."

I took a deep breath as that processed.

"Wanda did say the bond was going to change us. It seems you have gotten some of my powers."

I blinked and panicked a little. Powers? Mind reading?

He smiled. "Don't worry love. You already have the strongest walls I have ever seen. Just close the door for now."

I nodded and mentally I shut the door in my wall. I missed the feeling of him in my head.

"Let's shower and head down to breakfast. After last night's activities, I'm famished."

I giggled and helped him up out of bed. We headed into the shower, and I learned that shower sex was something completely and wonderfully different. I could get used to mornings like this.

We finally dressed and went down to meet everyone for breakfast. It seemed we were eating in the kitchen this morning.

"Look at the happy couple. How adorable!" Nat was positively giddy.

I laughed and focused on eating. I was starving. As breakfast started to wind down, Loki looked over at Bruce.

"Banner, can you run some tests on Ariane while I am gone? It seems she has inherited some of my powers and I want to make sure she is still physically healthy."

"Absolutely. What powers is she showing?"

"Mind reading. Wanda, can you help her train? Since I will be away, you are the best person to show her how to control them. She already has the best shields I've ever encountered."

Wanda nodded. "My pleasure. I can help her get control in no time."

Loki looked at me. "I know you are wondering why but powers that are uncontrolled and untrained become a vulnerability, which I am sure is something you don't want. Also, not only will you be picking up every thought, but you will also become a big beacon for any mind reader nearby,"

I nodded in understanding and looked at Wanda. "Thank you for helping me."

Tony stood. "Well, I hate to ruin the fun kiddos, but it's time for the Gods here to get going."

We all stood. Loki pulled me close and kissed my lips softly. "I won't be gone long and will be back to your side as quickly as possible, my Queen."

"No offense but that is the most sickening thing I have ever seen." Clint teased as he wrinkled his nose at us.

"Can it, Robin Hood." I gave him a wink and he just shook his head laughing.

I watched as Loki and Thor left for their mission. Wanda came and grabbed my arm. 

"Well, let's get started on your training. It will keep you occupied."

I nodded and we headed to the training room.