
Chapter Six- The Decision Between Heroes or Villains

After that no one really bothered me much. I wandered the dorm throughout the day and at night I trained. I had been training alone for several nights before Ayako, Todoroki and Kashi interrupted me. "Let us train with you." Kashi said.

"No." I encase my hand in flames and punch through the air causing a huge stream of flames to cut through it. The flames slammed into the wall and spread across it.

"Why not?" Ayako asked with a sigh.

"Not her. My identity was revealed because I was stupid enough to care about her."

"That isn't her fault though!"

"I don't care! I acted like my damnable father, totally uncaring about my own safety to save someone!"

"That isn't a bad thing." She sighs again.

"Yes it is! He left me and Mom alone for so many years because he didn't stop those urges!"

"That... That isn't his fault." Todoroki says.

"Why are you taking his side? Your father's just as bad as mine. Worse actually!"

"Well... There might have been a reason for that..."

"Whatever! I'm leaving. Don't follow me!" I growl the last part and leave. I go to the beach that served as my base when I first began as a villain. The beach had been cleaned up but I went anyway. There were some people there which I ignored and began training more.

I continued my Fire Fist attack and even tried it with a celestial blade I had made. That is, until someone shouted, "Hey! Isn't that the Bane of the Heroes? What's he doing out here?" The person I'd assume shouted that ran up to me. "Can I have your autograph?"

"What?" The person was a girl that had white hair with red streaks in it and grey eyes.

"You're an excellent contributor to the safety of our society beating the villains no one knows about. So can I have your autograph?"

"Uh..... Sure." I take the paper and pen from her hands. "What? I'm in the newspapers too? How annoying." I sigh. "What's your name?"

"Todoroki Fuyumi."

"Okay...." I write down 'Stay safe Ms. Todoroki. Don't kill people and I won't hunt you down.' and sign my name at the end.

"You know my little brother right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"How's he doing?"

"Fine. I just left him."

"That's good." She smiles. "Thanks!"

"Mhm." After she leaves the range of my attacks, I continue. Once I'm able to control exactly how far the fire goes I begin using lightning then ice. I use every kind of element I have. Once I finish I go back to the dorm.

"Hey! He's back!" Kashi shouts.

"Ugh." I walk away. I head directly to my room and open the door. I walk in, and, turning on the lights, see Todoroki sitting on my bed. "Why are you here?" I sigh.

"What's happened to you? Sure you weren't the most social person but at least you talked to us."

"My father." I growl. "Now please, leave." I put emphasis on please.

"This won't be the only time I try to talk to you." He warns and leaves.

"How annoying." I groan and grab some clothes so I can shower.

"Akashi-San? Are you okay?"

"Why can't you all just leave me alone!" I yell.

"S-Sorry." He turns and leaves.

"I can't have a minute of peace." I sigh right as the other males in my class walk in. "Of course." I dry myself off and leave. I walk back into my room and change into some loose clothing and a hoodie. I head out through my window again and go to the center of the city. I look for any crime or suspicious looking people. I hear word of a large gang of villains hiding nearby me and go to check it out.

"Who are you?" I had heard this is a drug trafficking gang so I had gotten some money to carry with me.

"No one of importance. I'm here for the good stuff." I pull out some money.

"Ah. Welcome." He grins looking like a hungry wolf closing in on it's prey.

"Thank you." I nod my head and feel my hood slip enough to reveal my hair and eyes. "Damn." I mutter and jab him in the neck. I slip through the gang doing the same to the others. Once I finish I open a warp gate to the police station and leave the villains there, burning the shape of devil horns onto their foreheads. Once I finish that, I write down a note that would lead the police to the gang. I signed it as Lucifer and wrote 'P.S. I've given up killing. I'm not going to kill any more heroes but I will still target them.' After I finish that I create a gunshot-like sound and leave. "That was fun." I murmur.

"There you are!" Ayako says.

"Oh no...." I groan. I turn and walk away from her and lay on my bed.

"What's wrong?" She asks coming over to me.

"Everything at the moment." I sigh. Like my mother, when Ayako annoys me I can deal with it. But when other people do, I feel like breaking something.

"That sucks." She sighs. "Wanna tell me about it?"

"Fine..." I sigh knowing that she would bug me until I told her about it. "It started the day that Kashi was chasing me and got hurt. When you got to Aizawa's house I left to find out what happened because of the damned hero complex I seem to have inherited from my father. Once I saw her with her skin dissolved, I healed her and then went to destroy Shigaraki. I was going to kill him when All Might showed up and chatted a bit with me. I accidentally let my guard down and he saw who I was. He told the police and I was arrested. Then you guys freed me and began bothering me. Just a little while ago, I destroyed the villain gang known as the Order of the Unknown. Then I came into here."

"Wow." She sighs. "That's a lot of difficulties."


"So! Are you going to talk to Shoto and Yami-kun?"

"Not yet. I'm going through a lot right now."

"Well I guess I'll tell them to leave you alone."

"Everyone respects you. Tell them all to leave me alone."


"Thanks. Now please leave."

"Of course." She smiles and leaves. The next morning I get a text in the class group chat.

Midoriya- Akashi-San? Why are you on the news again?

Todoroki- Yeah. Why'd you take up being a villain again?

Akashi- What?

Ayako- Come downstairs.

"So what's going on?"

"It seems as if you decided to attack people again." Todoroki states with a glare.

"Why are you so angry with me? They aren't dead."

"You've scarred them for life!" Uraraka shouts.

"They're evil." I shrug. "If they weren't, they wouldn't be there."

"I don't understand you Akashi." Tokoyami sighs.

"You don't need to." I turn and walk back up to my room.

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