
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · TV
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


-Taban pov -

I was sitting with Inari at our dinner table, we both were eating in blissful silence something I have come to love almost as much as the sound of death.

I got word from Jack that he arrived at Jeremy's training grounds, he seemed very excited to start training a new protege. I remember the day I met him in London, it was rainy and I watched as he methodically killed a woman, the rain proceeded to wash away the crimson blood left in his wake. I knew then we would be good friends.

Right as I went for another bite an Oni popped from the shadows, that is one thing Sora managed to do, he wound up all of the Oni willing to follow him and they made an assassination division, they began to also train humans in the art.

"Sir, we figured out what Esther is planning," the assassin told me

"Do tell," I replied cutting off another bite of steak

"Tonight she is planning to kill Finn, the siblings are linked so they all will die. The doppelganger aided in this, and Elijah took her with telling Rebekah to kill her at nine if they can't stop it," He replied I saw Inari look up in interest

"Hm interesting, find out where it is happening and keep an eye on Elena," I replied my mind was racing with ideas

"Very well sir," he replied disappearing into the shadows

"If it works the originals will be dead," Inari said

My eyes narrowed and I replied, "yes but so will every vampire in existence,"

She looked embarrassed her cheeks had sprinkles of pink now, "I forgot," she muttered

"This could be a good opportunity for me," I said ignoring her embarrassed state

"Oh? How so?" she questioned

"Well, the Mikaelsons act on honor so if I save them they will owe me but, let's say someone else saves them. I will still win in the end, my primary goal for tonight will be to capture Esther," I replied with a wide toothy smile

"Huh, why? I mean I get she is a strong witch but she is nothing compared to Han," She replied with an inquisitive look

"Han wants her, he wants to interrogate her and figure out some old European magic she has access to that has been lost in the annuls of time," I said thoughtfully

She nodded and replied, "I see, but what's in it for you?" she asked

"Depends if the Mikaelson's see me take her they will definitely want her back doesn't matter if they will kill her afterward, and maybe they will band with the Salvatores to try and attack me," I replied with a small smile

"Okay Ban now why would you want that?" she asked looking at me like I was a fool

"Simple, if they attack me first every single one of my plans will go smoother. It's better to look like you are reacting to an attack than to instigate one," I replied with a fake smile

She didn't buy it, I couldn't blame her I usually instigate and attack first.

"Since when did you care about that?" she asked dumbfounded

"Plans are in motion that you simply cannot know Inari, and for me to look like I was reacting not instigating will be beneficial," I replied in a serious tone

"Ah like with getting Caroline and Bonnie on our side," she said with a look of understanding

"Flipping Caroline to be against Elena, and yes fully getting Bonnie onto our side would be beneficial. Her character is not strong but her magic is, Shelia told me she will be one of the strongest witches with the right guidance," I said with a thin smile

"I see, and what of that thing you told me about," she said switching the topics

"That pass it off to the ninjas to start putting the moves in place," I said taking another bite of steak

"I still don't understand why you made this," she replied amusement clear in her tone

"To absolutely send my enemies into the pits of despair," I replied looking off into the distance

[hours later]

I walked through the woods, inari was already in position by the spell site, only my entrance was left, I could feel Kol, Elijah, and Klaus up ahead along with Finn and Esther.

I called Sora earlier, he has been teleporting through shadows forever now, and his range is impressive, to say the least. Definitely not state-to-state impressive but he can get the job done. Esther needs to get captured and taken to Han, I don't care if we don't get anything from it.

As I approached the three men they all turned around Esther was just giving a speech about how they were all monsters and she had to watch them slaughter thousands.

"Taban, what are you doing here!" Klaus shouted I could tell his emotions were high

"Relax Klaus I'm here to stop the Vampire race from dying", I replied dryly

As I approached the circle Esther yelled, "stop! You monster this is better for the world!"

I chuckled and replied, "no it isn't you foolish witch,"

She seemed to get even angrier than before, "it doesn't matter you can't go through this circle I will kill them all,"

I looked at her then smiled, "spirits ohh spirits I know you can hear me, do you really want this to happen? I will be very very displeased and I will take it out on every single one of your descendants, every single Bennett witch will be killed, every single one with even a drop of Bennett blood in them will be tortured until I get bored then I will chop up their bodies and bury them in the blood of a virgin, after that I will ask my friends to chant the spell that you all know I have access to,"

"What are you doing?" Kol asked with alarm

I ignored him, "make your choice, you can let me through,"

I began to walk forward Esther look a little uneasy, I could tell she had an idea of what I just threatened to do and how horrible of a fate I will condemn the Bennett line to.

I crossed the barrier and smiled, "you saved your bloodline," I said to the spirits

Esther raised her hand my head was instantly filled with pain, and I smiled at her, "did you think this would hurt?"

She couldn't perform any larger magic she was too busy keeping up with the current spells she was casting.




I slowly walked toward her, and she made a swiping motion, my neck didn't even move, "after having that happen to me over three thousand times my neck muscles strengthened quite a bit don't you think?" I said teasingly

*boom* I sprung from the ground and moved faster than she could react

*pah* Finn blocked me he looked enraged "did you think I would let you!" he roared

"I hoped you didn't!" I replied with a wide smile

My head snapped forward connecting with his own, both of my arms clasped on his shoulders tightly.




I kept head butting him and head butting him, my smile only grew wider and wider.

He tried to push me off but I wouldn't budge, seeing no other option Finn Vamped out and bit my neck.

That was a mistake.

"AHHHHH!" he screamed in pain backing away from my body

My hand shot out and tore into his stomach, I sifted around and found what I wanted. Pulling my hand out his intestines followed.

"Ahhhhhh!" he was crying out in pain crimson blood and tears mixed across his face

I didn't care, I kept pulling out his intestines, once I got literally everything out I kept walking, stepping on his face I made my way to Esther.

"You are a monster," she said in horror

I just grinned at her and replied, "am I?"

She decided to forgo any other spells and tried to target me. I lunged forward kneeing her in the stomach "haaaa" she gasped open breath while her mouth was open I took the long rope-like intestines and began to tie her up starting with her mouth.

"Mmmmm!" she struggled arduously

Once I was done I looked up at her sons, I saw equal looks of horror in my direction, "you'd think you would have gotten used to me by now,"

Klaus rushed forward but it was too late Sora appeared out of the shadows and took Esther while Inari magically broke each brother's neck.

As I walked out of the circle I could feel the anguish of the spirits, it was palpable.

"What happened?" I asked no one in particular

A ninja appeared from the dark blanket of the woods and said, "Abby Bennett was fed Vampire blood and then killed,"

"Huh, she died a fruitless death, and now she has to be a bloodsucker," I said softly

Hell of a shame for the Bennett bloodline.

"Inari let's go home," I said with a devious glint in my eyes

She nodded with the same glint both of us thinking the same thing. Bonnie is in a perfect state right now.

[hours later]

I sat on the roof of my house, I could feel the supernatural forces zipping around the town of mystic falls, it seems Rebekah got the message before she killed Elena. Lucky for the doppelganger.

The Mikaelsons are obviously plotting against me right now, I could feel Finn in their home as well.

Inari came up on top of the roof and said, "I know what you are doing,"

"Oh? And what is that?" I asked with amusement

"Turning Mystic Falls into a battlefield," she replied confident in her answer

"Don't I always my dear fox?" I grinned looking up to the moon

"Not like this, you are making this the resting place for your enemies," she replied

"Mystic Falls will be the graveyard of many,"


A/N: so I know he technically did attack first, but this isn't the type of attack he was talking about.

Can anyone guess what spell Taban threatened the MF Bennett bloodline with?