
Villain or Hero?

This is the life of a boy by the name of Ichigo Akashi. He is a boy with the Quirk by the name of Thief. That Quirk makes it so he can steal a person’s Quirk. They lose the Quirk for a week but he keeps it forever unless he decides he doesn’t want it anymore. This updates about every week.

AyakoTatsunishi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter Five- The Battle of Father and Son

"Whenever you're ready." I glare at the man in front of me.

"I really don't want to hurt you Ich- Akashi." He sighs.

"Attack me!" I dart forward and kick him. "If you want back in my life fight me!"

"If I must." He sighs and attacks.

"Good. Hit me. Find the truth! I hate you!" I continue sparring with him until he's sprawled in the ground. "Pathetic. Don't ever talk to me as my father again." I turn and walk away.

"Wait!" He stretches a hand towards me. "I-I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't cut it." I leave him. It might be true that he doesn't have his power anymore but that doesn't matter. It was never really his. It's just a power given to a desperate child. He should be able to fight me, even in his weakened state.

"What was that?" Ayako asked hovering over me. "What did you mean father?"

"That asshole over there, All Might, is my father. He abandoned me when I was three. For twelve long years I worked to help my mother. Twelve."

"Wait- Father? Then.... That means we're... Related?"


"All Might is my father's younger brother...."

"Oh. Well then yes."

"That's... Weird."

"That it is." I chuckle darkly. "Todoroki isn't the only one with daddy issues."

"It seems like it."

"Yeah." I sigh.

"You make good food." She laughs.


"Aizawa wants to talk with you."

"Let me go change first." I don regular clothes and head back to his house. "You needed me?"

"Yes. There's been reports as to the identity of The Bane of the Heroes."

"Mhm. Who's?"

"All Mi-"

"That bastard." I growl. "Sorry. Carry on."

"Akashi Ichigo, you are under arrest for the murder of heroes." Many police officers as well as about ten heroes, all on my list, walk out of the darkness.

"I knew this was going to happen eventually. But you ten? You're all on my list. Here." I hand the officer who spoke the evidence against them. "I only kill the ones that are truly evil."

"What?" His eyes go wide flipping through the packet. "This- This is all crimes that went unsolved.... There wasn't ever any evidence to point out who did them...."

"Because I took said evidence and examined it myself." The heroes there all looked very nervous.

"I'll take this in front of a judge." He sighs. The heroes attempt to leave but I clench my fist, causing them to be forced together.

"You should cuff them before they escape."

"I should, shouldn't I?" He sighs and does so.

"I'll follow you, just don't put that metal crap on my wrists."

"We'll surround you." He makes a motion and all of the police except for a couple surrounded me.

"Fine by me." I sigh. Soon after we left Aizawa's place, we were surrounded by reporters taking pictures of me.

"Is it true? Is this kid the Bane of the Heroes?"

"Yes I am." I push through the ring of guards to stand right in front of the camera. "Ayako, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Kashi, and all the rest of you at 1A, I am the Bane of the Heroes. When I leave prison, if you still want to be with me, I will attempt to rejoin UA. If you don't.... Well... I will stay away. You... All of you, you're kind, you might break some laws but only to save people, friends. You are true heroes. Goodbye." I smile, slightly, and walk back into my ring of guards.

"Is the Bane of the Heroes really a villain? Or is he a hero himself? What an interesting turn of events!"

"One last thing!" I call to the reporter. "1A.... My classmates... All Might is my father. He's not as perfect as people might say.... He abandoned me at age three and never, not once, visited me or my mother. I took care of her my whole life. He never, ever, helped us or even sent some money to help support us..... All Might is not truly a hero as some may think." I turned and walked away with the guards struggling to keep up. I passively accepted everything they had me do and spent my days in my cell, just sitting there.

One day, I don't know when, I can't exactly keep track of time when I'm constantly doing nothing, I was told o had a visitor. A couple guards walked in leading... 1A? "Akashi!" They shouted.

"What? But-"

"You're going to be freed tomorrow! Please come back to us Ichi! We miss you!" Ayako ran up to the cell bars with Todoroki, Tokoyami, Kashi, Midoriya and Bakugo by her side.

"Them? Really?" I ask pointing at Midoriya and Bakugo.

"Yes. We miss you." Bakugo sighs.

"Mhm... Yeah right. I don't believe you."

"But-" Midoriya begins.

"Change of plans." Bakugo sighs. "Oi! You there!" He points at a guard. "Free him now."

"But that's not allowed-"

"I'll handle the legal part of it." Yaoyorozu interrupts.

"Fine..." He pulls out some keys and frees me.

"The only reason I acted so rude to you is because I was jealous of how cool and powerful you were. You're a kind person deep down. I can see it. Especially since you began UA. I don't care that you killed heroes. They were the bad guys, not you." Bakugo hugged me.

I just stood there awkwardly as everyone else rushed over to me and hugged me saying similar things as Bakugo did. Things about how they trust me and looked up to me. It was weird and got even weirder when Kashi, saying she loved me, joined. Eventually I had had enough. "Get off me!"

"Sorry!" They laugh.

"How are you so sure I wasn't lying to gain your trust? I could've killed you all right then and there."

"We trust you completely." Ayako smiles. "Especially me." She leads our group to the dorm. "You all know my true identity right?"

"Yes." They say as one. I simply look at Ayako.

"Well did you know that I wasn't the only one in that battle that I became famous for?"

"No." Everyone's eyes went wide while I just stayed silent.

"He was there too. I was trained by him. We fought together, me beating up villains and him killing heroes. We removed the scum from the earth together."

"Yes." I smile. "I assume you've seen the news and heard my costume described, yes?"


"But never truly seen it."


"Then come here." I led them to my room and had them stay right outside it as I changed. I slipped on the outfit and stepped outside.

"Wow....." They whispered.

"Here it is." I laugh, slipping on the hood and mask.

"You look awesome!" Midoriya exclaims.

"Mhm." I go back into my room and change back.