
Twilight: The Children of the Moon

In the Twilight World, werewolves stand among four supernatural species alongside shape-shifters, vampire-human hybrids, and vampires. The Children of the Moon, known as true werewolves, are humans transforming into fearsome wolf-like creatures under the full moon's influence. Unlike shape-shifters, these werewolves possess formidable strength, capable of single-handedly challenging vampires. However, their lack of control over the transformation makes them dangerous. Our main character, a transmigrater, unwittingly becomes a target for vampires after surviving a near-death encounter with a monstrous creature. Little does he know, he's infected with werewolf venom, marking him as prey for the vampire hunters.

AmouxCreationsX · Filmes
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

The werewolf tried to grab him as it propelled towards Jay, but the frame to the storeroom wasn't big enough to let the werewolf in. As a mindless creature, it pushed forward towards Jay. Jay, being a kid, navigated through the messy storeroom and ran towards the exit. He grabbed the oil lamp, lit it, and threw it towards the werewolf. Since the room stored oil for necessary purposes, it didn't take long to ignite and create an explosion. Jay was thrown away by the sudden air blast from the explosion. As he lay on the ground, he slowly started to lose consciousness while watching the house burn.

The next time he opened his eyes, he found himself in the hospital, unable to move his body an inch due to the strong throw caused by the sudden explosion. His entire muscles were sore, he found a caring figure – a nurse – tending to him. Mumbling in thirst, Jay caught the nurse's attention, prompting a quick dialing of the telephone to alert the doctor of his awakening. With a glass extended towards him, Jay eagerly drank, a small relief amidst the confusion that enveloped his memory. Soon, the doctor arrived, attempting a friendly demeanor while assessing any discomfort Jay might be experiencing. Adopting a guise of amnesia, Jay replied with a simple "I don't know," suppressing the harrowing truth of encountering a werewolf. The doctor, assuming a wild animal attack, delivered somber news – someone in Jay's home had perished.

Jay tried to act unaffected by the news, remaining silent as he felt confused. Deep inside, he was terrified to believe that the old man he knew might be a monster.

Alone in the ward room, Jay grappled with thoughts of the mysterious events from the day before. Glancing at his arm, he watched as the bite mark inexplicably faded away. Unsettled by the strange occurrence, he grappled with the disbelief that the old man he thought he knew had been a werewolf. The haunting realization lingered – "In the end, I killed him."

The arrival of police officers added another layer to Jay's ordeal. Despite his almost-recovered injuries, he feigned a patient demeanor, aware that suspicion loomed over Jain's death. The forensic report's inconsistencies only deepened the officers' skepticism. Hopeless and grasping at straws, they turned to a 15-year-old with apparent memory loss, lacking any concrete proof tying him to the deceased man.

Complicating matters, Jay's identity remained unverified on a national scale. And the incident had no witnesses or evidence, and the only witness seemed to have lost their memory. So Jay persisted in portraying himself as an Amnesia patient.

The next concern was where he would stay. Jay could only say, "I have nowhere else to go." He looked into the eyes of the officer who seemed to be the chief. Unbeknownst to Jay, the chief of the police department in front of him, with a mustache and curly brown hair, was Charlie Swan. In turn, Charlie was genuinely concerned about Jay's safety. Jay seemed to have no one and lacked a proper identity to join an orphanage at that moment. Charlie also observed that Jay was a loner and didn't seem to enjoy being in crowds. However, he didn't know that Jay's apparent irritation stemmed from the questions about his involvement with a murder or a werewolf. But indeed Jay was sad as he had lost the only person he knew in this world, even if it was a monster.

Seeing there was no other option, Charlie decided to show kindness by allowing Jay to stay in his house, hoping Jay might behave well. Jay remained neutral, but deep inside, he swore that he would hold onto the straw of hope, determined not to be abandoned by Charlie until he found a way to become financially independent.