
[chapter one - part 1] - Waaaa?

Engulfing my couch in a welcoming hug, I flop my bag on to the tiled floor beside me.

"Bloody hell…." I breathe out muffled by the leather fabric.

Slowly but surely, I return my keys to their original place. Relaxing into the comfortable heaven, my thoughts begin to dance. Should I have really gone outside? I understand that food is important to human survival but still…. Human interaction will kill me one day… Breathing out, I, at a snail's pace, sit up and survey my sanctuary with slight suspicion. Everything appears to be the same… The TV across from me is surrounded by game consoles with more, alongside some manga, sitting on the shelf underneath, Undertale…Zelda…Mario cart…Halo…Fallout… DeathNote…All the others are there as well…welp, probs just paranoia…Moving on from assessing my children, I bring my bag closer to me, resting it by my leg, I grab the worn out TV remote and re-relax back into the couch.

Turning the TV on, I change the channel to the radio. The pleasant humming of music fills the room bringing with it doziness.

"Hum~Huuuum~hum~Hum- LIVE BREAKING NEWS!" The speaker booms.

"HOLY SH-" I shout, momentarily frozen, almost falling off the couch.

"The suspected suicides that have been happening around the globe have been found out to be the case of a Murder, who or where they are is not known," the person speaking breathes, "so be warned to keep all doors, windows locked!"

Staring blankly into the ceiling, no thoughts enter my mind apart from, uh oh… this is bad…

A sharp squeak resonates from a nearby window, not moving my head, I move my pale blue eyes in the general direction. Wind could be pushing through the curtains bringing along a breeze. Oh crap… was that open before…?... Getting up slowly I begin to back away even softer than my usual quiet steps.

Almost a split second later a pulsing pain erupts from my neck, coughing and gurgling as I choke on this unknown liquid, which could very much be my own blood, I feel slight wave of heat from behind me. Knowing how horror movies go, I don't turn, as who in their right mind would. Eventually losing feeling in my legs and arms, I collapse into a heap as my vision begins to darken. Oh…Shit… The feeling of as though someone is crushing my lungs and throat is no longer felt but the coldness surrounding me increases. W…hat'…s th..e p…oint.. in per…severing…..de….ath…...w....hen…..I….ga..ve…up...lon..g…a..go….?

The welcomed void surrounds me, bringing with it an unknown warmth. Eventually, subsequently after, that warmth became cooler with slight wind accompanying it. Wait…..wind?!

Here's part one of chapter 1... Woooooooo

Just a teaser????


by the way, i shall be *hopefully* updating every Thursday...

see ya

_Geor_creators' thoughts