
Vader: The Outer Rim

Darth Vader heads to the outer rim to inspect a rumour of a jedi

Daoistmg6sVJ · Filmes
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Vader: A Star Wars Short Story

this takes place 5 years before a new hope

Darth Vader's Tie Advanced emerges from the interior of Vader's castle on the surface of Mustafar, Vader enters Lightspeed and travels to the planet of Jukandour, In the outer rim as there has been rumours of a Jedi Knight's presence there. Once Emerged from hyperspace Vader lands on the planet and it welcomed by Blaster bolts firing at him through his cockpit. Vader Exits the Tie Advanced, lightsaber in hand and deflects the blaster bolts to the light, so only his crimson blade can be seen. "You would be wise to lay down your weapons, surrender and tell me where the Jedi is" Vader announced "If you do not then you shall be known as traitors to the empire."

There was a brief moment of silence... Until The soldiers opened fire yet again "So Be it" Vader remarked as he began to slaughter the treacherous rebel synthesizers. Within Seconds they were all dead, Vader walked past and into a dim room. It was quiet. Too Quiet. Vader used the force to sense his surroundings. And to his surprise there was nothing. it didn't seem right yet he left anyway, as soon as he walked outside he was approached by a man in a dark brown robe who vader immediately sensed to be the Jedi he was searching for. The Jedi Took off his cloak revealing his White/Beige Jedi Robes Igniting his Blue lightsaber. The Jedi used form III which Vader could easily beat as his old master Obi Wan Kenobi specialised in this form. Vader reignited his crimson blade. "A fools choice. No matter, this shall be over shortly." Vader uses his Form V stance and is ready to swiftly end this Jedi. After only a few minutes Darth Vader Begins hitting harder as the Jedi Knight seems to be holding his own. "You are skilled in Soresu, yet it will not help you." Vader Force Pushed the silent Jedi into a wall causing him to drop his saber, causing the blade to extinguish. The Jedi Finally spoke up "You don't fear me, i know who you are... Anakin Skywalker. I was 17 when order 66 was announced. You Struck down my master, and now I will strike you down." Vader is full of rage after hearing the name Anakin Skywalker after so many years. "Now is your end" Vader remarked as he walked up to the Jedi a smaller fight erupted and was soon finished as Vader knocked the Jedi's saber out of his hand with a swift motion and cut off his hand. "Weak, as all Jedi are" These were the last words the Lone Jedi would have as he was soon sliced in half by the Crimson blade of his lightsaber....