
Chapter 139

I nodded. "I wanted something simple to reflect their styles but to have it be personal to just them."

They really went crazy when they saw the ring that was given to me by magic. "It shimmers. That is so cool! So that explains the marriages part. Now what about kids?"

"Well, after my past and Charlie, I couldn't have kids. I had been torn up too much. And after they asked me to marry them, I wanted so badly to give each of them a child. But I couldn't. But from what Odin said, the Gods of the Nine Realms," I glanced at Loki and Thor, "You have to explain that later, blessed us in our marriages and made it possible for me to give them what I wanted so badly. And apparently when we had sex with the marriages, I got pregnant by all three of them. So, it seems I'm going to have triplets and each one has a different dad."

"But Ari, that's biologically impossible." Bruce looked at me concerned.

I laughed and gave him a look. "It's magic and Gods, Bruce. You expect it to follow conventional biology?"

Poor Bruce looked a little put out. I took mercy on him. "Cheer up, Bruce. You get to be the doc that monitors me and delivers them."

He looked cheered up by that. "We probably should do some scans before you go to bed tonight." 

I looked around. "I do have one very serious question for all of you."

"What's that Kid?"

"What's for dinner, Grandpa?"

Tony's jaw dropped and I giggled at his expression. "It's not just a joke about your age now, Dad. You adopted me so that means you're gonna be a grandpa too."

Tony looked a little panicked and everyone started cracking up. I felt Loki's laughter rumble through my body, and it sent a curl of desire through me. He gave me a knowing look. "Food first pet. You and the babes need to keep your strength up." His voice dropped. "Especially if you are going to model my coat for us later tonight wife."

"Hmm. Maybe food is a good idea."

I saw everyone watching and blushed. 

I saw Steve trying hard not to laugh. "So, what's for dinner, America's Ass?"

He stuck his tongue out at me. "Brat."

"Hey, don't blame me. I'm only repeating what everyone says anyways." 

He rolled his eyes at me. "See if I ever order pizza for you again."

I lit up. "PIZZA? What are we waiting for? Is it here already?"

Loki held me tight. "Excited much, my love?"

"For pizza? Always. How can you not? The perfect blend of crust, sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. It doesn't get much better than that."

"Well, it's a good thing that's what's waiting in the dining room."

"YAY!" I scrambled to get out of Loki's lap, dislodging Bucky and Thor as everyone laughed at me. 

I dashed to the dining room and grabbed a plate and several slices of pizza. As everyone came in, I gave a moan as I took my first bite. I felt the desire my men had at hearing me moan. I sent them a mental image of me in just the coat and they bit back moans of their own. They quickly sat down and grabbed food. I gave Wanda a wink. She had caught what I did and was struggling not to laugh. 

"You would think no one ever feeds you anymore, Ari." Steve grinned at me. I swallowed and gestured at the boys. "Well, they give me things to eat… and then they give me things to drink."

Bucky died laughing at the expression on Steve's face. "I don't need to think about that about my best friend."

"Mmhmm. But I bet in that mental picture, you replaced Buck didn't ya?"

His red face said it all. Everyone laughed including Loki. It seemed he had gotten over his jealousy and now that we were married he knew he was the one for me. He winked at me.

"I'm sure he did, pet. He was imagining me weren't you, Rodgers?"

Tony choked on his pizza and roared with laughter. Steve looked horrified. 

"No, Brother. He was imagining me."

I couldn't stop laughing as Steve looked more and more disgusted.

"Hey guys?" My boys looked at me. "How do you know he didn't replace me in that image instead?"

Steve gagged. I almost fell off my chair and Loki had to catch me. I couldn't draw a full breath from laughing. Looking around the table everyone else wasn't much better. Nat had collapsed against Clint. Even Vision was laughing.

"You know what, Ari? Maybe I did. Maybe I'm gonna take all three away from you. What're you gonna do then?"

"Watch as at least one of them comes back. You only have two holes Steve. I have three."

He gaped at me. "You seriously went there?!"

I licked sauce off my fingers. "Yep. You threatened to steal my guys. I mean I wouldn't mind sharing them for a night if you wanna try them out?" I eyed Steve. "Since you're new and pretty uptight anyway, I would recommend Loki and Bucky. Thor's a bit too thick for a starter. Loki and Bucky are a bit long for a start too, but I can't help more than that. Just watch the gag reflex. You'll do just fine."

I saw Bucky and Thor fall from their chairs to the floor. I gave Steve an innocent look.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help you fulfill a fantasy. Just make sure you have the stamina. Oh wait, you're a Super Soldier. You got that covered then. Cause they can do that all night."

Steve was just staring at me with his mouth open, not having a clue what to say. Tony was wheezing. I decided to take pity on Steve. Since Loki was usually the one to feel jealous, I sent him a quick thought on what I was going to do. I felt his laughter and agreement. I got up and went over to Steve. He sat glaring at me until I plopped in his lap and wiggled around a bit. I grabbed his face and gave him a hard kiss. 

"Don't be all jealous, Steve. I share better than they do. But trust me. They're VERY good at what they do." 

I gave Steve another kiss and a few extra wiggles and then went back and sat in Loki's lap. He held me close and dropped his head against my shoulder. His whole body was shaking with laughter. 

"You know what, Ari? Fine. I'm stealing Bucky for tonight then." Steve got up and tried to drag Bucky from the room as we all died. I waved as Bucky was drug from the room. 

"Alright Steve, alright. But I'm a top man just so you know."

Tony fell off his chair. It took about ten minutes before we all were able to get back under control. I was finishing my third piece of pizza when we heard a scream. All I saw around the table were wide eyes. 

"You don't think they really…." Nat trailed off. 

I snickered. "Well with Buck's size that would explain the screaming."

There was shocked silence then everyone lost it. I sent a quick questioning thought to Bucky and was met with his colorful laughter. 

'Everything's ok, my lovely wife. He just saw the bites and that was a scream of jealousy. Seems he wants to try your version of pain.'

I choked and Loki and I fell off the chair. He was laughing so hard from having heard Bucky that he couldn't keep us upright anymore. Thor quickly followed us and landed on Loki.

"By Odin, Thor you weigh a ton! Get off, you great oaf!"

I was starting to get lightheaded from lack of oxygen from laughing. I was just starting to get my breath back when Bucky came in with a swagger and a grin. He just looked at us all on the floor, sat down, and started eating. Steve came in with a stunned look. I understood the looks but to everyone else….

I giggled and was trying to not full out laugh as the wide eyes around the table as everyone looked back and forth between Bucky and Steve.

'Lokes… I can't anymore. My ribs hurt and I can't breathe. Everyone thinks they really….'

I couldn't even continue my thought. Finally, we all calmed down and I went to get back up. Loki was helping me when everything went gray, and I passed out.