
Chapter 140

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of the med bay. I closed my eyes again and groaned. Why did I always end up here?

I turned my head and saw Bruce. "Hey Doc? Is this my normal table? Feels a little different this time."

Bruce turned and grinned. "Welcome back. And you're correct. Different table. I think I'm going to designate the other one to just you since you seem to like visiting here so much."

"Yeah, I've thought that a few times. So why am I here this time?" I sat up worried. "Is it the babies? Are they ok?"

"Yes, they're fine. You're going to be a good momma." Bruce laughed. "No, you just laughed too much and stood up too fast. The sudden blood flow change made you pass out. You and the babies are fine." He glanced at the observation wall where Loki, Bucky, and Thor were pressed against the glass watching our every move. "Now your husbands… well… not sure about them."

I looked over at them and looked at Bruce with a worried look. I could see the guys' faces and they looked more than a little worried. 

"You know if you really wanted to Doc, you could mess with 'em, depending on how much they annoy you."

Bruce tilted his head and studied me intently, a small smile playing on his lips. He got exactly what I meant. 

"Hmm, they have been a pain in my ass for a while. I don't see why not. And they can be mad at me not you this time. Besides, they won't mess with me much since, you know, Hulk."

"Yeah, I noticed Loki gives him a wide berth when he's around. What's up with that?"

"Well, he decided to call Hulk a dull creature and an animal. So, Hulk grabbed him and did a Hulk smash using Loki. Left a few Loki shaped dents in the floor. To Hulk he is a puny God. So, Loki keeps his distance since it actually hurts when Hulk throws him around." 

Bruce glanced at them with a serious expression then back to me. "Ok, so I'm going to let them in and give them the bad news. I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to say so you can be all surprised too and they won't ever know you were the one that gave me the idea."

I nodded and laid back down slowly, resting my hands on my chest. 

"Think of something sad or that makes you worried. I'm going to say I've got bad news and that's all I've told you but that I need to tell everyone together. Let's see how well you act, girl."

I fought the smile that wanted to form and thought about my past. It always killed any joy in my eyes and remembering some of the things I went through always made me close to crying lately.

They guys rushed in and came to my side. They saw me looking scared with the shine of tears in my eyes. All three dropped to their knees and reached for me. Loki stroked my hair back. 

"Whatever it is my pet, we will get through it. Just remember what Father said, we still have trials, but we will make it through."

Bucky took my hand. "He's right Doll. Together we can get through anything."

"We love you, Angel. And we will always be by your side, and we will get through this together."

Now I had real tears in my eyes. They could always melt my heart. I looked over at Bruce and saw a few tears in his eyes as well. He cleared his throat and the guys looked at him. 

"I'm happy to hear you all support each other. You are going to need it to deal with this." He looked down at his clipboard and sighed. "She is infected with something, and it could affect the babies in time. They also may develop the same sickness."

Now even I looked scared, even knowing he was making a joke. But what if he wasn't and it was a way to break the news to me? I saw all three men go white and Loki kissed my forehead. 

"Whatever it is my love, my wife, we will always be with you."

Bruce looked down again and shook his head. "I'm very sorry to be the one to tell you. I really am. But she's got a very very severe case of…" He trailed off and really looked like he didn't want to say anything. 

"What is it, Bruce? What is wrong with her?" Bucky sounded scared. 

"I really hope the babies don't have it but there is a 95% chance they will. I'm very sorry guys. As they grow older, I'm not sure they will survive because of it."

"By Odin Bruce! Tell us what is wrong!" Thor looked terrified.

"She has a severe case of… smartassness."

Even I gaped at him. That was totally not what I was expecting. And I could see how everything he said was true. The kids would probably have it. And it might mean we want to kill them sometimes.

My lips twitched. "Bruce… you are an evil man." I started to giggle. I laid back in relief and just laughed. "I do see it happening though."

I looked at the guys and for once Loki was smiling at the joke. "Yes, she does suffer from that, Banner. You are completely correct."

"Bruce, that is not funny. I was worried about her. Are you sure then that my Angel is ok?"

"She is perfectly healthy, Thor. And while it is still too early to really detect the babies, they are fine too."

Bucky sat there not saying anything. He just stared at Bruce. 

"Um, Bucky?"

Loki looked over. "Are you well, Barnes?"

Bucky got up and walked over to Bruce. He just stood for a second and looked at him. 

"Bucky what's wr…"

I gasped as Bucky slugged Bruce, making him stagger. Bruises were already forming as he had used his left hand. I scrambled off the table and grabbed Bucky's arm as he went to hit Bruce again.

"Bucky STOP!"

He shook me off and I hit the floor. I laid there in shock. Thor jumped up and wrapped his arms around Bucky, lifting him and keeping him from hitting anyone. Bucky started to fight and kick. I cried out as one of his kicks hit me in the shoulder and my arm went numb. I tried to get out of the way but with the numb arm, I wasn't fast enough. His foot connected with my ribs as I was in a crouch trying to move. I felt several snaps and my side felt like it was on fire, and I screamed as I slid along the floor. Blood poured from my mouth when I screamed. I couldn't take a breath without extreme pain.

Bruce dodged around Bucky and ran to my side. "Hold that asshole, Thor! F.R.I.D.A.Y alert Tony, Wanda, and Natasha to get to the med bay NOW!"

I was trying to breathe, but blood was pouring from my nose and mouth. I felt like I was drowning. Loki looked panicked and held me so my head was facing down to let the blood flow out. Tony, Wanda, and Nat ran in and skidded to a stop. They saw Thor holding a struggling Bucky who was screaming and cursing at everyone. They saw me on the floor struggling to breathe in a puddle of blood.

"What the ever-loving fuck happened here, Bruce?"

"I don't know. I teased them and even Loki laughed, and you know how he is with jokes. Bucky just went crazy. He hit me but when Ari tried to stop him, he threw her down. Thor grabbed him but he started kicking and hit her shoulder and ribs. Fucker is using all his strength, so it broke all her ribs on that side. I think several have punctured her lung."

"Banner, why isn't she healing!? Her power should heal her, right?"