
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livros e literatura
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 271: Arrogant Guilliman

  The relevant components of the Mechanical Throne have already entered the production process.

  Cauer and Guilliman discuss only the final assembled product.

  Now after confirming the design of the throne is adopted.

   can transport it to the solar system.

  Assemble the relevant parts and you're done.

  In addition to the Mechanical Throne, there is also a celestial-class battleship dedicated to Guilliman that uses all the advanced technology of the empire. The construction has been completed.

  The name of the warship is Supreme, which was inspired by the name of the emperor's ship.

   Of course, this battleship has not yet been announced.

   Only a few people know the existence of this Celestial-class warship.

  The diameter and circumference of the Supreme are modeled on Terra's data.

   It can be said to be a moving mechanical planet.

   Inside the battleship is a huge zero-point reactor.

   This is an energy technology far beyond the plasma energy pile.

  In the field of imperial physics, there are theoretical data to prove that space, time, energy, and matter can be transformed into each other.

  Space is the ground state of energy.

  Cosmology means that apart from the planets, the universe is not really empty.

   Matter is surrounded by space.

   It's like a person standing in an empty space with nothing.

   Actually, this person is surrounded by air composed of particles invisible to the naked eye.

   When the speed is fast enough, the air becomes the wall.

  The same is true in the universe, matter is surrounded by space that is difficult to observe.

   When an object is fast enough, space becomes an obstacle.

  This is also the reason why the speed of light cannot break through.

  Zero-point energy utilizes the characteristics of transformation among the four to complete space-energy transformation and thus provide infinite energy.

   This energy source is very stable.

   Harvesting energy from space does not cause any harm.

  Space is giving birth to particles all the time.

  The lifespan of these particles is extremely short, and they will soon annihilate, completing the transformation of matter-energy-space again.

  The Mechanical Throne used to maintain the entire subspace firewall will be placed on the Supreme.

  The Mechanical Throne will be placed on the Supreme and will be exclusive to Guilliman.

  In this way, Guilliman can not only protect the Mechanical Throne, take charge of the Warp Firewall, but also patrol the galaxy to ensure that there will be no major chaos.

   What the Mechanical Throne radiates is Guilliman's will, and it doesn't need to stay in one place for a long time.

  As long as they are within the scope of the lighthouse network, the user can control the entire subspace firewall.

  Cauer, Penny and the others discussed that the Supreme will become Guilliman's flagship after he takes the throne.

  The original Macragge's Glory will be abandoned, and will no longer be used as the flagship of the Primarch, but will become the ship of the Ultramarines.

   With the vigorous development of the empire's technology and the overall improvement of the empire's strength.

  Various new warships are constantly emerging.

  The Queen of Glory class battleship from ten thousand years ago no longer fits Guilliman's status.

  The framework of the Queen of Glory class battleship has been fixed. At most, it can optimize energy distribution and reform and replace the weapon system.

   What's more, the name Macragge's Glory also doesn't fit Guilliman's status as the savior and guide of all mankind.

  Politics and public opinion are very complicated things, and every word and deed of the superior may cause turmoil in the situation and people's speculation.

  Guilliman cannot show any actions or words in favor of Ultramar.

  Justice is the best lubricant for maintaining order.

   If justice is lost, the ruler will be questioned.

  Guilliman cannot let the people of the galaxy think that he values ​​Ultramar more than other worlds in the sector.

  That would cause people to be dissatisfied.

  Let them think they will be treated unfairly.

   Dissatisfaction will be accumulated, and then it will not be trusted.

  The ruler and the ruled will change from the original win-win cooperation to a state of hostility.

  Any small injustice acts like a butterfly's wings, causing a chain reaction that eventually leads to a storm.

  In addition to these, Kaur and Guilliman discussed for a long time and determined some future development directions.


  When the Glory of Macragge reached the edge of the solar system, the Great Sage of the Command boarded the battleship, and did not leave until Terra's low-earth orbit.

  The empire at this stage has achieved impressive results.

  Completed the previous accumulation, has a huge reserve of technical personnel and industrial capacity.

   This is the most important thing for a civilization. There are enough talents to carry out various advanced research, and there are industrial capabilities that can transform research results into products.

  Economy, military, and politics are all based on these two.

  The first section of the new cosmic channel has been completed. This is a gratifying start, which means that the human empire has taken a small step in the multidimensional field and set foot in that mysterious field.

  Being able to witness more universes, learning and plundering resources from those universes will inevitably make the empire develop faster and become stronger.

  Small universe These creation-level projects have also been formally established, and a large number of researchers are currently trying to create a small universe belonging to human beings.

  Once successful, even if the universe is destroyed, human beings are capable enough to protect themselves.

   In this way, facing the gods of the warp space, I have a little more confidence.

   It is impossible to perish together.

   At most, you will die, and I will be seriously injured.

  In addition to the field of science and technology, the military victory is also very gratifying.

  The aliens that rose later, such as the titanium family, have been destroyed.

   The Zergs in the Milky Way are being besieged and suppressed. Several large tentacles have been defeated, and the remaining Zergs are not in trouble. Many planets that were lost before have now been taken back one by one.

   The traitor forces led by Abaddon have been consumed several times, and their vitality is currently severely damaged.

  The empire has mastered the Warp Firewall and has the ability to enter the Eye of Terror.

   Their downfall is also doomed.

  The only threats to the real universe are the Necrons, the Green Orcs, and the Dark Eldar who are hostile to humans.

   Guilliman is ready to go hand in hand.

   When the time comes, launch a large enough army to crusade and kill these enemies.

   To be honest, with the current strength of the empire, these three are no longer a big threat.

  The Nether Dragon has already reached a cooperative relationship with the Empire, and it only needs a sufficient price to learn the weakness of the space undead technology from the other party.

  The various advanced technologies of the Necrons are basically given by the star gods.

   One of the biggest contributors is undoubtedly the guy Nether Dragon.

   Now, the Nether Dragon is on the human side.

  Victory is already doomed.

  The space undead who have no reproductive ability and lost their technological advantages are just dough kneaded at will, which is not a problem at all.

   Guilliman did not attack the Dark Eldar for a long time because of the cooperative relationship he established with the Harlequin Theater Troupe and the Ark Eldar.

  After the Fall, the Eldar have split into several parts.

  Those guys are no longer of one mind.

   But after all, they all belong to the same race.

   Rushing to wipe out the Dark Eldar will inevitably cause discomfort to Allies like Evelyn.

  This matter still needs to communicate with the great prophets of the Spirit Race who have the right to make decisions, and the patron **** of the Harlequin Drama Troupe, the God of Laughing, to make some transfers of interests and seek their help and understanding.

  The thing of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge cannot be done.

  Dark Watcher is also a cooperative relationship.

  If humans cross the river and tear down bridges against the Eldar, then the Dark Watcher must have his own ideas.

   Fighting within the same camp is the most stupid thing.

  Of course, even if the Death Army, the Ark Eldar, and the Laughing God disagree, Guilliman will attack the Dark Eldar.

  Komodo, the base city of the Dark Eldar, must be erased.

   Those guys in it are all out-and-out lunatics.

   Guilliman could not let them go.

  The massacres of the human planet by the Dark Eldar are endless, and even the Chaos traitors are as amiable as the volunteers in the next-door community compared to these lunatics.

  After the Great Rift appeared, the number of massacres increased dramatically.

  Dark Eldar rely on devouring the souls of other creatures to complement their own souls devoured by Slaanesh.

  They are not dead, and human beings must continue to be poisoned by them.

   There is no need to say more about the orcs.

   Only one sentence.

  The orc warlord must die.

   An orc is a good orc only if the orc is dead.

   This race is chaotic, possesses unlimited energy, and exists only for war.

   The orcs are immortal, and sooner or later they will drag the human empire into trouble again.

   Even if there is no way to completely kill this race, Guilliman must find a way to abolish the technological knowledge carried deep in the orc genes.

   After finishing the conversation with the Archmage, Guilliman went to the landing deck in his armor.

  The honor guards who had already prepared followed closely behind him.

  Their battle armor is meticulously maintained, reflecting the lights on the deck.

   Facing such a grand ceremony, they would never allow themselves to embarrass the father of genes.

  Sicarius stood in front of the team with his head held high, with a smile on his face and a hint of pride that the Primarch could receive such great glory.

  The mechanical priest on the deck debugged the machine, and after confirming that every parameter met the requirements, he turned on the space transmission device.

   Accompanied by the sound of crackling electricity.

  The space is slightly distorted.

  A light hole appears on the teleportation platform of the deck.

  Guilliman took the lead and walked in.

  Sicarius and other Honor Guard members followed closely behind.

  The teleportation platform that greets Guilliman is built near the Gate of Eternity, which is the largest entrance directly to the palace.

  On both sides of the Eternal Avenue stand countless heroes who have made great contributions to the empire.

  Including the legend of the past-Sun Lord-Macharius,

  This place is also the end of the pilgrimage to Terra and the most important pilgrimage point of the empire.

  Thousands of years, very few people were allowed to enter the palace through the gate of eternity.

  From the moment Macragge's Glory entered Terra's low-earth orbit, the crowds of Terra were boiling, cheering endlessly.

   They watched the dais, waiting for the Primarch to appear.

  The high platform also has a huge mechanical device, which is the transmission platform for docking with the Glory of Macragge.

  People looked forward to it, watching the lights on the delivery platform turn green one after another.

  As the last light turned green, the huge teleportation platform made a melodious mechanical sound.

  A thick beam of light shot down from the sky, like a road built by the gods for themselves.

  The war horns on the Wall of Eternity let out a sharp and hoarse roar together.

  These war horns have a long history and are placed atop fortified towers and castle walls.

   It is said that these horns were placed here during the Horus Rebellion in the past.

  After thousands of years, it still stands here, witnessing the rise and fall of the empire.

  The sound of the horn resounded throughout the palace, and the deafening sound echoed in the tall city, making people feel the heavy sense of history.

   Let them feel the **** battles of human ancestors in the starry sky, and finally established the history of this great empire.

  The salute sounded at the same time, shaking the ears of the city and people.

   Before Guilliman arrived, many people were already weeping.

  All scholars and warriors, merchants, and travelers wandering in the starry sky who know the sufferings of mankind in the past are all excited by this moment.

  The swords of human beings swept across all directions, and the aliens and traitors all fled.

  The mighty power of heaven made the stars submit, even the ancient gods were forced to give in for the rise of mankind.

  They witnessed this ancient empire fall apart under the poison of former traitors.

  They witnessed the collapse of this ancient empire in the alien invasion.

  People look up at the starry sky, but they can't find a trace of salvation, only more despair and suffering than before.

   Now, everything has become a thing of the past.

   This race that has evolved over hundreds of millions of years once again stands among the stars.

   Those who once clamored for the destruction of this empire have either fled to the edge of the galaxy, or have become the ashes of history and been swept into the garbage dump.

  Tara at this time has gathered humans from all over the galaxy.

  After the empire's lighthouse system is complete.

   The safety factor of navigating in subspace has been greatly improved.

  The frightening subspace navigation in the past, as long as there are no problems inside the battleship, basically nothing will happen.

   It is no longer like before, entering the subspace is completely resigned to fate.

   It's like the ancient wooden ships for ocean shipping have suddenly evolved into modern steel ships, the safety factor has skyrocketed, and there is no need to worry as much as before.

  The news of Guilliman's return to Terra means that this stage of the Indomitable Expedition has come to an end.

  Combined with the previous events, people in the empire who are keen on the political situation have realized that a historical event that is enough to be recorded in the history of the empire and even the entire history of human development will take place.

  They came from all directions, just to witness the historical moment when the old king abdicated and the new king rose.

   Terra has changed dramatically since Guilliman left.

  The chaotic city takes on new life and becomes organized, full of gardens and woodland parks.

   It's not as messy as it used to be.

  The large-scale dirty and messy slums have also disappeared.

  At this moment, the huge flow of people crowded the remodeled Terra city to the brim.

  Parks, woodlands, balconies of every building are people.

   Near the high platform that greeted Guilliman, there was even a sea of ​​people.

   At first glance, it was full of people, and it was so dark that there was no end in sight.

  If it weren't for the great improvement of the empire's governing ability and the comprehensive development of medical technology, many people would lose their lives simply by trampling on it.

  A large number of suspension vehicles act as medical and law enforcement platforms, controlling every move of the crowd.

   Law enforcement officials worked hard to maintain order and avoid stampedes.

  Accompanied by the sound of gun salutes and horns, people couldn't help cheering.

  When Guilliman in ceremonial armor stepped out of the beam of light, it was like a **** entering the real world from his own kingdom.

  People's cheers reached a climax.

  Countless people uttered deafening cheers, and the terrifying sound wave once overwhelmed the sound of salutes and horns.

  People put their hands on their chests and make a sky eagle salute.

  Countless voices roared the oath of allegiance.

  The eyes were blurred by tears, and the tears on the ground once merged into a trickle.

   Throat roared hoarsely, and he was still shouting.

  The warp was swept by this frenzied emotion, demons howled and gods were angry.

  Witnessing the crowd that Guilliman walked out, I felt like my blood was boiling. Seeing that incomparably noble face, I had the idea of ​​being loyal to the other party until the moment my soul was broken.

   Even now, Guilliman ordered them to die immediately.

   I'm afraid they will execute without hesitation.

  Guilliman stood on the high platform, beside him were the personal guards of glory, the imperial guards, and many heroes of the empire.

  Looking around at the bustling city and the crowded scene, Guilliman smiled.

   Many of Terra's urban buildings were rebuilt after Angron's invasion.

   Those Gothic buildings with grotesque shapes and dark lights.

   Abnormal expansion, industrial facilities that emit high concentrations of pollution.

   Horrible religious emblems and iron cages that imprisoned the living and the dead.

   It's gone now.

   Instead, it is more of a dome building with a technological atmosphere, implying hard work and enterprising, or a landscape carefully designed by an artist with a special meaning.

   is no longer as depressing as before.

   This is exactly the effect Guilliman wanted.

  Human civilization has developed and evolved for millions of years since learning to use flames.

  The history of the empire is nothing compared to the long history of human civilization.

  Human beings can only go further on this road if they keep their enterprising spirit at all times.

   To dwell on the past will only lead to destruction.

  Guilliman boarded the anti-gravity suspension vehicle used for sightseeing, and headed for the palace from the Avenue of Eternity.

  Where he passed, people cheered and threw flowers.

   Men, women, young, old, rich, poor, without exception.

  People's madness once made Terra a sea of ​​flowers.

  The strong fragrance of flowers filled the whole city.

  Guilliman stood on the vehicle, smiling, and waved to the enthusiastic crowd.

  The anti-gravity sightseeing boat travels through the layers of Terra buildings.

  The huge population is a huge requirement for Terra's buildings, and the builders have to use all available space.

  The majestic and tall buildings extend beyond the horizon, bringing the former wilderness into the city.

   With the development of the empire's technology, the subspace navigation is stable.

  More and more people came to Terra with a pilgrimage mentality.

   caused a massive population influx.

   Also caused Terra to continue to build urban buildings, except for important ocean areas, natural woodland areas, and ecological areas.

  Other places are filled with various magnificent buildings to meet the huge living needs.

  For the utilization of space resources, the cities of Terra have been built underground.

  Currently, the underground city is deep enough to use the temperature difference between the deep layer and the surface to supply the required energy.

  It is a completely pure energy, a gift from the laws of the universe.

   Cleaner and more affordable than plasma energy stacks.

  The living conditions underground are not worse than those on the ground.

  They have huge projection facilities that capture the sky in real time, and also have woodland parks and natural forests that are maintained by sunlight facilities to ensure fresh air.

  Terra's magnificent city is a great masterpiece, a complete conquest of human beings on the mother star world.

   After passing through a magnificent arch, Guilliman and his party came to the Heroes' Square.

  Those sculptures that are hundreds of meters high are all carved from a single block of marble.

   These stones are mined from Outworld, transported to Terra for carving, and finally sent to the Heroes' Square.

  Guilliman glanced at the layout of the sculptures on the Heroes' Square.

   These sculptures are divided into three levels.

  One is an imperial hero who has made an outstanding contribution to the empire.

  One is a Primarch loyal to the Empire.

  The other one is the emperor and himself.

Yes, that's right.

  Guilliman's sculpture was placed on an equal footing with the Emperor by his fanatical supporters. Faced with such an honor, Guilliman had no joy in his heart.

   Of the two sculptures standing side by side, one of them cannot stand on the Golden Throne.

  Cauer repaired himself a Mechanical Throne again.

   If you can't get down, then the fun will be great.

  The boiling crowd crowded the road, and the sound of people cheering resounded in every corner of Heroes Square.

  Heroes Square is not only a place to commemorate the heroes of the empire, but also a public prison.

   Imprisoned the Primarchs who betrayed the Empire.

  Under Guilliman's evil taste, tourists can watch the captivity of several traitor primarchs at a glance at the designated location.

  For the proud Primarch, being displayed as an animal is undoubtedly a humiliation.

  If they escaped from the prison, I am afraid that the first thing these renegade primarchs will do is to find a way to kill Guilliman.

   Unfortunately, they cannot escape.

  The entire Heroes Square had already set up sufficient security measures when it was being built.

  The power of the Demon Primarch was weakened by the Emperor's faith and Imperial technology to the point where he could barely walk.

   Every guard has been upgraded twice.

  The weapons used are all god-killing weapons that can kill demons and contain the most advanced technology of the empire.

   Only one wound is needed to cause irreversible damage to these demonic primarchs.

  The crowd was blocked outside the square by dedicated guards.

  Guilliman asked his companions to wait for him outside the square, and then went to the Primarch's prison alone to see how the brothers were doing.

  Fulgrim, Perturabo, and Lorgar all growled in low voices when they saw Guilliman coming.

  Especially Lorgar, who kept knocking on the thick iron door.

   Even if he was bounced away by the force field again and again, he did not give up.

"Liar, Guilliman, you liar." Lorgar growled, "You burned my city of faith, and now you brazenly claim to be the Emperor's emissary, you even changed the Book of Lorgar The book of Riemann, shameless and despicable."

  When those guards talked about the empire, Lorgar could see the current situation of the entire empire from their few words.

   Guilliman, who used to burn the perfect city, is now at the helm of the state religion, and even the Pope needs his appointment and blessing.

   After revising the Book of Lorgar that he had created in the past, he took it out and declared that he was the founder of the state religion.

   How despicable this is.

   How shameless this is.

  The Emperor has done nothing like this **** in the past.

   Perturabo and Fulgrim's eyes were also full of anger.

  Guilliman's shamelessness is beyond imagination.

  He has made a mess of the history of the empire, and all the rebel primarchs have been splashed with dirty water by him in various ways.

  In the battle of Terra in the past, the emperor brought his loyal Primarch to kill all directions, holding down Horus and the gods of the subspace, and was unfortunately attacked by Horus pretending to surrender, and was seriously injured in the end.

  After reading the history book compiled by Guilliman, both Perturabo and Fulgrim wondered how they survived the time of the rebellion.

  The rebel party relied entirely on playing emotional cards and the help of the subspace to successfully attack and seriously injure the loyal Primarch.

   It's short of saying clearly that the rebel primarch and the gods are paper tigers, if they didn't play tricks and tricks, they would have been hanged.

   After reading the history of the empire written by Guilliman, Perturabo and Fulgrim felt that they were going to have a cerebral hemorrhage.

  In all my life, I have never seen such brazen behavior.

Guilliman looked at Lorgar's incompetent roar calmly, and waited until he was tired of shouting, and then said, "It's a pity, no one listens to you. No one will believe a poor traitor who can only be hysterical. They will only Take my word for it, look, here's the proof."

  The sound of cheering was higher and higher.

   The prison of the traitorous Primarch is more than ten kilometers away from the cordon that the guards isolated, but it still feels deafening. One can imagine how crazy those people are.

   Lorgar glared at Guilliman, the anger burning in his heart.

   "One day, you will pay for your lies." Lorgar said with gritted teeth, "People can't be fooled by you forever."

  Hearing this, Guilliman couldn't help laughing.

   "Do you think truth and lies are important to the empire?"

"You say such things because you know nothing about the truth of the universe, Guilliman, one day, you will pay the price for today's words, and the gods will not let you go easily." Lorgar said viciously Said: "Chaos is the ultimate truth and future of the universe. You can't always fool those ignorant people. Someone will wake up and raise the banner against you."

"Do you still think that your master can deal with me?" Guilliman said with a smile: "Lorgar, I think you are very pitiful. You claim to have seen the truth of the universe clearly, think that the truth of the Emperor's past is a lie, think that Those gods born from the souls of creatures are the real controllers of the universe. They think they have seen the truth clearly and are superior to others. They speak for them, spread their chaotic thoughts, and planned the Horus change."

   "But I want to tell you today, Lorgar, your vision is as narrow as that pathetic mouse, and the truth you think is not worth mentioning to me."

"To me, neither the truth of the Emperor nor the eternity of the gods is a lie. One is a lesser lie and the other is a greater lie. You are flattered that you know the existence of the gods, your master It doesn't rank at all in my eyes."

  Guilliman glanced at these former brothers, watching Perturabo and Fulgrim stare at him with the same hatred because of his arrogant words.

  The more they showed their hatred, the happier Guilliman became.

   Smile is conserved, it will not disappear, it will only transfer to different faces.

  How arrogant these demon primarchs laughed in the past, Guilliman laughed arrogantly.

"Even if you guys have an extraordinary body, immortal mind, and provide you with the power to destroy the world. You are just apes who came out of the prairie. You are as short-sighted as the mortals you hate. Your innate flaws make it impossible for you to look at problems from the height of the entire universe, let alone imagine what kind of achievements I will achieve in the future. The glory of mankind has just begun. In your humble minds, there are only gods and Father's struggle, thinking that's what the universe is all about."

"How sad, how short-sighted. Your hatred and anger are useless, and you will witness new miracles in this prison. Not only the galaxy, but the entire universe will be mine, and every galaxy will be plugged The flag of the eagle, humans will control every star and become the most powerful civilization in the history of this universe."

   "One day, your master will kneel at my feet, humbly begging for a way to survive. I swear, you will witness this scene with your own eyes."

  Guilliman opened his arms, as if to take the whole universe into his arms.

  The gazes of the three traitorous primarchs ranged from anger to astonishment, and then to lunatic-like eyes.

  The smile on Guilliman's face and his firm tone told them that the former brothers really planned to do that.

  Conquer the galaxy and crush every enemy.

   And then waged one grand war after another, far surpassing the Great Crusade launched by the Emperor.

  The battlefield is bigger and more crazy.

   Until the last enemy's body fell under his sword.

   Till the last star was forced to bend to his will.

   will stop.

  Such a terrifying ambition, just thinking about it is enough to suffocate.

  The gods dare not have such an idea.

   Such shocking arrogance.

  Arrogance no one can match.

  Compared to him, the Emperor is nothing more than a gentle and kind boy next door.

   A galaxy is no longer enough for Guilliman.

  He didn't even intend to let go of the distant stars.

   "You are simply a madman."

   Fear arose in Lorgar's heart, and he saw Guilliman's ferocious smile in his dazed eyes. Under his sharp sword, countless corpses lay down, mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Human greed drowned the stars.

  The gods will also fall under the sharp sword of this lunatic, and countless alien civilizations will be reduced to ashes under his arrogant ambition.

   He will be the end of countless civilizations.

  A horrible butcher to the extreme.

   "You won't succeed." Perturabo's face became gloomy.

  Fulgrim's expression on the side was even more unpredictable.

  He finally understood why the old crown of vanity couldn't corrupt Guilliman.

  Hidden under that body was a soul even more arrogant and crazy than the Emperor.

  The illusion he created for the other party is so ridiculous.

  It's like a kid seducing a man who aspires to be the richest man in the galaxy with the promise of a lollipop.

   "Wait and see, idiots. I mercifully allow you to live until you see that moment become real."

   Guilliman left the last sentence, then turned and left, leaving the traitor primarchs howling in the prison.

  After scolding these traitorous brothers, Guilliman was in a good mood.

  Whether it can be done or not is another matter.

   Bragging is absolutely impossible to lose.

  What the gods can play, he can play.

   What the gods cannot blow, he can do better.

   Blow first before talking, this is the privilege of the keyboard man.

  After returning to the team, Guilliman did not talk about what he had said to the traitor primarch.

  He let the team move on, heading to the palace under the eyes of countless people of the empire.

   Last time, his arrival saved the entire empire.

   And this time, his arrival will completely change the history of mankind and bring a truly new era.

  Wizard Star has been the base of operations of Thousand Sons for ten thousand years.

   After a ritual inspired by the death of a billion souls, it emerged from its position in the Warp into the Realm of Reality.

  Wizard Star is a crazy planet. Just seeing things on the surface of the planet is enough to drive mortals crazy and fall into endless fear.

  The color of the sky changes randomly, without any running pattern resembling the seasons.

  The monotonous glass surface, the constantly changing labyrinth of twisted mirrors, and the swamp of mutated flesh adorn the surface.

  The ground was struck by a passive lightning storm.

   Biting cold winds blow across the surface of the earth carrying tortured, eternally inextricable souls.

   On such a planet, human beings have no way to survive.

   Creatures born from the worst nightmares thrive on this planet.

   A herd of Aristorns hunts in jungles of razor-sharp cliffs and twisted shapes of failed worshippers.

  The wandering demon engine travels through the storm-ravaged crystalline plain, fighting in the plain's own ecosystem, competing for the position of the strong.

  Rampant giant monsters, screecher sharks and fire monsters enter reality at will, or emerge from portals that open naturally.

  In addition to these weird creatures, there are also a huge number of Chaos Eggs.

  These fearsome beasts are twisted by traitors who could not bear the blessings of Chaos.

   An invisible spell circles the planet, sucking any ammunition fired at the planet into the warp, turning powerful lasers into harmless beams.

  This is the territory of wizards. Demons and weird subspace energy tides are sharp weapons in their hands, and they can be driven by them to attack the enemy.

   Magnus has operated the Wizard Star for more than 10,000 years.

   He had sworn never to let the Wizard Star suffer the fate of Prospero.

  Any enemy who tries to invade this planet will suffer the most tragic failure.

   It's a pity that this time, they are facing the brand new and upgraded Dark Angel.

   Azrael is not a stubborn person.

  The holy scriptures were revised during the Regent of the Empire, and the expansion of the battle group was put on the agenda.

   Even if a large number of dark angels are sent to all parts of the galaxy.

  There are more than 4,000 dark angels on standby in the megalithic fortress.

  In addition to this, there are also some dark angel sub-groups who have been ordered by the mother group to come to support.

  Azrael can mobilize as many as thirteen thousand Primaris warriors.

  Equivalent to the previous thirteen fully formed battle groups.

   In addition, the Space Wolves and the Blood Angels also have a large number of original cast fighters.

  The confluence of the three forces will surely gather more than 50,000 original warriors.

  If you count other armies, the scale is even more terrifying.

  Such a huge military force is hard to see even in the period of the Great Expedition.

  Knowing that he has backup, Azrael has no scruples. He mobilized tens of thousands of original cast warriors to carry out airborne operations on the wizard star to break the evil ritual on the wizard star.

   Pull the wizard star and Prospero from the gap between reality and illusion into the real universe.

   Then flood Magnus with massive Imperial troops equipped with advanced technology.

  Let Magnus know that there is no end to the power of demons, and there is no end to the loyalists of the empire.

  Following Azrael's order, the overwhelming gunboats carrying Primaris warriors rushed to the Wizard Star.

  These powerful fighters landed forcibly without using teleportation technology.

Facing a scheming enemy like the Thousand Sons who is good at disguising and deceiving, Azrael, the Grand Master of the Dark Angels, gave up any subtle tactical arrangements, and used the wild wolf's airborne tactics simply and rudely. Reckless word.

   There is only one requirement, which is to destroy the ritual of the wizard star.

  Once the Primaris fighters entered the high altitude of the Wizard Star, they jumped off the high-speed mobile gunboat.

  Relying on the powerful armor with force field buffer function and the extraordinary body with strong recovery ability, it can resist the impact of falling.

  The transport gunboat dropped the ammunition pods and let them airborne with the soldiers.

  The empire's ammunition compartment has also undergone special improvements, and it has the ability to travel. Under the control of the half-body servant, it can go to the vicinity of the soldiers who need ammunition.

  The best way to face an enemy who likes to plot tricks is to beat him up.

  The wizards were caught off guard by the empire's brutal style of play.

  The flames of war ignited everywhere.

   Primaris warriors fight in squads.

  The entire planet is in chaos.

   There is no front and back, wars are everywhere.

  Just as it landed, the built-in auspicious instrument of the Boris battleship issued a high-frequency warning sound, detecting a powerful spiritual energy source.

   Walking to a high place, Boris found a target for this airborne trip.

  A tall emerald glass tower, surrounded by nine obelisks carved with runes made of scarlet stone.

   There is a palpitating breath.

  Obviously, this is the ritual tower set up on the wizard star, which can pull two planets into the crack space.

   "Go forward, target the ritual tower." Boris shot and exploded the scarlet fighters near him, and used the communication device of the armor to gather the fighters near him, and headed towards the destination.

  Members of the two Deathwing teams gathered around Boris and followed him to the target.

  The vicinity of the tower is full of uneven gray rocks, full of ravines and cliffs.

  Azure blue, chestnut brown and purple red flesh and blood wriggled between the gaps.

   Twisted, ugly, bloodshot eyes stared at the intruders, Boris, on the strange things of colorful crystals.

   A winged demon flew out of the tower, covering the sky.

  Those heavy, baroque-style demon engines made mechanical roars, trying to crush all humans who came in front of them.

  Rubencil warriors in ornate armor and wizards with scepters also went into battle, trying to defend the Ritual Tower.

  There is no possibility of compromise or concession on both sides, and the battle has entered a fierce state in an instant.

  However, Boris and the others were even more powerful in combat. Like spears, they smashed through the wave of demons and threw a sticky bomb with annihilation energy on the tower of the tower.

  Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the black annihilation energy formed a shock wave, sweeping in all directions, and flying the nearby demons.

  The red flames caused by the explosion rose up, and the billowing heat wave rushed towards us.

  The emerald-colored glazed tower was shattered in the explosion, collapsed, was swallowed by the flames, and the fragments were also blown away by the shock wave.

  The powerful subspace energy also dissipated.

   Magnus also watched this scene for the first time.

   His complexion became ugly.

   In such a short period of time, a node is destroyed.

   If we don't take some remedial measures, I'm afraid that Wizard Star will fall soon.