
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

15. Just The Beginning!

"What were you working on?" Mrs Reena Saron questioned making Dhruv look up from his cutlery.

"Some...work?" he said simply with a shrug!

She shook her head with a slight frown on, "You work alot! It just saddens me that you aren't getting a deserving output!"

His grip over the fork tightened a bit as he downed his head, trying to focus on his meal.

"It's better not to discuss about anything while dinner! Don't you think so?!" said Anand Saron without lifting his gaze up and the lady went silent again! Dhruv sighed inward as they then continued to have their meal in silence. After he was done, he went to his room, resting on his bed, he reached his hand out for his mobile and then was it when he noticed that there were few more mails now! He sighed, he can't anymore, he skipped the part just for now and removing the charging plug, he went to sleep!


Dhvani made her way to Star as soon as she got up ready, she was a bit early, may be not?! It was already eight in the morning, she was alone in the practice room. She was sure that Ajay and the old man, both were in his cabin, what were they discussing about? She didn't know!

As she waited, her hand rested on the butterfly locket, of the necklace she wore! Today she intentionally wore it just because she thought he would recognise it if he didn't her name! Did he really forget her? She might as well kill him if he actually did! He was the very first person she had...

There interrupted her thoughts a knock. "Come in!" she said. And soon everyone came in, some startled and some panicked while the others were surprised. Infront of their gazes she reached leaning against the table a bit and questioned, "What's the time?"

They all exchanged glances, "It's...thirty to...nine!!" Maira said.

"May I know why are you all late?"

They hesitated, as she looked serious!

"I and Kriti had to sneak out from college!" said Karthik! Kriti nodded!

"I had to work late night in the hotel, I just found myself waking up late! And I am sorry for it!" said Maira apologetically.

"I had to do late night deliveries, which got me up late!" said Sampath.

"I..... actually had to sneak out....of my house!!" Arjun said with a shrug hoping that it didn't sound weird or rude.

She just frowned, and her gaze shifted to the remaining one, "Ron?"

"I had to deliver food to emergency patients and spent all night at hospital!"

She sighed, leaning forward, "We are going to have rules from now on!"

They all frowned and glanced at her in confusion, while she moved further reaching the board, taking the marker, she wrote the first rule!

'Every individual should report before eight in the morning and if anyone is late, they would be punished!'

Their brows raised, and she turned, "Whatever the reason might me, don't neglect this, cause my punishments would be weird!!" she said with a smile!

And for the first time they got to see the real side of her, serious and strict, especially making Arjun open his mouth in awe while also liking her more for this!

"But...." Kriti attempted to protest but soon stopped herself when the lady raised her brows at her!

"Alright!!" she then gave a nod while others did the same!

And Ajay, Choi who just watched the whole scene said nothing but kept watching! "She was right when she claimed it isn't going to be easy!!" whispered Choi which Ajay had noticed and tilted his head towards him!

"Just by this?" he questioned making the man frown, he then shook his head, "This is...." he tilted back to her then to him, "Just the beginning!" he said while patting the man's shoulder before leaving there! Choi followed him too!

"Just get seated!!" said Dhvani and so everyone took their seats while she remained standing!

"I would like to introduce myself first!" she began.

"Who doesn't know you!!" Arjun interrupted with a smile showing out his teeth!

She almost rolled her eyes, why was he this crazy?!

"I thought my name would be helping!!"

His eyes widened, "But it's okay as you deny!" she added making him shook his head!

"Please..... introduce y-yourself!!"

She smirked which got hid under her mask! "Not.Now!" she said with a smile too, which was also unseen! His raised shoulders fell instantly while the others said nothing! For a moment they all thought the same, as now they aren't gonna stay the same, there appearing a change and they didn't know whether to be happy or worried!

"First let me know more about you all! Can you show your best interests?"

An array of silence, exchanged glances, no matter how hard they tried to digest, the fact still remains, she is a star, playback singer, with countless albums created, just the thought of presenting their talent infront of her alone made them sweat!

"I am not gonna give you the whole day! I probably guess you all have your own works to do too!" she said with a shrug!

Though they hesitated, making themselves calm as she patiently waited, they began to sing one by one! After everyone was done did she began to speak!

"You have a great deep voice!" she pointed to Karthik.

"You have the similarity, but the way you sound everything smooth, that's your speciality! You have a unique voice!" she said to Kriti.

"You have a melodious voice Maira!! So sweet to hear, sweeter than sweets perhaps!!" she said and they laughed a bit, she smiled, "I am serious!"

"You have a great control over your breath man!!" she stressed about Ron.

As she was pointing out the best from each, and everyone looked a bit happy, not only to know their speciality being pointed out but also because it was her who is doing that! Surreal, isn't it?

While Sampath and Arjun remained silent and precisely waiting for her to say something about them, she just glanced at them and with a shrug said, "Your voices are great too! But I want more from you two! Why don't you both just go with the instruments?"

They both exchanged glances while everyone just remained quiet, and they both got up, reaching the instruments!

Arjun got seated in the piano chair while Sampath took a violin and got seated on another chair!

First it was Arjun who began to play piano, and after it was Sampath who went ahead with violin! After both of them were done, she clapped for them making others do the same, "When you changed the tune, you should have started with chord A!" she pointed for Arjun for which he gave a nod!

"And you played very well Sampath!"

The man gave a nod with a smile!

Hey guys, I am here to inform you what I forgot to do! I updated the 'Introduction!' chapter, adding the basic information of characters. Do check it once so that you can understand more!!

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