
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Servant IV

Lirif announced the news about Uera being their lost daughter after that day.

After hearing this wonderful news, the elves along with the former slaves celebrated this occasion and also to celebrate the day that proves that they had already gained their freedom.

The village's citizens started to celebrate the occasion as if they were also freed from the hands of the slavery.

The festival lasted for about five days, every citizens of the elf village were so delighted because their long lost princess have been found.


After that incident, I have met every types of people.

As an elf who stands at the top of long lifespan, every Origin Elf who's lives are witnessing every millennia past by, you can say that each of us are so knowledgeable and intelligent enough to survive the age of this world.

When I think that I have already learned everything from this world, an odds came from nowhere and tested every living being of this world.

It all happened when the gods have intervened the mortal world, a great Legends came out as if it was already written.

The slavery I thought I will never experience again came infront of me again, the god that the humans were worshipping ordered to slaughter and enslave those who don't want to worship and obey him.

As a retribution for his enemy, the god of demi-humans like us, started to get out of his chamber and decided to declare the war against the god that the humans are worshipping.

The demi-humans have found hope believing that they already have their own savior that can lead them into a peaceful life, but it was all wrong.

The god that the demi-humans deemed as their savior begin to show his true colors and planned his evil plots.

For a very long time of wars and slavery cycle, I almost lost my hopes that this war would never met it's conclusion.

I am so tired of this war, I don't even know what to do and whom I should believe anymore.

For a long time, the elf village that supposed to be a small village started to grow faster and became prosperous, it became a great country with an elf inhabitants.

This prosperous country that I and my parents struggled to protect was destroyed in just a few days.

The destruction of our country lit the fire of anger and wrath of elves and demi-humans and started to destroy the humans.

We don't know that it was also a part of the scheme of the god that we are worshipping.

He decided to led our country into a destruction to lit the anger and declare a war against his enemy's subjects.

As a sign of the war against the humans, he used our country and our people to be a witness and as a sacrifices for his selfish goal.

I only know it when everything was already taken away from me, the people, the country, and those things that I valued the most.

It was at this point that I lost all of my hope, to be drag in this senseless war of gods, to be a pawn in their games and schemes was so tough for the mortals, we can't do anything, we can't even escape from their hands.

It's like an ant that was in the hands of it's prey, we can't defend ourselves from the hands that control us.

I secretly looked for some helps in this mortal world.

I worshiped every gods that I knew existed, but all of them refused me, I threw all those prides that I have, I even lowered my head just to beg for their help but they all have the same response.

"I don't want to intervene their fight and defend you lowlife!"

This proves me that there's no hope for us anymore, my people are being taken to sell as a slaves, those who are unfortunate enough face the cruel death.

I even going insane slowly, almost hit my limits and tried to kill my self many times.

Thankfully, my servants that were watching me from the shadows stopped those attempts and managed to save my life.

I tried to ask some help again from the other gods but they still don't favored me.

At that time, I already lost all of my hopes, the demi-humans are slowly decreasing in numbers, and so the humans.

The only remaining race that didn't intervened nor participated in this war is the Dragon race, knowing this information from my companions helped me to have my hopes again even just a little bit of it.

I went to the Edge of the World where the Dragon races are and begged for their assistance in stopping the pointless war.

I traveled all the way from the forest to get in this dangerous area just to prove my sincerity and also to begged them to stop the war.

But instead of hope and assistance, I only got a pity and despise from them.

The Dragon races are known to be the most powerful creatures that was created by the gods and is also the first to be created by the gods.

They're also known as the origin of all the creatures of the world.

After I heard their answers, my head went blank, I can't think of anything else but to grasp the situation I'm in, my eyes began to get teary as I looked into my skinny hands until I heard a loud voice from above.

It was a dragon trying to land at the center of this throne, he transformed into a humans body the moment he landed at the center and faced the Dragon Emperor.

Apparently, he was a brother of the Dragon Emperor and is the most powerful dragon after the Origin Dragon.

He refuted the Dragon Emperor's statements and began to take his actions but his brother did not let him to assist us.

The two of them clashed inside of the palace.

Truly, it was a godly fights among Dragons, I can't even comprehend properly if they're a dragon or a god.

Their battle came into a conclusions before I knew it and they decided to not assist me until I get in touch with a god that have only a selected knows it's existence.

They gave me the information about this god, they warned me to tell no one about the secret because even the gods did not know that this god existed above their relm.

We made a contract with each other to stop the war and also to communicate with the Lost god.

We must not tell anyone about this contract nor the information about the Lost god.

If someone violates this contract will be erased into existence.

After receiving this contact and information, I have found a little and the most fragle hope in my entire life, knowing that it was the only hope I have and how dangerous it is to obtain.

I started my journey to find this Lost god even though I myself have no clue where to find it.