
When I reincarnated as the most beautiful woman in the world

Yuto Akayama is a young man with a good life. But one day he wakes up to find himself in another world in the body of a extraordinary beauty woman Enhanced with limitless magical and physical power. Yuto goes on a journey to find out what happened to him while facing monsters, rulers and terrifying criminals in this amazing world.

DaoistkaHAxg · Fantasia
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9 Chs

A guide to the world of meterion

The old man let out a shriek after being scratched by rocks and thorns, and started shouting words that Yuto considered an insult.

"Or spells," Yuto thought, then hurriedly stuffed the old man's mouth with twigs and cloth, making him snarl with angry eyes. Yuto replied, stuffing more twigs

"I don't want your damn opinion," Yuto said, placing his hand on the old man's head, as he knew he could communicate by telepathy.

"Damned bitch," thought the old man with hatred and contempt

Yuto raised his fist at the old man and then let out a gigantic wind wave that destroyed an enormous boulder just by moving his middle finger. The old man backed away, his face shrunk in fear, he understood the message

The old man's ears trembled and started to vibrate, which aroused the curiosity of Yuto, who wondered about the benefits of the ear being like this, does it enhance the ability of hearing or does it have other benefits and tried to touch it, but the old man retreated with great anger and started squeezing the leaves while screaming behind them

It must be a sensitive topic, but Yuto thought it would be revealed, so he grabbed the old woman by the neck and pulled him to a tree and tied him to it using a rope he had stolen from the village. Yuto was careful not to cause any damage to the old man's internal organs, as he realizes that his physical strength allowing him to kill him by mistake.

I don't want that. This bastard is very valuable. Yuto thought, tying the old man's hand tightly before wrapping the rope around him and the tree

Yuto rubbed his hand while looking at what he did. The old man was tied up in a completely funny way that doesn't need to be described

Yuto sighed nervously. It was a very important moment. He is fully aware that he did not come here by chance

Everything goes the way he wants it to, it's not luck at all

He swallowed nervously, looking at the elf, he carrying information about this world, information that might teach him about his fate

"Here begins my adventure, mr frog," he said, rubbing the happy frog's head

"My beautiful lady," said the frog, sitting on his shoulder

Yuto extended his arm to the old man's head and put his hand on it

It is only here that the information begins to unfold


If Yuto wanted to warn us about something, he would have told us that this old man is a dirty racist, so we shouldn't take sides with his race.

the world :

welcome to The land of meterion, which means mother in an ancient language

From a scientific point of view, it can be considered a continent due to the high altitude of the areas covered by the oceanic crust As the presence of a large number of sedimentary rocks, and its crust is thicker and more structured than the oceanic crust regions, with clear boundaries . Yuto also noted the difference in weather between north and south, where the north is frozen while the south is full of desert. It is likely that the continent is twice as large as Asia (in the event that its location and size is similar to the Earth) . He saw that the continent possesses a huge mountain range similar to the Himalayas called the Hill Holes, which is considered to have a tremendous cultural impact for all races.

Census :

It is not known at all, but it is not considered few as animals and beasts are considered numbers. But the sheer size of the continent gives everyone what they want and more, so it is not a problem


There are many races and peoples in the New World, but there are twenty-three major divisions into tribes and types:

the elf




Demi-humans(Humans carry animal characteristics such as tails and ears)

Beastman (including the Minotaur, Lizardman, and others)


















huh, that It is strange that they use the same names that we use Yuto thought with himself it is likely that there was communication between the two worlds, there are similar things such as slavery, marriage, authorities, books, culture and even describing humans (as humans) , And as it seems that the Elf race is the most civilized, strong, beautiful and wonderful race. Uh hey, I forgot Yuto read the information from the head of a dirty racist who should check himself

Since ancient times these races have not been on good terms, as many wars have continued to arise until they accept the ugly truth that they have to live in peace and that it must be difficult, especially for humans.

Hey. Oh my ahhh I hope these idiots don't embarrass me

wait I really wonder if I am considered one of the human beings in this world

And here Yuto realizes that he will not take sides with any human or any being in fact

the countries :

There are 4 empires sharing the continent, of which 26 known kingdoms are branched and there are a huge number of cities, towns and villages within them

There are three human kingdoms

Four elf kingdoms (this old man came from)

and two kingdoms Demi-humans

And others will be explained in the the story, so it doesn't matter now

so I'm in the kingdom of Harrenhal it's not a bad kingdom but I need to know more I may decide to visit it

The kingdom of Achiral. This is amazing. It can be considered the Kingdom of Dreams. It is the largest and most powerful kingdom located approximately in the center of the continent and extends to the western ocean. The first school of magic has something similar to Harvard, but it is magical and characterized by a military . Its population consists of different races living under the rule of the greatest emperor, Solis vi locus, who is considered one of the most powerful magicians in existence. (And to bring you closer to your imagination, he is more powerful than Ainz Ooal Gown easily can beat him , yes I said that

Yuto thought that he has the right to be kind. Yes, when you are the strongest, you have the right to show your kindness to all worlds. Monsters will not have mercy on you. Also, this man is really handsome. He is very very handsome even in the standards of the previous Yuto world (note he is also a reason for fighting the elves and humans, where each race attributes to himself and the emperor refused to declare his race)

Magic :

Hey, yaaaaaahoooooooo. So there is magic, how happy I am, and Yuto starts reading from the old, angry head with excitement

"What are you doing? No. Stop now." The old man thought, but Yuto continued indifferently

Magic is an energy mysterious origin that does not adhere to traditional science or the laws of reality. It can achieve any imaginable effect or phenomenon. Due to the flexibility of magic and its ability to transcend logic, laws and common sense, its users have essentially unlimited possibilities for what they can achieve, essentially the ability to change reality through their magic. Magic is fueled by two types of resources, Mana and Life Essence

Does this mean that the difference in the lifespan affects magic? Yuto thought surprisingly

There are more than 2,200 spells known for various purposes of life, not just fighting

This makes sense. Yuto thought to himself, magic is like science in this world

There were very powerful spells

Healing wounds, diseases, and even severed limbs

Psychic spells such as reading thoughts, controlling the mind, and looking into the past

Spells allowing control and manipulation of the elements (fire, air, water, earth, light, dark, electricity, and many more)

time control


weather control

And the list goes on

All of them are powerful spells but there must be limits what kind of spells not everyone can use special class magic. Continue reading

The difference between a strong and a weak magician is the range of distance and the size of the effect of his magic by guiding the flow of mana

For example, a weak magician can light a fire as small as a lighter, while a strong magician can make fire as he wants, and even manipulate it and shape it. The weak magician can teleport, but for short distances, while the strong one can teleport between cities easily, and the person suffers from a slight physical collapse.

This old man how called Beldona strange name, it doesn't matter, the effect of his magic extends to 8 kilometers

so the wizard's strength increases by training to control the flow of mana with a very simple problem, haha, how funny,

but it can be treated by magical materials found in this world that help in enhancing magic

Yuto saw and learned all the spells from the old man's head. There were spells for every situation, weather control, mind control, invisibility and many more. Yuto felt invincible as energy flowed around him. He understood everything around which mana revolves, the essence of life, the effects, how amazing.

"I'll try these spells later," Yuto said to the old ,man in his language which Yuto had difficulty pronouncing, as it sounded like the old languages.

"Who are you and what do you want?" said the old man, frightened

"Not now, I'm not done yet," Yuto said, pressing the old man's head

physical abilities:

Humans in this world have physical abilities that are five times stronger than those in Yuto's world, as they were stronger, faster, more agile, durable, endurance and senses, as a seven-year-old child could crush the neck of a teenager from the previous Yuto world. fuuuuuck

Does this explain why they tolerate magic? If someone from my world uses magic, he will die Haha, maybe there is magic in my world. Hey of course magic

There are spells to enhance physical abilities and powers that suppress pain and repair the body to remove body contour

(Fun fact the body's brain usually only allows muscles to use 10% of their full potential in order to prevent them from self-destructing but that doesn't matter in this world where magic fixes the body instantly)

Which means that humans are much stronger also there are strong and trained motherfuckers warriors

Strong Women: Women in this world have a status equal to men where there are leaders. guards Queens . generals. adventures. But do not be happy, this means that they do not have special treatment, and the male is still the most important newborn and the one preferred by society, and just as a woman should marry, otherwise she is a failure.

also This is funny, but there is a type of women who are born with tremendous strength. They are born with a muscular formation that makes them eight times stronger than the average person. This is something that only happens with human women, and this is considered a defect parallel to obesity. It is difficult for them to find a lover or husband.

It's something Yuto finds makes sense as it's hard to live with a woman who can break your neck in five seconds A woman is an emotional being, and it is not desirable for emotion to prevail over reason. Yes, do not marry a monster

Uh, is there any additional information?


A destructive, vile race is hated by all the twenty-three races, and it is the most prevalent in the continents. It is divided into two halves, sane and savage . The demons live in the city of Shiraya, which is the dark mirror of the city of Asheral. They are ruled by the terrifying demon king "Uh, demons, uh, a dangerous fuck king." Demons live only for Spreading corruption, they are considered spiritual creatures that do not need food or rest. It is also famous for kidnapping women for their lords, where women are forced into a horrific orgy and are turned into maidservants or creatures to carry children, and their bodies are modified to make it more beautiful or accentuate the sexual areas. And here Yuto realizes that they are just rumours, as long-lived spirit creatures do not need to reproduce, and of course not with creatures that despise them, or he may be wrong.

Well how wonderful. Even better, there is a war on the way. The Demon king has spread his armies all over the place, and they are starting to destroy the western side of the continent, where remnants of the refugees have started to flee and hide.

Including that girl named Charlotte who was enslaved by the Baron, it is better for Yuto to save her. She is A miserable and sad person does not deserve to suffer Also very beautiful and the type of girl that Yuto loves . strong and self-reliant and is not afraid to express her opinion as she can control her feelings. Beldona, ah, damn it, I killed him

"I'm done." Yuto raised his hand from the old man's head

"What the hell have you been doing to me?" the old man said dizzily

"I'm learning," Yuto said, thinking about what to do with the baron's death. Yes, he is a filthy person and deserves to die, but he should not die on enemy territory, but rather being killed in this way will be considered a national insult to his kingdom and a war is likely. Yuto is not a good person and will not help anyone he meets

But he will not allow a horrific war to happen, which may expose him. Then something crossed his mind

Remembering his amazing beauty, Yuto thought what people would react if they saw him. The girl Charlotte was more beautiful than the beauty queens of the world, while the princesses were so beautiful that even the kings of demons and dragons stalked them. Yes I said it. Even this misogynist looks in love with his princess

"What do you mean?" Beldona said

"Isn't it strange that you're in Harrenhal, what are you doing here with the filthy baron," said Yuto,

"Everyone who will hear of the battle will know of his death and your defeat at my hands."

"Oh, damn it," Beldona said in fear. If someone knew he was defeated by this girl, he would be a laughingstock

"What do you want," Beldona said, "you obviously don't want anyone to know you exist."

"Bengwa," Yuto said, "I want you to go home and not talk about what happened, and you should tell the Baron is sick or something, understand."

"fuck," Beldona said

"As there is something I want to test," Yuto said as he took off his clothes

The reaction was incredible. Beldona gasped, his eyes widened, his heart began to beat fast, and a shiver ran through his body. In front of him stands the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, with pink hair, a beautiful body, and beautiful eyes, whose eyes seemed to water as he watched her. This is not something of this world that he wants only for himself

"Oh, man," Yuto said, "I wish I had my phone."

I don't want anyone to see me