
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Servant VI

Everyone became silent the moment Aorey declared something and made the situation complicated that have everyone confused.

"What do you mean by that?"(Kapel)

Uera herself can't even understand what Aorey was talking about.

She only thought that the reason why she gained her strength again was because of the medicines that Kapel made for her.

"This girl is the same girl that you treated yesterday, I can still feel the presence of that spirit which that dwells inside of her body."(Aorey)

Aorey explained without any hitch and depict of lies nor deception.

"B..but how come, she could bring her strength, no most importantly, how could it be that she managed to regain her former health back to normal in a small amount of time?!"(Kapel)

Bewilderedly, Kapel who still can't understand what was happening infront of him asked Aorey without wasting any breath.

Uera continues her cleaning while the two of them were still arguing in her stead.

"The responsible behind that unconceivable occasion was the spirit which resides inside her, it was the reason why she was in a complete good condition after just a one night of rest. Even I, can't imagine how did such occurrence happened, just what is this spirit I'm feeling for a while?"(Aorey)

Silence befalls upon them for a short while until Uera broke that silence with an innocent question.

"Excuse me, I have done cleaning so, where can I find some water to clean myself?"(Uera)

After hearing those words, the two of them smiled at her as they pointed where the well is.

"Let's just leave it as it may, for sure, there's a good reason why such thing occurred."(Kapel)


They went inside the house after Uera cleaned herself.

Kapel brought some clothes from his old patients then gave them to Uera for her to dress them.

After she changed her clothes, Aorey went inside of her room.

She was so persistent asked something to Uera about the spirit that dwells inside her.

"May I have a little of your time?"(Aorey)

Uera turned at the door's direction to confirm who was addressing.

"Oh..it's okay, please feel free to ask me anything."(Uera)

Without any doubt about the intentions behind those question, Uera replied to her quickly.

Her cautious behavior had vanished after she noticed that the one she's talking to was the fairy herself, the fairy that saved her life in danger.

But despite of those things, Uera herself knows what the true nature and behavior of the fairy race since she herself is one of those race.

A trustworthy race which lying from one another are a taboo for their race, as one of the prideful race, they can't betray nor defile the others.

In truth, she was so grateful that she had ended up with the fairy race, and not only that, for her, seeing one of those rare races such as Gnomes and Fairies(human size) was a great assurance for her since those races only live far from the humans, the enemy of the demi-humans.

Aorey closed the door then went to the direction where Uera is.

"May I ask who you are?"(Aorey)

"Yes you can. Sorry for my late introduction, my name is Uera of Origin Elf."(Uera)

Aorey was surprised when she heard something that seems to be impossible to be true.

"Did you happen to say that your one of those Origin Elves?"(Aorey)

"Yes, I'm Origin Elf myself. Both my mother and father are Origin Elves, that is why I'm also an Origin Elf myself."(Uera)

Aorey's doubts converted into answers and clues on her questions about the spirit that resides inside Uera.

(It seems that the spirit disturbed from it's slumber when Uera was in the death's door, leading the spirit to use it's power to heal her. What a surprise, a high class spirit, on top of it, it is also a powerful one. Judging from her reactions from a while ago, I bet she herself doesn't know she have such a great companion traveling with her.)(Aorey)

"Kufufufu, no wonder you have such a beautiful eyes on you, what a surprise. I never imagined I will encounter any of you, Origin Elves in my life. Then, what is your goal as to why you came here?"(Aorey)

While smiling wryly, she waits for Uera's answer.

"I wanted to stop this pointless war already, as a princess and also a leader of my country, I can't let those unfortunate souls who dies pointlessly, those who were dragged in the war to have a meaningless death, that's why, I went to my journey to search someone who can help me get this war into conclusions."(Uera)

Looking at Uera's eyes, Aorey felt pity for Uera's dream.

A dream that is impossible to be true, for Aorey, the war won't stop unless one of the two gods concedes, if not, the war will be impossible to cease.

"I think, it was impossible to stop the war.."(Aorey)

She didn't finished her speech when Uera interrupts her.

"Don't joke like that, I'm sure there's someone out there, someone who has the power to stop this war..there must be someone!"(Uera)

She felt the determination and the strong will of Uera, the will of someone who's willing to serve it's life just to achieve what they want.

It's true that there's someone has a power to end the war, but it has to be a god, if not, it's far from reality to happen.

Regardless of that fact, Aorey still asked her.

"If there's really someone who can end this war, who could it be? To have such power, this person must be powerful enough to par with gods."(Aorey)

"I know it was supposed to be a secret, but I know someone who had that power, that is why I traveled to search this person."(Uera)

(She has full of confidence when she said those things. Let's assume she's not talking about that thing and keep asking her.)(Aorey)

"Can you tell me, who is this person?"(Aorey)

Curious about what Uera said, she insisted to know who was Uera talking about.

"Before that, could you promise me to not tell anyone about this secret?"(Uera)

"No problem, I swear to my life that I will never tell anyone the things that I'm about to know. Should I broke this promise, I shall be your servant for the rest of my life."(Aorey)

Uera let out a long sigh after hearing Aorey's reply, she's now felt assured to let someone outside of the contract between her and the dragon's, know about the "Lost god".

"This information was supposed to be a secret, shall this information leaks to each and every corner of the world, I would vanish from existence. That's why I made you promise me to not let anyone know about this secret. After hearing your answer, I felt really assured."(Uera)

"Kufufufu.. don't mention it. We, the fairy race knows no lie, you yourself also know that right?"(Aorey)

"Yeah, you're right about that."(Uera)

"Then, can you tell me who is this person who has the power to stop the war? The person you're looking for to be your savior?"(Aorey)

"Actually it's not a person, it have a higher authority or so I heard, it's not a mortal like us."(Uera)

(Maybe it was a spirit? If that's the case, then this spirit must be the the one that resides her. Let's ask her to make sure.)(Aorey)

"Is it a spirit?"(Aorey)

Uera let out a sigh again.

"It's true that the spirits are not mortal, but it's not a spirit, it's a god."(Uera)

Aorey was startled after hearing Uera's reply, it was unthinkable for the other gods to intervene with the fight of the other gods, that is why until now, the war wasn't completed.

"God? Don't joke like that, that is not possible, surely you know that gods are selfish and carefree beings, there's no way they will fend you nor stop this war..."(Aorey)

"There is a god who has the power to end this war, I believe it. This god really exists! He must be, if not, all of my, no not only mine but also those who had their lives taken from them, innocent or not, all of our sacrifices will be in vain."(Uera)

"If there's really such as merciful as the god you're talking about, then he must've ended this war a long time ago."(Aorey)

"I told you, this god really exists, that's why I traveled to search this god."(Uera)

"If that god really exists. Who is this god?"(Aorey)

Silence reigns around them in a moment till Uera made her resolve to let Aorey know what the secret between her and the dragons.

"This god doesn't have any names, but this god have a title."(Uera)

"(Don't tell me!?) What the title?"(Aorey)

Aorey was stiffened in her seat after realizing that there's something familiar with their conversation.

"This title is the "Lost god"..!!"(Uera)

next chapter next week.

sorry for the late upload..I was so busy in these late days because of my exams and school works, please bear with me..