
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Servant V

I have traveled in search of the Lost god for several years, days in days out, I roamed every mountains and traveled the seas until I collapsed.

The dragons didn't accompany me as one of the conditions in agreement, but in exchange, they said that they will only assist me if I fulfilled my promise, and that promise is to find the Lost god.

So many years have passed, I didn't noticed that I was already far from the dragon's dens.

I only noticed that I'm already inside of the forest when I collapsed to the ground.

I can't muster any strengths to stand anymore, I can't even feel my body as my vision fading.

The only thing that I remembered is that when I was found by the little creatures with some tiny sparkling lights, after that my consciousness faded.

When I wake up, I noticed that I was inside of the little house, I'm inside of the room and it looks like a room for the little kid.

I looked at my hands, for a very long time, I did not noticed that it was all skinny already you can see it's bones already.

While looking at them, I didn't know that my tears were already falling when I looked at them.

Whike deep in my thoughts, I heard some sounds coming through the door, and suddenly the little door was opened and a kid came from the back of the door, I was bewildered when I saw it's face.

It's not a kid but an old man, it was a fairy race that only lives in the lands far from the humans.


The old man went straight silently to the room as he holds on some stuff he's about to give to his patient.

He opened the door to enter the room and was surprised to what he saw.

"Ohh!... Ohohoho!! Hohohoho!! You're finally awake, I'm so glad! Hohohoho!! Oh, my bad, I'm Kapel, and as you can see, I'm a Gnome. A little bit smaller than the dwarf race. You have collapsed at the place near the Loneshrums, thankfully my friends found you there and brought you here in my home. May I ask your name"(Kapel)

He said cheerfuly as he put the bowl of the stew on the table near the girl.

"Ah..I'm Uera, and I'm an elf. Thank you very much for helping me there."(Uera)

She said in fuzzy voice since she doesn't have any great strength to clear her voice, aside from that, Uera did not eat enough food to support her body.

"Don't mention it, it's only my duty to help you with your current situation. Ohohoho!!"(Kapel)

After she heard those words of her saviour, she felt so comfortable with her current situation considering that he saved her without any second thoughts.

"I feel assured after hearing that, please let me ask you about something."(Uera)

"Yeah, just tell me what it is, but first, eat this stew that I made from wild mushrooms and rabbits."(Kapel)

He hand over the stew to her as he reply to Uera assuredly.

"Arigatougozaimasu(Thank you very much)"(Uera)

After uttering her gratefulness, she took the bowl of stew and tasted it, she slowly eats it as she was not in a good condition to rush the meal.

"This stew, it's so delicious, did you made it Ji-san?!(Gramps)"(Uera)

She was still in shocked after she tasted the stew.

"Ohohoho!! Yes, you're right, I made it from the meat of Byatsu白兎(white rabbits) and Shiropolka白ポルカ (white dotted mushrooms), they're all good for your body, it's also a medical procedure to get those toxics from your body. Ohohoho!!"(Kapel)

He stated confidently as if it was his most beautiful master piece.


By being curious and bothered, she asked this to Kapel while she herself was indulging in the stew, she completely forget her question.

"Sou yo,(Yes) the toxic of the loneshrum, it was so deadly that even the beasts can't get away from their poisonous fumes, but it was a different story for you because you only inhaled a little amount of those fumes since you have fainted after all. Ohohoho!! Don't worry, I have already tended you, the only thing that we should do was to rid those toxics that are still in your body."(Kapel)

Uera didn't understand anything from what Kapel said to her, the only thing in her mind was the taste of the stew that keeps on flowing inside of her mouth.

She ate all the stew that Kapel made for her, maybe it's because she's really likes the taste or maybe, it's because she's so hungry after she traveled for so long.

That night, the two of them talked with each other until Kapel requested her rest for her body.

He ordered Uera to drink the medicines that he made before he leaved the room.

"Truly, he's so kind, I'm so grateful at him."(Uera)

Expressing her words as she looks at the medicines.

It's the medicines for her blood, voice, wounds, and also for her to restore her strength faster and to deal with the remaining toxics inside her body.

After taking the medicines, she laid back and slept with a clear mind, forgetting about the problems she's not so sure how to deal with.

For her, it was the greatest and sweetest night she ever had in her entire life after traveling to find the hopes that she's looking for.

The morning after that day, Kapel wakes up so early in the morning to gather some mushrooms to prepare for their breakfast.

He headed directly to the forest and started to look for some edible mushrooms and fortunately found a mass of green mushrooms.

After gathering a bunch of them, he went straight to the woods in search of fruits and vegetables.

While picking some fruits along his way, he heard some voices around the way to his house, at first he ignored those things but when he remembered that there's someone in his house, he immediately dashed to his house in hurry.

The other Gnomes that are making the noises a while ago saw him running towards his house were left confused about what happened as to why he's running in a hurry.

They tagged along with him since it was odd for him to hurry that much.

The moment he opens his door, he saw a girl cleaning inside, it was Uera but he didn't recognized her since she have her body back to it's normal form, that she herself don't even know how did it all happened in just a short period of time.

"Kisama!! What are you doing here?! Where's the girl inside of this house?!"(Kapel)

He asked the Uera while gasping, his face were all red since he ran into quite a distance in a short time regardless of his age.

"Do you perhaps, have someone in this house other than you?"(Uera)

Uera asked him as she was confused because of the sudden turn of events.

"Aa! What about that? Where is she? And who are you?!"(Kapel)

"I'm Uera, the girl you helped from yesterday, thank you again for helping me."(Uera)

She continued to clean the floor after giving her thanks to Kapel.

Kapel can't believe her, for him, the Uera that he knows have a frail and skinny body with no enough strength to stand, be it taking even a small step was impossible for her current situation, to think that she's now cleaning the house is unbelievable for him.

"Don't fool me, I'm not going to buy those useless crap of you! Where is Uera?"(Kapel)

"It is really me! I'm Uera!"(Uera)

She tried to prove herself infront of Kapel but he can't still believe his eyes until someone front his back believed Uera.

"It was really her, I can feel the same spirit coming from her. There's no doubt about it."

It was a fairy who called him to help the Uera from dying.

"Is that true, Aorey?"(Kapel)

"Yes, it is really true, I can feel the same presence of the spirit that is guiding her."(Aorey)

"If you say so, I can now believe her. But still, it was impossible to be in completely good state in just a short time in that situation of her."(Kapel)

"Even I can't believe it, maybe it was because of your food and medicines that I have back to normal?"(Uera)

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not that good enough to create that kind of miraculous medicines you know?"(Kapel)

"Then what?"(Uera)

"In that question, I can answer that."(Aorey)