
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

16. Beginning To Open Up?!

"How many of you know the complete basics here?" Dhvani asked. But she got no reply, as she expected, "It's alright! I will be teaching you those for the next 6months, so that you all can improve!"

They sat silent but she could see the disturbance in them, she frowned, "Is there anything you guys want to say me?"

They again glanced each other while this time Ron spoke up, and without any hesitation, "It's because of the contract signed! We have to create music for a year, and 6months...having the training classes, it would be difficult!" Some of them nodded in agreement.

She nodded too as she took a seat now, "I can understand! But I can't help but say one thing! Work hard!!"

"I am not gonna change it! And even if you want to create something without the whole knowledge, it might lack something somewhere!"

"This will help you in anyway you see it!" she added!

They remained silent, "Don't worry! I will just be taking 2hours! The rest of the day is all yours!" she then said making them relieved.

She then stood again, making them stand too, "From tomorrow, I will be starting the classes! And yeah, many rules may also further be introduced as I will be observing and noticing the necessities!"

She then sighed, and for their surprise, she unmasked herself and everyone looked at her in awe! Wondering about the reason for her to unmask and the beauty she was blessed with, at the same time! Who on the earth would hide themselves in a mask who is this beautiful and also popular?!

"I learnt that.... dealing with no honesty shouldn't be one's cup of tea!" she began with a sigh, "So this is... me! And yeah, I am Dhvani!"

They were still silent, probably mused! "And I am hoping that you guys won't take advantage of my honesty!" she added sounding sincere!

"We....won't!!" said Maira!

"Thanks alot for..... trusting us!!" said Karthik!

She smiled, "My time is over, for today I will be leaving, from tomorrow I will also join you guys in your practice!!" she then said wearing her mask again, and soon she left the room!

"She is..... beautiful!!" finally Arjun blurted out, while his gaze was still lingering on the entrance as if she might return to room! "As beautiful as ...her name!!"

"Indeed!" added Sampath!

"Let's now focus on our practice!" said Ron, then tilted towards Arjun, "Your goddess will be coming here daily from now on, so don't be greedy, and come start practicing!!" he said putting some sense into the man's mind, with a shook!

Arjun tilted to him, "I always wanted to see her face, how she looks! And..... I.....did today!!" he shook his head in joy as if he himself can't believe it!


Dhvani while she was making her way out, saw Ajay standing in the balcony of the floor, his hands behind, she with a frown reached him! "What are you doing?!"

He turned his head, and she now stood beside him, "Sky-gazing!"

"Why?!" she asked.

"Cause I can't do stargazing in the daylight!!" he said with a chuckle as if it was a silly one to explain!

She smiled, "You like stargazing?"

He nodded, "Alot!", she nodded too, "Me as well!!"

They both suddenly stared each other for a brief moment before looking away, ahead the busy street near, which was visible from up there!

"Can I ask you one question?!" he asked.

She frowned, "What is it?"

"Why had you.....considered my request?!" he asked.

he questioned the same again, but this time, he didn't sound suspicious but all what she could hear was curiosity!

"Why do you think I did?!" she questioned back!

He shrugged, "I won't be asking you that if I really can think of something which makes sense!"

So....was it a senseless act??! She sighed, she didn't know! "I was greedy!" she said under her breath!

"What?!" he asked again.

She shook her head, "Nothing!"

"I just wanted to try new! No specific reasons!" she lied! He nodded!

"Now as you questioned me something, can I as well ask you something?!"

This time he frowned and tilted towards her, "What is....it??"

"What are your.....plans?!"

His frown deepened as he remembered his own words! He said he didn't just want success but he has some others plans too! He smiled. "Do you know what I exactly wish?!"

"What...do you wish?!"

He halted, almost was taken aback! Even though she questioned it cause he questioned her first, she was the first one to ask something like this!

"Ajay!!" she called out!

He looked at her then smiled again, "Universe!!"

And now she was taken aback, "My dream.....is to be the partner...." He shook his head, "Permanent partner of Universe!"

She blinked and was silent for a brief moment, "Why..... only..... Universe??"

He shrugged! "I don't know it myself! I feel like.... I belong there! Something feels like.....mine!!"

He chuckled, "I sound funny right!!" he shook his head.

She stood silent, still, she almost smiled! And he finally wholly turned to her, but soon his gaze fell on the necklace she wore, he felt something strange tingling inside him! As he kept observing it, she noticed it, and finally smiled, hoping that he would atleast now recognise her!

"What.... happened?" she asked, expecting something!

And her question made him look up her face from her neck! "I just ...." his gaze travelled down again and then up, "I liked it!" he said!

She frowned, just that??! Her raised shoulders fell instantly! She looked away making him confused, "Thank you!!" she scoffed, he shrugged at himself and turned ahead too!

"May I know more about you?!" she asked again! He frowned!

"I thought we made sure that the contract would be nothing personal!"

"Sharing your dream isn't professional either!!"

He halted again, sharing? This somehow....felt familiar! And why?!

"Are we .... beginning to open up now?!"

"You were the first person who saw me! And I did that cause I respect honesty!" she said ignorant to his question.

"I hope you will follow what you actually taught me!!"

He just listened calmly as he did found that right! He sighed turning back ahead, "There's nothing much about me to know!!"


He smiled which she noticed to be a sad one! She knew why, but she still asked for some unknown reason! Did she want to hear it from him?

"My parents....passed away! When I was eight, an accident occurred, and they left the world! I survived but.....lost my memories cause of a severe head injury! My uncle took care of me later and now I am all alone, having just a brother in the name of family!"

She stepped back, what did he just say??

"Do you wish to know more?" he chuckled, "Even if you wish to, I don't have anything more to open up!!"


He shrugged, "It's just fate!"

Just fate??! She shook her head!

"What about your family? I would feel glad to know about a superstar's family though!!"

He got no response, he frowned and turned back to face her, but to his surprise, she was nowhere to be seen! He was confused! She left? Weren't they having a conversation, how can she leave in between??