
When I reincarnated as the most beautiful woman in the world

Yuto Akayama is a young man with a good life. But one day he wakes up to find himself in another world in the body of a extraordinary beauty woman Enhanced with limitless magical and physical power. Yuto goes on a journey to find out what happened to him while facing monsters, rulers and terrifying criminals in this amazing world.

DaoistkaHAxg · Fantasy
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9 Chs

servant spirit

Yuto realized something important. He realized that he was the strongest creature on this continent. There is no magician, monster, or demon equal to him in level He was the strongest, the fastest, the most beautiful, he was a being like no other. yes

This is what the old wizard was repeating in a loud voice. To the point of causing Yuto to shut his mouth in annoyance

But Beldonna kept looking at Yuto with lustful eye that never blinked as steam escaped from his mouth Yuto could clearly see how someone's face would blush with happiness. Here Ainz realizes how disturbing Albedo's romantic obsession is

Since he is now a girl, he must do what any girl who is harassed by an old man does, kicks him, and she screams in anger. Of course, he cannot. Beldonna will die, and he needs him for that Baron death problem . Of course, for those who did not know Beldonna, he He is the wizard of an elf country that I forgot to mention called Mayarel he forced the Baron to lead an attack targeting a source of magical energy (Yuto). But out of pure sadism, they attacked a village belonging to the Kingdom of Harrenhal, which the kingdom will consider a military attack, which will lead to war, and worse, to Yuto himself.

Here lie the benefits of Yuto revealing his beautiful form to the old wizard. You may wonder what it will be:

1- It is seeing the effect of Yuto's form on people in this world, which proved to be important, as the reaction of this old man seems to be someone who takes drugs excessively and cannot stop

2- The magician will help Yuto with everything he wants out of intense love, such as denying the death of the Baron and a lot of information

3- The sorcerer will not tell anyone about the existence of this beautiful angel, but the least he will do is kill anyone who knows of its existence to make it only for himself.

Yuto also has spells that allow memory manipulation, so it does not matter, so he can remove his presence from the old man's memories if he is sure that he will never leave him.

Here Beldonna growled with fear while he was screaming, forcing Yuto to take the twigs out of his mouth to know why he was afraid.

"Watch out, this frog is very poisonous," and he started pointing at Mr. Frog, so Yuto rubbed his head happily realizing his ability to tolerate poisons, and from the frightened old man's reaction, it is likely that Mr. Frog's poison is strong and dangerous, as it seems that Yuto's ability to read thoughts is limited, as he only saw General's information doesn't matter, not his memories, and these things he can use a spell (mind reading) and extract everything

"I really didn't realize this. Can I ask you?" Yuto said in a seductive manner. "You seem like a wise man."

"Yes, you can ask me anything," said Beldonna with complete glee, drooling

"Then," Yuto said roughly, "Tell me, is there a way to summon creatures from another world?"

"Do you mean spirits?" Beldonna said, wracking his brain in an exaggerated way. "Yes, there are many spells and rituals, and you also need a book to summon a servant spirits. But you don't need them. I'm here and I'll do anything for you."

Yuto thought that he needed a servant, because no matter how strong he was, he couldn't survive in this world on his own, and it is likely that spiritual servants are completely loyal.

"Can I see they spell please ?" Yuto said softly

"How can I say no to that pretty face?" said Beldonna, his cheeks reddening, "but on condition that you give me a kiss." Then he squeezed his lips, waiting for his kiss, but Mr. Frog jumped on his face angrily, causing him to swell from the poison of the aforementioned frog and start screaming in pain, and Yuto watched him with contempt and just wanted to leave him. To die but he thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to experience his magic. He cast a spell on him (Enhanced Healing). Although the toad's poison was difficult to cure with natural incantations, thanks to Yutu's infinite mana, the healing was immediate and swift, leaving nothing behind. The old man looked at his face in astonishment before crying with joy as he thanked Yuto for his kindness and generosity to save him.

But Yuto quickly used (mind reading) on ​​him, and the result was wonderful. There was very important information. He also found the book of summoning spiritual servants that he wanted. It had a strange symbol, 8 rings fused together inside one ring. He also knew that he needed an important stone, but it is dangerous because it releases a green laurel that kills anything it touches and is only found in (the green forest) hahahaha you guessed it

(For those who do not understand, it is toxic to elephants and humans only, but to other creatures, it is useful. There are also other substances besides it, so do not worry)

Yuto thought to himself. Not everyone can use it due to its extreme toxicity but I can use it to enhance my presence concealment as I want fuck yeesssssss

He hugged the surprised old man and thanked him. before leaving with his frog towards the forest

The old man was sitting happily for this beautiful gift. "Ha, how lucky I am now. I can die as I want. Hey, where are you going?" And he started shouting in panic

* * * *

Yuto sits in his mask in front of the ring full of spells and starts rubbing his hand happily

"Huh. So that's all what you want," said a bird with relief, after thinking that this girl would eat it. Damn that dirty frog He Trick him when he asked him for a little favor (I introduce you to the bird, a new character and my favorite)

"Yeah, I just want you to read a little spell," Yuto said, feeling strange about talking to a bird. But he realized that his voice is very beautiful and is likely to attract attention and curiosity, and he does not want this, so he will use this bird as his own speaker. This is a type of bird called Lomez that looks like parrots in the previous world, but it is equal to the inhabitants of this world in intelligence and can speak, so it is used as live mail. How cruel

"As you wish," said the bird with fear, and the frog was watching him with angry and jealous eyes. "Heh," the poor bird nervously swallowed his saliva.

"What's the matter?" Yuto asked

"No, nothing," said the bird, and then he breathed fearfully, "but how am I still alive?" We are close to the green forest.

"Ahhh. I cast a spell on you. Don't worry," said Yuto, realizing the bird's fear of Mr. Frog.

"By the way, what's your name?" Yuto said

"Zarameel," said the bird quickly, "Ma'am."

"Zaramel. I'll call you Zara for short," said Yuto. "Now read the spells."

"Okay. As you wish," said the bird, before starting to recite the incantation written on the plank

A servant spirit summoning spell requires the poison stone, the symbols, a person reading the spell, and another supplying mana. Of course, more than fifty people do this work, but the results are amazing, as spirit creatures possess amazing knowledge and intelligence, and also they are so completely loyal to their masters that they are willing to sacrifice their lives without thinking.

"That's what I want," Yuto said. "I will summon the strongest spirit."

A light begins to spread so much that almost everyone is blinded as a ball is released. I mean, a white ball emerges from it, which soon begins to take on a human shape and take on colours

Here appears a huge young man of great beauty who was so handsome as to make the bird Zara gasp in amazement. Beautiful, muscular and voluptuous, with brown hair (in short, hot). The naked young man bowed respectfully before Yuto before saying,

"You who asked the world of spirits for help, I have come to your request, so what are your orders?" The young man said in a deep and wonderful voice

"First. Get dressed," Yuto said quickly, raising a finger and a blushing face inside the mask

"ok ." The young man knocked his finger before the clothes appeared in front of him and put them on quickly. "Anything else."

"What's your name?" Yuto said

"I don't have a name of my own, but," the handsome youth stop by Yuto

"Your name will be Sebastian," Yuto said happily, as he would have chosen that name if he were a man in this world.

"As you wish," said the young man with complete submissiveness, while the bird watched, annoyed at the thought that this extraordinarily handsome young man should obey that wicked girl. A hhhh how he wishes that this his master. He looks like a nice boy

"Well, your work is done," said Mr. Frog, with wide eyes, as he touched the poor bird.

Soon, he started screaming and crying in an annoying way, "No, I don't want to die. I still have a lot to live. Why?" Hahaha, and he started crying and sniffing as he saw his body swell, but soon Yuto cast a healing spell, which returned his body to normal.

He quickly flew away panting with fear and sat down on a far tree branch before he saw Yuto grab the frog and scold him in annoyance

"Damn you!" the bird cried angrily. "My job here is done!"

"Actually it never ends. Sebastian," Yuto commanded Sebastian

Who quickly pounced on the bird and brought it to Yuto. The bird shuddered as Yuto approached him. His nose touched a very sweet scent, forcing his eyes to cry

"Please kill me quickly, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'' and I lay on the ground crying

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Yuto said. "Actually, you won't get any harm in your life."

"What?" The bird looked surprised

"All I want is for you to speak for me," said Yuto. "You don't have to understand. You'll get everything you want, and besides, I won't let Mr. frog hurt you.aslo Sebastian will take care of you."

Zara only thought for a moment and he remembered that he had heard from the bird sage that it is very difficult to cure frog poison which indicates that this girl's charm must be great, and he also wants to stay with this handsome young man who started to carry him gently and kindly

"So," Yuto said

"alright" Zara said this while he hides his happiness why not he will come out of the forest protected by a strong girl and a poisonous frog and a very beautiful young man why not

"That's excellent," Yuto said. before turning his gaze to Sebastian who bowed respectfully

"Can I ask you about spirits and summons?" Yuto

"Yes, you paid the price and I can answer any question you want," said Sebastian

"You've paid the price. Do you mean the mana ?" Yuto asked

"No. It's your life force," said Sebastian. "We don't get summoned by immortals very often these days."

"are human beings sacrificed for the operation to take place?" Yuto asked

"No, the servant spirit is a link between the user and the world of spirits, so it only belongs to the wizard who summoned him. So we look exactly like them. If the summoner dies, the soul will return to our world," said Sebastian, "and that means you are a very beautiful person," and he smiled happily.

"In addition to your almost infinite information and knowledge about this world, do you have other abilities?" Yuto said, not wishing that this handsome bastard could not defend himself.

"Yes, thanks to our ability to see everything in this world, we can use almost all spells and we know all martial arts. Our body are very strong, it is impossible to destroy us, and we are all connected in the spirit world, which allows me to summon weapons and equipment. But as I said, we are related to the user, meaning that we have the same level of power as usual. This is It doesn't matter because the summoner can be more than fifty people." He pointed at Yuto, "But in your case, I have half your power , which is very formidable." He smiled with great pride that Yuto is his master.

"Is it only summoned from the spirit world?" Yuto said, trying to make it a normal question

"No," said Sebastian

"Really," Yuto said indifferently

"Don't worry, my lady ," said Sebastian, "as I said, you paid the price, and I am your obedient servant."

"So are there other worlds?" Yuto said annoyed to reveal his acting

"Yes," Sebastian put his finger to his mouth, "there is the land of men. A person from that world is summoned to become the hero. They get immeasurable superpowers when they get here. Usually he is a teenage boy or girl. But there aren't many books or information."

"Why?" Yuto said, sensing that there was a problem

"Because the Demon King destroyed all the books and temples, and he also killed all the magicians and priests who specialized in summoning."

Is any of the summoners a danger to the demon king? Yuto said, realizing that the Demon Lord is on another level of power. It's hard to believe he was scared in the first place.

"Yes, he is afraid to summon another warrior, as he does not want to repeat what happened with the hero. She was just crazy," said Sebastian with contempt, while the bird and the frog looked sarcastically at each other.

"Well, I shouldn't ask," Yuto said very shyly, realizing what that was (Yuto think that she was a feminist or gay. Wait for the rest of the chapters)

Before he falls to the ground collapsing, there is nothing else to learn. He must get out of this forest and go to this world. Yuto smiled happily as he thought about the future. He must reveal the secret of his transition (not like other stories). Only here he heard the sound of sighs. Sebastian, the bird, and the frog look lustfully at Yuto's beautiful legs. Yuto covered them quickly, then punched the trio with anger and contempt.

"Uh, I reincarnated as the most beautiful woman in the world of fantasy," Yuto thought before smiling, "Wow, how excited I am!" Yuto said while raising a sword that he had summoned.

Then he heard the old magician screaming, "Hah, spoil the moment." Yuto sighed, "I have to change his memory."

"Let me do it," said Sebastian

"No, he will think of you as my lover, and I don't want to see his reaction," said Yuto, and turned to Beldonna's place.

"Hah. I'm really very handsome," said Sebastian, looking at himself in relief