
[chapter 1 - part 2]

Somehow snapping my eyes open, I am meet with an onslaught of light. Bringing my arms up to defend myself from the sun does nothing, shock fills my core, my 'arms', still the same shape, but were a misty blue transparent with slight wisps fading in to the air. Taking a once over of myself, my originally white with gray fluff hoodie, gray baggy jeans and white tank top with a black stripe now has a blue-y see-through tinge to it. Uhhh…..wat da hell? With all my grammar out the window, I wave my arm in front of my face watching the lag of it, but once no longer questioning it I attempt to stand. Underline the key word attempt, as not expecting the lack of weight I went flying.

Somehow going through a seat, I fall flat. Groaning, this time taking it slow, I stand. Finally looking around to see where I am and hopeful how I got here and why I'm still existing. Like…bud, I was just killed….soooo?....wait, why am I calling myself bud? Eh… oh well, getting off track here… Seeing a small sized room with a piano towards a corner with one large window over seeing it with the floor covered in dark carpet, noticing that the chair that I went through was actually a piano stool. Strolling up to it and moving a hand towards it, once it reaches it my hand appears to go into it. …-brain has crashed-… Repeating this action several times, calling upon my natural instincts… I just accept the fact that I can now go though objects… or is it just chairs? Hmmm… Testing this process on the piano, the answer is achieved.

At last realizing there is a huge, greatly detailed, wooden door opposite the piano, huh… wow…a door…, nothing changes. …even though having a staring contest with a door isn't on my to do list….oh yeah… I should stop getting off track… Moving towards the ominous door, just as I'm about to reach it an unbelieve amount of pressure propels me back through the stool again.

Grumbling, I get up, dusting of my pants, and glare at the door. Although that glare was short lived, as something caught my eye in the sunset light within the room…WHERES MY SHADOW?!... HOLY SHIT!...wait…why am I panicking again?... I looks at the ground in front me again, …OH MY GOD WHERE IS MY SHADOW?!.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH….okay…okay…I just have no shadow and can go through things…no problems here ahahahaha…

Shrugging off the fact that I have no shadow, I clench my fists and stare at the grand piano…so many unwanted memories yet…so much happiness during those days… Drifting over toward the head piano, I move my hand forward but not expecting to meet the coolness of the ivory keys. Shock evident on my face, I play a few keys…middle c…d flat…e…f sharp… The sounds of the piano flows through the room. But as I am about to play another my hand passes through…what?...


My head snaps towards the door, peeking through was a boy with a brown hair wearing… amber-tinted goggles?!... what?...….wait....where have I seen that boy before….....

Black and red striped shirt, with a weird sleeveless vest with fur trim, the smell of cigarettes and a Gameboy?!…

Finished the first chapter! WOOOOO

Starting the second!


The next chapter may take awhile so yeah, should be done by Thursday though hopefully.

See ya

Edit: i described him wrong, please don't kill me T-T

_Geor_creators' thoughts
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