
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 272: Magnus, who is less than three seconds proud

   Magnus looked through Prospero's layers of guardian witchcraft, and across the long distance, he saw the tragic battle that was erupting on the Wizard Star.

   Originally thought that suppressing the empire's technology in the crack space could somewhat restore his chances of winning.

   But now, the strength shown by the empire's army has caught him a little by surprise.

  Where did Guilliman find so many powerful technologies?

   Enhance those Dark Angels to this extent.

  In the crack space, on the wizard star, on his territory, the dark angels pressed the demons and wizards on the ground and rubbed them.

  The combat power shown is far superior to that of his subordinates.

   The single eye shone dangerously.

  The thick palm covered with luxurious armor tightly gripped the armrest of the throne, with such force that it deformed the steel containing mysterious power.

  Magnus is angry at the situation on the wizard planet.

  The Dark Angels drive straight in.

  And his subordinates were defeated in addition to being defeated.

  Can't even organize a decent resistance.

  Bombs shredded the bodies of daemons born of ghastly nightmares, driving them back into the Warp.

  The power sword destroyed those huge demon engines, and the blessed steel was cut like paper.

  The Crystal Forest was covered by a thick cloud of dust raised by artillery fire, and the Tzeentch herd died screaming.

  The magnificent crystal tower collapsed in the flames of the explosion.

  Countless fragments reflected the brilliance brought by the soaring flames.

  The second home of the Thousand Sons was destroyed by the savage attacks of the Dark Angels.

  Wizards and mortal followers of the Almighty fell to the sword of the Empire.

   "Son of Ryan." Magnus let out a low growl like a beast, "If you want to win, don't be delusional."

  The one-eyed king raised his hand, and countless rays of light gathered in his hand, weaving into a crystal scepter.

  He swiped at the shifting sky.

  The violent power radiated from his body, making the whole world tremble.

  Ariman and the others looked horrified, watching the action of the one-eyed king.

  Every wizard trembled, and the mortals and demons behaved even more unbearably, screaming horribly.

  How terrifying is the power of the one-eyed king.

  Pry the stars and extinguish the stars.

   Now he is shooting in a rage, even though it is far away.

   It also made the think tanks of the Dark Angels feel a strong sense of oppression.

  Magnus presided over the nine-storied pagoda ceremony, unable to leave the planet Prospero, but he was able to project his will onto the wizard star, strengthen his subordinates, and let the dark angels know how powerful he is.

  The changing sky gradually becomes transparent, revealing the horror of subspace.

  The vast ocean of ether poured down, and illusion and reality became one.

  Mountain-mountain-like giant spherical eyes and tentacle monsters that only appear in the dreams of crazy lunatics stare down at the doomed world below.

  The horrific and profane sight drives people crazy, and just one glance is enough to break the spirit.

  The warriors of the Empire died screaming.

  Countless subspace rifts surfaced on the surface of the Wizard Star, exuding a malicious light.

  Huge skeleton faces appeared on the mountains and on the surface, opening mouths full of tentacles, devouring nearby humans.

  The wizards responded to Magnus and joined forces to launch a chorus.

   One after another crystal spiers erupted with intense light, attracting the power from the other side.

  Each minaret is the number of nine, containing Tzeentch's infinite power of change.

  The surface came alive, as if it had its own will.

  The mountains and rivers cracked, opened their mouths like a giant beast, and magma gushed out, devouring the Dark Angel.

  The river became heavy, and any warrior trying to cross felt countless hands grabbing their bodies, trying to drown them.

  The will of the entire world is at war against the invaders of the Empire.

   Every branch of crystal, every crystal that reflects light has become the enemy of the Dark Angel.

  The fighters fell into a completely hostile combat environment.

  The number of enemies is also unimaginably large, attacking them from all directions.

  For a while, the Primordial Warriors who entered the battle on the Wizard Star suffered heavy casualties.

  Even after the original casting upgrade, it is difficult to resist the invasion and damage of the power of the subspace.

"With the emperor's will, with Guilliman's will, with the lion's will, retreat, evil spirit of the warp." Azrael, who joined the battlefield, witnessed the death of his war brother, roared, and the sword in his hand The long sword burst out with a strong light.

  Arcane weapons made of a mixture of faith and advanced technology are showing terrifying power at this moment.

  Brilliant beams of light lit up in the subspace, and a will that was as terrifying as the power of destruction was ushered in.

   Another scene appeared in the sky filled with chaos and evil scenes.

  The sacred golden light turned into soldiers, tanks, and planes rushed into that terrible world.

   Two mighty realms are at war.

  The will of the Lord of Humanity against the will of the Master of Fate.

  The fight between the two sides was extremely dangerous.

   It is not accessible to mortals.

   Fortunately, the Dark Angel no longer has to face that terrifying will.

   Magnus uttered an angry roar, and his will set off a storm, inciting those traitors to launch more violent attacks.

  The Demon Primarch unleashed a terrible sorcery that enveloped the demons and traitors in a radiance.

  That layer of radiance absorbed all the damage caused by the dark angel.

  The demons and traitors who were defeated by the terrifying firepower suddenly became fearless of all artillery fire.

  Bombs and melt beams can only create ripples on the shield.

   Azrael took out another amulet and crushed it.

  The subspace set off a terrifying fluctuation, causing the vast ocean to ripple.

  An ancient will has awakened from the depths of the Warp to oppose the power of Magnus.

  Before the official attack, Azrael went to visit the Dark Watcher.

  This ancient remnant possesses knowledge and skills beyond imagination.

  For the sake of alliance, the Darkwatcher gave Azrael an amulet.

  Crush this talisman to summon another will to block the scarlet king's interference.

  The brilliance of witchcraft disappeared, and the demons and traitors who had just reversed the situation were slaughtered again.

  In an instant, hundreds of demons were killed, and the corpses fell to the ground, leaving shocking traces of blood and broken bones on the ground.

  On Prospero's crystal throne, Magnus opened his eyes with terrible rage.

   But apart from being angry, there was nothing he could do.

  The force that stopped him was equally terrifying.

  He is hard to shake and can no longer support the wizard star.

   Without the help of Magnus, the defeat of traitors and demons is inevitable.

   However, to win the final victory, sacrifice is still inevitable.

  The number of comrades around Boris is constantly decreasing.

  Battle Brother-Trel was torn apart by the crazy **** beast, and the remaining flesh was set on fire by the pink Horror.

   Fearless sleeping in the sarcophagus was knocked down by the huge demon vehicle, and the amniotic fluid flowed out, revealing the broken body.

  The brave Dark Angel fights with all his might.

  They kept roaring, and the weapons in their hands kept slashing at all enemies they could see.

  Destructive beams of superheated plasma and pulse beams are fired from supporting gunships, blanketing those terrifying foes.

  The heavy bolter fired continuously, and the barrels all emitted a hot red light.

  The Heaven's Punishment Weapon roared, blowing up the densest group of demons.

  Blade of Vengeance, Angel of Contempt, Angel of Judgment and many other support fighters sent by the sub-groups of the Dark Angels are also fighting bravely, charging towards the ritual towers that emit light.

   "Don't stare at the sky." The captain of the Angel of Vengeance shouted, telling his soldiers not to pay attention to the war in the sky.

  The battlefield in the sky does not belong to them.

   That is a confrontation of the will.

   No matter which side wins.

   Paying too much attention will damage your soul.

  The Angels of Vengeance gathered around their Chapter Master, forming a sharp spear, piercing the wave after wave of mad magic.

  The same is true for other sub-groups, gathering into one team after another to launch a fearless charge against the enemy.

  Lian's return has greatly enhanced their sense of belonging to the mother group.

  Azrael's call to war brought them together here to fight for the Empire.

  These fighters killed rows of crystal streets, leaving a huge number of corpses along the way, blood flowing like rivers.

  Their casualties were also very tragic, and their extraordinary bodies could not stop the enemy's vicious witchcraft.

  The Thousand Sons wizards and mortal followers launched an extremely violent attack in desperation.

  The terrifying subspace flames destroyed the human gene sequence, distorting the flesh and soul into a terrifying appearance.

  The soldiers who fell to the ground were swarmed by demons, their battle armors were torn apart, and their flesh and blood were devoured beyond recognition.

   However, death was not enough to make them retreat.

   With firm determination, strong equipment and body, and unquenchable faith, he persisted.

  The soldiers fought **** paths one after another on the chaotic battlefield, moving towards their goals.

   Azrael also killed like crazy.

  He activated his abilities continuously.

  Using the arcane weapons in his hands to kill those powerful demons.

  His throat screamed hoarse until he lost his voice completely behind.

  Wherever he walked, there was bubbling blood, broken corpses and steaming pus behind him.

  With heavy casualties, one ritual tower after another was destroyed by Primaris warriors.

   While Magnus roared almost crazily, the last crystal tower was engulfed by the flames of the explosion, and countless fragments flew out.

  A powerful psionic impact swept the entire world.

  Azrael and the others felt that their souls seemed to have let go of a heavy burden, and suddenly became very relaxed.

  The terrifying spiritual energy storm dissipated, and the suffocating sense of oppression also disappeared without a trace.

  Enveloped in golden light, the sky wriggling with huge eyes like mountains was also replaced by a velvety night inlaid with many stars.

  As the crystal tower was destroyed, Wizard Star and Prospero were pulled back by the laws of the real universe and returned to the material world.

  Magnus' anger spanned the terrifying distance between the two planets, which was a terrifying distance for mortals, and echoed in the minds of the think tanks on the Wizard Planet, but they were fearless and used their souls to fight against the will of the Demon Primarch.

  The demons and traitors attacked the Primordial Warriors even more frantically, trying to redeem themselves from failure.

  However, when the wizard star is pulled back to the real universe, it means that everything is a foregone conclusion.

  Accompanied by flashes of teleportation, a huge imperial army rushed out of the light, sweeping the enemy with a destructive attitude.

  Roaring giant titans, suspended heavy tanks pouring out terrifying artillery fire, as well as a huge number of imperial star troops, knights driving mechs, and battle nuns holding heavy weapons.

  Facing this force, the resistance of Wizard Star was quickly suppressed.

  In order to completely crush the enemy's attack, the empire used a huge military force to reshape the ground.

  The mountains and rivers were blown to pieces, and the rivers were filled with gravel.

  The Crystal Forest became fragmented.

  Those wriggling tentacles were burnt to charcoal in front of the Imperial Police.

   Wait until there are no more demons and traitors on the ground, Azrael and others who are covered in blood and scars evacuate from the surface and return to the fleet to rest.

   Handed over the battlefield to other troops, let them continue to purify the entire wizard star.

   Magnus' impotent rage echoed through the warp.

   But there was nothing he could do except watch the light of witchcraft dim on the Wizard Star.

  Not long after the Dark Angels captured the Wizard Star, the main forces of the Space Wolves and the Blood Angels appeared on the edge of the galaxy.

  Peripheral defense is not worth mentioning to the empire, and the scattered second-line troops are enough to pull out the claws of the psychic empire that Magnus dreamed of building.

   Those cowards who betrayed the empire and humanity will meet the most tragic fate.

  The three forces converge here.

  Prospero is surrounded by massive Imperial ships.

  The Emperor's followers commanded huge warships, surrounding Prospero with murderous intent.

   They want to pour out the hatred accumulated in the past to Magnus.

  The orbital defense network and monitors owned by the wizards were destroyed one by one.

  Every wizard fortress was completely destroyed.

  The ships of the Empire surrounded every escape route on Prospero like a husk of hatred.

  It is more terrifying than the fleet that Ruth destroyed the planet Prospero ten thousand years ago.

  Several huge Mechanicus ships activated the anti-subspace force field to completely cut off the escape route of Magnus.

   Each layer of orbit is crowded with hundreds of warships, so many that the light from their engines can cover the stars and the sun, making the entire sky as if it were daytime.

  So dense that the entire planet is enveloped in sickly auroras.

  Bells ring from every tower in the Crystal Maze.

  The alarm wails and keeps beeping.

   Magnus stared at the sky, his face became extremely ugly.

   Guilliman was far away on Terra, and he dismissed him.

  Even the Expedition only selected a few original battle groups to lead.

  For ordinary enemies, it is already a manifestation of the empire's prudent treatment.

  In the eyes of Magnus, it was a huge humiliation.

  The most arrogant contempt is not to step on the enemy's head condescendingly and declare one's own victory.

   But from the beginning to the end, they didn't put the other party in their eyes.

   Ignoring is the greatest arrogance.

   Magnus was ignored by Guilliman from start to finish.

  Faros incident.

  The other party didn't show up from the beginning to the end, and the originally designed trap made him suffer a lot.

   Now, the other party also did not appear.

  Just the minions he sent out drove him to a dead end.

  The Wizard Star has fallen, and Prospero is his last resort.

  Magnus has enough power to pry a planet.

  But he didn't think he could fight against this huge imperial fleet.

  The opponent's orbital bombing and star destroyer alone are enough to make him suffer.

   What's more, there are special weapons against him.

   Those ships of faith made Magnus fearful.

  He knew that Guilliman had created a lighthouse device that used faith to leverage the Emperor's power to kill warp creatures.

  In Pharos, he was severely injured by the opponent with such a device.

  The terrible wound has not healed until now.

   "I won't just lose like this, Guilliman." Magnus's tone was very low, full of viciousness and decisiveness. .

  Thinking of Guilliman's arrogance, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

  Even if he lost the Wizard Star and Prospero, the Psionic Empire plan would be destroyed, and the Thousand Sons Legion would be completely lost.

   He also wanted Guilliman to pay for his arrogance.

   "Speed ​​up the sacrifice." Magnus looked at Ahriman and the others, and said in a deep voice, "We want to complete the sacrifice as quickly as possible."

  Ariman's face showed a hint of worry.

   "If the speed of the sacrifice is too fast, will the power attracted by the ceremony be too large? In that case, the entire Prospero will be destroyed under that crazy power."

  Magnus clenched his fist, a look of pain appeared on his face, and then quickly disappeared.

   "We have no choice, Ahriman. Guilliman's minions are aggressive, and our failure is already doomed. The only thing we can do is to complete this ritual. Only in this way can the Lord of Change win the final victory."

   When talking about failure, Magnus' tone was bitter and unwilling.

  No one expected that Guilliman's rise would be so crazy.

   Let the gods join forces again, let him lose embarrassingly.

  But Magnus did not intend to make Guilliman feel better.

  He has one last trump card.

   That is to turn the entire human race into a psionic race.

   Upon completion of the Nine-Story Ritual, each human soul will be luminous in the Warp.

  In this way, human beings can only have a glimmer of life in the arms of Tzeentch, who masters the mysteries of magic and the infinite knowledge of the universe. Otherwise, meeting human beings will be a crisis far beyond the Great Annihilation of the Eldar Race in the past.

  Many wizards stared at Magnus with a firm expression, and could only sigh, and turned around to capture more psykers to feed the roaring machines and speed up the progress of the ceremony.

  The expression of every wizard is dignified and sad.

   Speeding up the act of sacrifice will completely ruin their home world.

  Prospero shall have no day of redemption.

  The strategy meeting for attacking Prospero started in the Stone Fortress.

   The priests of Mechanicism stood beside the machine in iron-red and blood-red robes.

  The sound of gears engaging and servo pistons moving came from the huge body.

   Many chapter leaders, grand knights, and captains each formed their own groups and talked about each other's combat experience.

   Dante and his Blood Guard are the last to arrive.

When    came, the huge suspended projector was already turned on.

  The planet Prospero is depicted by countless rays of light and displayed in front of many commanders.

  They will deliver the final blow to the enemies of the Imperium, the Emperor's rebellious sons.

  Before that, they had to make sure everything was safe.

  Facing a demonic primarch, even if he is on the dominant side, he needs to be careful.

  For thousands of years, every time Magnus appeared, he caused a large number of casualties.

  The powerful force makes every encirclement and suppression of the empire come back without success.

  Seth is also in the team.

  The flesh tearers who have not completed the original casting upgrade are not the only ones in this crusade team.

   There were also several sub-clans of the Ruth blood who rejected Guilliman's gift.

  They, like Seth, came to crusade against Magnus, trying to find the final death of honor.

  The Chapters have sadly realized that the time of the Space Marines is over.

   They are powerless to prevent this.

  The general trend of history cannot be stopped.

  Human civilization needs Primordial Warriors to **** them.

   They have no choice but to die with ancient traditions.

   They still stubbornly believe that Space Marines are the Emperor's gift to humanity.

   Tampering with this gift is tantamount to betraying the Emperor.

  Guilliman's ambitions have been revealed.

  He changed the system left by the Emperor.

   Changed Space Marines.

   Expelled those families who had served the Emperor for generations and were loyal to the Emperor.

   When he wants to seize the emperor's throne, the entire empire will have no strength to resist him.

   Seth was outraged by this.

   This is betrayal, betrayal of Sanguinius, betrayal of the Emperor.

   People are kept in the dark, fooled without knowing it.

   But there was nothing he could do.

  To resist Guilliman is to cut off the way of human salvation.

  Behavior like that is no different from a traitor.

   Sit back and watch Guilliman, and even become an accomplice to the other party's throne.

   Seth couldn't do it either.

  The only thing he can do is to seek a final honorable death with allegiance to Sanguinius, allegiance to the Emperor.

  A holographic projector is installed on the ceiling, and the static-like light with clear lines draws the deployment of the troops of both the enemy and the enemy.

   "Let's officially start." Azrael who presided over the ceremony said.

   Following his words, the magnified holographic projection focused on the planet Prospero.

  A fine red beam wraps around the planet, forming a protective shell.

  "The siege of Magnus has reached its final stage, and victory is close at hand, but this fruit is not so easy to pick. There are three threats we face."

   "The first threat is that this planet is protected by powerful sorcery, which can deflect the attacks of Imperial warships and interfere with the normal use of Imperial teleportation technology."

"The second threat is the large-scale anti-aircraft firepower. The Dark Angel has experienced the battle of the wizard star. The anti-aircraft firepower on that planet is terrifying, but it does not match the performance of the army in the hands of Magnus, let alone the wizard star. It has been operated by those traitors for thousands of years. For this reason, we suspect that this traitor transferred those firepower devices to Prospero."

"The third threat is Magnus himself. The other party has an extraordinary body created by the emperor using lost technology and the blessings of the gods. When the Dark Angel attacked the Wizard Star, this traitor tried to interfere with our attack, using A powerful sorcery that shakes the entire planet."

   "Then let's gather our forces and crush Magnus's head." Logan said: "As long as the head is beheaded, the rest of the body will naturally collapse."

"This matter is not so easy to do. The power of Magnus is beyond imagination. Even in the material universe where Cadia still exists, it is far from what we can fight. Every expulsion will require a heavy price. Now everyone The rift has been opened, and Magnus's state has been restored to its full state in the material world, and it will be even more difficult to deal with him." Mephiston said: "The beheading tactic is not so easy to execute, we must first Only by drawing away his subordinates and gathering superior forces to besiege him will there be a chance of success."

   "This means that we have to launch a fierce attack from the outside, and wait until the guards around Magnus are distracted before we can carry out the beheading tactic." Azrael said.

"Magnus, a traitor, must be hunted by wolves. That **** **** is still owed by Fenris' blood." Logan stood up and looked at the crowd and said, "The wolves never forget their hatred, and only blood can repay it." Blood debt."

   "In that case, it's too dangerous." Dante said: "According to my opinion, we should select the most elite fighters to perform the beheading mission."

   This sentence was agreed by Azrael.

   Logan stood up and objected, "No, the Red Devils should be handed over to the wolves to solve them. We can solve him."

"The power of Magnus is terrifying. We should not fight alone for the so-called tradition and honor. We should unite as one and send the strongest fighters to face this traitor. Only in this way can we fulfill the commission of the Regent of the Empire and capture Stop him and bring him back to Terra." Azrael's last words made Logan, who wanted to refute, speechless.

   The strategic goal of encircling and suppressing Magnus is not to expel the opponent, but to capture the opponent.

   Killing Magnus and capturing Magnus is not a difficult task.

   Fenris' blood debt should not be higher than the Empire's strategic needs.

"Since it is the will of the Regent of the Empire, let's do this. Send our strongest warriors to face Magnus and bring him back to Terra." Logan said: "The wolves will choose the best wild Wolves join the fight this time."

   Soon, the grand strategy was determined.

  The large army launched a fierce attack on the periphery to attract the troops under Magnus' command.

   Then use the elite team to capture Magnus without guards, and resolve the battle as quickly as possible.

   After discussing the mission goals of each unit and confirming the specific plan, everyone disbanded and went back to prepare.

  On the bridge of the Celestial-class battleship Holy Blood.

   "Please put me in the team to capture Magnus." Seth said to Dante.

  Dante is responsible for choosing from among the blood's descendants what he considers mighty warriors.

   Dying in the battle with Magnus is undoubtedly the most in line with Seth's idea.

   "No, Seth, that kind of battle is too dangerous for you." Dante said: "You should fight on the periphery, not die."

   "The Tearer has no future, please allow us to end the curtain decently." Seth said.

Dante stared at Seth and raised his voice, "You are the ones who resisted the gift. As long as you are not so pedantic, the Flesh Tearers can continue to exist, just like other warbands, and become stronger. Seth, sober Just a little bit, if you complete the original casting upgrade, I will definitely put you in the team to raid Magnus, you are a very good fighter."

   "You chose Guilliman, and the Flesh Tearer chose to be loyal to the Archangel and the Emperor." Seth said stubbornly.

   "The Archangel and the Emperor don't think so." Dante retorted unceremoniously.

"Everything will be decided, Dante, who will be spurned by the archangel. When we die, it will all be decided." Seth said: "I will be embraced, and you will be spurned, It's just because you betrayed the Holy Blood and your genetic father. You became Guilliman's minion, and you broke your promise for the other party's promise."

This sentence angered Dante. He glared at Seth and growled in a low voice: "Even if I didn't embrace death, I would know the answer. The archangel agrees with my answer. You are just a fool, a stubborn fool ."

"That's just your opinion, and you can't use your opinion to represent the opinion of the archangel." Seth said forcefully, "Dante, you can either fight me here and kill me, or let me go into arrest Guilliman's team."

  Looking at Seth's stubborn appearance with his neck stuck, Dante was very angry. Soon, a wicked idea appeared in his mind.

  The resurrection of the Archangel on Planet Devin has not yet been reported here.

   First, it was a secret work to encircle and suppress Magnus.

  The second is to avoid the appearance of the Primarch, which will affect the original appointment and plan of the Regent of the Empire, and make some people have unreasonable ideas, thinking of supporting the Primarch, and separatist one side.

   Sanguinius is also very clear about what his appearance represents.

  If Dante hadn't been aware of Dante's crisis, he probably wouldn't have chosen to appear, but would have been observing in secret.

   For this reason, he chose to keep Dante a secret.

   Let the crusade against Magnus proceed as originally planned.

  I took action when Magnus was finally encircled and suppressed, trying to find a way to catch the traitor.

  Dante looked at Seth with an angry face, feeling that he might enter a state of anger at any moment.

  What a dramatic twist it would be for this guy to see the Archangel appear and berate him for his stupidity.

   "Are you sure you want to join the team that beheaded Magnus?" Dante asked, "Will you not regret it no matter what kind of crisis arises?"

   "The Flesh Tearers are never afraid of death," Seth said: "We long to embrace the Archangels and the Emperor."

"Then I agree." Dante readily made Seth suspect that he had misheard, but Dante also made his own request: "My only request is that you must wear a new armor, which can make you You maintain a certain degree of rationality in the state of black anger, I don't want you to accidentally injure friendly troops."

   "The deal is established, I will only put my anger on Magnus." Seth said.

  Dante ignored him, but turned and walked into the darkness, preparing for battle.

  He has given up continuing to persuade Seth.

  From Barr to Prospero, he has tried countless times.

   Seth is a very strong fighter.

   But that doesn't prevent him from being a pedantic idiot, too.

  When the Archangel appeared on the battlefield, the idiot knew how stupid his words were.

   Accompanied by the issuing of war orders.

   All warships launched an orbital bombardment on Prospero.

   Every battleship flickered, followed by overwhelming lights and shells.

  Many imperial troops entered the battlefield with the sound of horns shaking the sky.

  A large number of gunships rushed into the battlefield with the original cast warriors. When they cleared a stable place, the huge imperial army also descended.

   When war broke out, demons and traitors left Magnus' side in order to resist the offensive of the empire.

   Dante, Azrael, and Logan led the most elite troops to land.

   Magnus' location does not need to be marked.

  He was at the center of the psionic storm.

   Horrific psionic energy enveloped the entire planet, making every soul feel oppressed, especially think tanks like Azrael and Mephiston.

  The path leading to the crystal pyramid where Magnus is located is so obvious that just looking in that direction, one will feel the pain of suffocating the soul.

  The enemy quickly attacked them.

  The tentacles danced, and the colorful demon with a mouth full of fangs cracked open and attacked in wild laughter, throwing flames and lightning formed by warp energy at the loyalists of the empire.

   Creatures beyond mortal comprehension flung clouds of multicolored flame across the marble floor with incredible speed.

  All those who entered the battlefield were the strongest fighters. They cleaned up the enemies as quickly as possible, and rushed to the crystal pyramid where Magnus was.

Fighting cries, warriors pushed their way through narrow crystal streets, past pyramidal temples and bronze sculptures filled with decaying sacrifices, obelisks of azure and crimson whose surfaces undulated like a rippling ocean, the body of a lion The eyes of the human face were malicious, moving their eyes secretly as they moved forward.

   Both Azrael and Mephiston are among the most powerful psykers among humans.

  They pierced the illusion created by Magnus and led the combined forces to fight their way through the hellish battlefield.

   The closer to where Magnus was, the more terrifying the psychic oppression became.

  My head is suffering from the pain of being stirred.

  Even warriors without psychic powers felt the pressure.

   Those evil energies pricked their heads like thin needles, and weird whispers echoed in their minds, trying to pull them into the darkness.

  The terrible evil energy oppressed them, making it impossible for them to move.

  Even with an extraordinary mind, they cannot resist such an attack.

  The nine-storied pagoda ceremony combined with the power of Magnus made Dante and others feel desperate.

  Countless demons also come from all directions.

  They are like tigers trapped in a quagmire, besieged by wild dogs and poisonous snakes, and it is difficult to exert their strength.

  The situation of Seth and several other Chapter Masters who have not completed the original casting upgrade is much worse than others.

  Seth fell into black anger during the fight and was surrounded by overwhelming enemies.

  The demons bit his battle armor, and the traitors stabbed, trampled, and beat him with various weapons.

  Seth roared non-stop, preparing for his honorable death.

   Just when Dante and others thought they had failed.

   A strong light shone on them.

  A teleportation crack appeared behind them.

  Diego, exuding terrifying psychic powers, brought a group of imperial heroes back from the warp to support them.

  The most dazzling existence among them is Sanguinius, who has white wings and wears golden armor, just like the descendant of ancient gods.

   This force was exactly the one Guilliman sent to capture Magnus after the Battle of Davin.

   Now it is the last moment of the war.

   There is no point in concealing it any longer.

  Sanguinius swept the spear in his hand, and the demons and traitors burst into countless pieces, saving the joint forces in crisis.

   Nothing can stop him.

  No matter how powerful a demon is, it is not his one-hit enemy.

   With the arrival of Sanguinius, the enemy also retreated.

  Knocked to the ground, Seth survived with his face covered in bruises and blood.

  Dante made him wear a new armor that protected him from dying so easily.

   Seth stared at the noble and perfect face that should only exist in databases and sculptures, but now it appeared alive in front of him, with his mouth open but unable to speak.

  The Archangel looked down at Seth condescendingly, and could feel that the other party had not accepted the Primal Cast upgrade, and his physical resilience and combat effectiveness were far weaker than the Primal Cast Warrior.

   Sanguinius turned his head to look at Dante with reproach in his eyes.

Sensing the gaze of his genetic father, Dante hurriedly said, "He said either kill him, or let him participate, and let him pursue the final glorious death. He thinks this is loyalty to you, Loyalty to the Emperor."

   Sanguinius could figure out the way in a moment, and shook his head with a sigh.

  This is also the reason why he didn't show up first, the offspring has a special bond with the gene father.

  In the past, such a bond could unite the legion.

   But now, this bond has become an obstacle to the advancement of the empire.

  Sanguinius turned his gaze back to Seth, and then to several other warriors who had not completed the original casting upgrade: "Anyone who refuses the gift from the Regent of the Empire will leave the battlefield."

  After leaving this sentence, Sanguinius turned around and rushed towards the demon tide.

  We are still on the battlefield at this moment, not the time to deal with this matter.

   Seth was dejected at this time, and he no longer had the tough appearance of arguing with Dante on the Holy Blood.

  He saw disappointment in the eyes of the archangel.

  The other captains who did not accept the original cast upgrade also looked pale.

  Even if two of them are of Ruth's blood, they still have to obey Sanguinius' orders.

  The majesty of the Primarch cannot be challenged.

   They can only exit the battlefield.

   With the arrival of support, the situation turned again.

  The original terrifying psionic oppression was also relaxed.

   Sanguinius relied on his own strength to resist Magnus' will.

  The joint forces let out cheers, and many holy blood children showed disbelief, followed by excited cheers.

  The appearance of the archangel made them very excited.

  Guilliman returns, the lion returns, Rogue Dorn returns, and many Primarchs have news.

   Only the Archangel was missing.

   made them sad for a while.

  Now, the Archangel has also announced his official return.

  If it wasn't for the battle, many heirs of the holy blood would gather around and bow their knees to swear allegiance in front of Sanguinius.

   Logan stared at the heroic figure of the archangel with complicated eyes.

  Thinking of Father Wolf who has never heard from him, I feel a little sad and lonely.

   Could Father Wolf really wait until the final battle before returning?

   Logan suppressed the emotions in his heart and abandoned those messy thoughts.

  In any case, the most correct thing is to deal with the battle in front of you first.

  The supported coalition forces erupted

   Here they saw Magnus's terrible plot.

  The huge dark mechanical device like a mountain roared, extracting the souls of those poor people.

  The pipeline is filled with evil energy, transporting it to the nine crystal towers with nine floors and countless chaotic runes.

  The nine towers resonate nine times every nine breaths.

  The expressions of Azrael and Mephiston became ugly.

  In the pain of fel oppression, they felt the connection between their souls and the warp became closer and closer.

   This is a mechanical creation that can make human souls and subspaces closer, and accelerate the process of becoming a psychic race.

  Once human beings transform into a psychic race, the crisis will be ten thousand times more terrifying than the Great Rift, even a million times.

   Without time to hesitate, Sanguinius charged at Magnus.

  Dante, Azrael, Logan and other powerful warriors who have completed two original casting upgrades followed the Primarch to attack.

  They carry devices capable of suppressing the Primarch and weapons that can damage the Primarch's extraordinary body.

  Mephiston led another group of fighters to rush towards the wizards like Ahriman, trying to prevent the ceremony from proceeding.

  The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce.

  Magnus gathered unprecedented power, and he wanted to perform a malevolent witchcraft.

  But Sanguinius's speed was astonishingly fast. Before he finished singing, the spear whizzed towards him with arcane light.

   Magnus blocked the blow of the spear with the blade staff, and the fire sputtered from the collision of the weapons, igniting the decoration next to the throne.

   "It's really cruel. After all, you are also a brother. Now you don't even want to say hello, and you want to take my life."

   "We are no longer brothers." Sanguinius said: "When you decide to turn your back on us, we are no longer brothers."

   "I just chose another path." Magnus spread his wings, revealing his true form, "Everything our father said was a lie, what do you think he will do with us after the Great Crusade is finished?"

  "But you turned your back on the entire race and chose corruption and slavery. How many innocent people died because of this." Sanguinius rarely showed anger, and his attacks were more rapid and powerful.

  Magnus tried his best to resist, but seemed a little powerless.

  The wound caused by the Pharos incident has not yet healed, and every movement makes him feel painful.

   Soon, Sanguinius seized the opportunity, and he hit the opponent's chin with one punch.

   This punch knocked Magnus' feet off the ground, and the Primarch flew into the air in a circle.

  The hot blood spurted out from the shattered jaw and splashed onto the burning throne, screaming the soul.

  Dante and the others took the opportunity to slash on the body of the Demon Primarch with their weapons, aggravating his injuries.

   Magnus, in a state of embarrassment, summoned the fel energy of the subspace to wrap himself, and healed himself while resisting the attacks of Sanguinius and the loyalists of the empire.

  The demon primarch roared furiously, with endless hatred in his one-eyed eyes.

  But Magnus knew very well that he was no match for Sanguinius.

  In his heyday, he may not be the opponent of the opponent.

   Now that he is injured, his combat power has been compromised.

   Sanguinius has another helper, and he will definitely lose.

  He calculated the last time and secretly prepared his own witchcraft.

   Soon, a second wound appeared on Magnus' body, causing him to bleed again.

  For the third time, Sanguinius grabbed Magnus' wings and tore them apart alive, causing him to let out a scream.

  Dante and others rushed forward, desperately attacking Magnus who had lost one wing.

  Stamped with steel boots, stabbed with weapons in hand, and smashed his face with fists.

   Magnus roared angrily, but provoked more violent attacks from the loyalists of the empire.

   Ahriman was quickly defeated.

  This time Mephiston did not kill him again, but broke his limbs and brought them back to Terra for trial.

   Simply killing them makes no sense.

   After the trial, their souls will be destroyed before they can warn those who try to use chaos to obtain eternal life.

  Trying to do that will only destroy your own soul, and there will be no chance of resurrection.

  The wizards died, the captured were captured, and the forces guarding the crystal tower were defeated.

  When the loyalists of the Empire were about to completely destroy the Crystal Tower and end the Magnus conspiracy.

  With the last resonance, violent spiritual energy poured out, splitting the crystal tower.

  The earth shook, and the huge psionic energy siphon mechanism went deep into the ground, and as the huge psionic energy rushed out, the earth's crust was also shaken.

  Ariman's worry became a reality, and the accelerated sacrifice would make Prospero unable to withstand the force of the ritual.

  The volcano erupted, and lava was ejected with billowing dust.

   Numerous large cracks appeared on the surface, and bright light came out.

  The whole planet is like a plasma energy pile that is about to be overloaded.

  The whole world is going to collapse, the earth is torn apart, and a frantic storm sweeps everything.

  Prospero's spatial structure is broken like glass

Magnus, who was under siege, knew that his chance had come. He pushed down the blade staff in his hand, and a terrifying subspace storm spewed out from under the feet of Sanguinius, Dante and others. , forcing them to retreat.

   Magnus took the opportunity to stand up. At this time, his face was covered with bruises and blood, and his battle armor was also in pieces.

  Dante and the others have arcane weapons in their hands. Even the Demon Primarch cannot be immune to such damage. There are bleeding wounds everywhere and cannot heal.

   Magnus quickly drew a gap in the curtain of reality in the air.

   Before stepping in, Magnus said to the angry Sanguinius and the Imperial loyalists.

   "It's over, Sanguinius, the nine-storied pagoda ceremony is complete, human beings will become a psychic race, and the fall of the empire will be in the near future. Tell Guilliman, I'm the one who has the last laugh."

   After speaking, Magnus walked into the gap with a smug smile.

  He is the final winner.

  But in the next second, Magnus' scream came from the subspace rift that had not been completely closed.

  A giant wolf jumped out of the subspace, and its long and thick fangs pierced Magnus' body.

   One of Magnus' arms has disappeared.

   Obviously, in the subspace just now, a battle broke out between the one-eyed king and the giant wolf.

  Like the reenactment of Ragnarok in Norse mythology.

  The One-Eyed King had an arm bitten off by a giant wolf.

   Magnus, who was seriously injured, was completely unaware that Russ had been hiding in the subspace.

  Caught off guard, his arm was bitten off and his body was bitten through.

   After leaping into the real universe, the giant wolf's body changed and turned into a burly giant.

  He wore a simple chain mail, showing strong, well-defined muscles, and his golden hair was messy and fluffy.

  It looks very barbaric, but it has a noble face comparable to that of Sanguinius.

   "I hope I'm not late, brother." The giant looked at Sanguinius in golden armor.

  Watching the howling Magnus, Sanguinius smiled, "The timing is just right, Russ."

  His consciousness was in a daze, thrown into a chaotic dream.

   Pulled by countless hands, dragged into the darkest abyss full of malice.

   Creeping darkness envelops everything.

   When those darkness receded, he saw an unforgettable sight.

   Watching a corrupt, cancerous universe like an outsider.

  The stars danced pale, hazy, with vicious radiation tentacles wrapped around those planets with strange flesh and blood, like millions of giant snakes entangled.

   The unfathomable void is filled with crawling twisted creatures.

   Consciousness flashes back across the universe.

   He looked away from those weird creatures and planets.

   When he saw those monsters and planets, information about them came to his mind.

   A wriggling canopy monster with a face full of jaws and fangs crawling on a planet full of black tentacles and weird smiling faces.

   Information about those monsters emerged in his mind.

   They once belonged to a tree people named Groot.

  He can even know how corrupt this race is.

   Lost in the whispers, mutated in the darkness, the soul was corrupted, fused, and finally became a part of that terrifying existence, achieving true eternity.

   In addition to this, there are many indescribable monsters.

   Their horror is enough to make every sane human scream.

  Empty and dead creatures roam around every corner.

  Mindless creatures enslaved by eternal nightmares.

  A strange flow of light surged, and the screams of countless souls were reflected in the fragments.

  Maliciousness boils like an ocean, and everything has been desecrated.

  The battleship floats in it, and the creatures on it have long been twisted and deformed, becoming limp flesh and blood or monsters full of bone spurs and eyes. .

   The huge head comparable to a planet floated in the void, whispering.

  The entire universe is like this, has been completely corrupted, reduced to a part of an unimaginable existence.

  Countless eyes blinked in the starry sky and let out a terrible, soul-corroding laugh.

   Then countless malice surged in, devouring this wandering consciousness.

   Abaddon woke up screaming.

   When he saw his subordinates still standing not far away, he realized that he had fallen into a dream again.

  The being named Yogg-Sothoth still haunts him.

  Everything experienced in the dream was nothing but the sea of ​​terrible memories of the other party.

  In his dream, Abaddon glimpsed countless universes that were corrupted like cancer. Such a terrible scene made people despair and fear.

  He felt his own mind crumbling, melting, finally becoming a part of the other.

  The other party uses his existence to corrupt the entire universe, just like what he saw in a dream.

  The entire universe will become a part of the other party, and every life will become that indescribable horror.

   "Never." Abaddon said firmly in his heart: "I will never succumb to any existence, whether it is gods or so-called outsiders, don't think that I will succumb."

  A wizard walks over, saluting the Great Marauder.

   "The latest news, Magnus was besieged by Sanguinius and Leman Russ, lost and captured."