
Turbo: Human Velocity

In the aftermath of a traumatic and life-threatening race with his arch-nemesis, Gange, Theo, the speed-obsessed garden snail known as Turbo, finds himself haunted by recurring nightmares of the dangerous race that nearly took his life. Struggling with post-traumatic stress, he becomes consumed by the need for revenge. One fateful night, while wandering the streets in search of answers, Turbo stumbles upon a mysterious and glowing radioactive substance. To his shock and disbelief, the substance causes a remarkable transformation. Theo mutates into a human, his once small, slime-covered body replaced by human limbs and skin. But this newfound existence comes at a cost. With only seconds to understand the complex human anatomy and adapt to the sensory overload of his new life, Turbo faces a race against time to survive in this unfamiliar form. As he navigates the human world, he discovers the potential of his incredible speed as a human. Determined to take revenge on Gange for the injuries and trauma he endured as a snail, Turbo trains tirelessly to master his newfound speed and physical abilities. He seeks out experts who can help him harness his power, eventually gaining control over his extraordinary capabilities. Turbo's quest for vengeance culminates in a dramatic and high-stakes race against Gange, who remains unaware of Turbo's transformation. The race is not only a test of speed but also a battle of wills. Turbo, now a human, must face the psychological challenges that come with his new form while seeking redemption and closure. "Turbo: Human Velocity" is an exhilarating fanfiction adventure that explores themes of transformation, revenge, and the resilience of the human spirit. It's a unique and thrilling take on the beloved "Turbo" character as he races towards a new future, both on and off the track. .

Drizlin_Reign · Filmes
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2 Chs

Shell of memories

Turbo, the fastest snail in the world, crawled slowly down from the winner's podium and into his owner's outstretched hand. He paused there to take in the cheering crowd and the vibrant colors that filled the stadium. He had made history, and he was filled with a joyous pride.

But as he looked up at his owner's face, Turbo suddenly felt a deep sense of unease. His vision blurred and he swore he could see images of his owner's face contorted with rage, eyes wild and filled with loathing. He shook his head, trying to clear the fog, and the visions dissipated like smoke on the wind.

His owner Angelo smiled down at him and carefully placed him back on the track. "Ya did great, Turbo," he said softly. "Now go show your friends what you can do." 3…2…1!

The other snails revved their engines as they raced towards the finish line. Turbo quickly pulled ahead of the pack, his little feet working faster than the blurring speed of sound. He crossed the finish line in a flurry of dust and cheers.

Exhausted but triumphant, Turbo made his way back to his box and crawled inside. He curled up in the corner and closed his eyes, breathing in the darkness of the night. He was almost asleep when he heard a soft shuffling noise coming from the box next to his.

His brother had joined him. He greeted Turbo with a forlorn expression, his silence thick with disappointment and regret. Finally, he spoke. "I'm proud of you, Turbo," he said. "But I'm also disappointed in you. You are capable of so much more. Your victory tonight was amazing, but don't forget who you really are and what you can do." His brother nodded once, then quietly left Turbo alone in the dark.

Sniff!! Turbo smelled smoke and dust, his eyes opening to the near-death experience that had almost killed him. Car tyres flew everywhere, King Gang's giant, heavy body walking past him. As tiny as a snail can be, Turbo was overcome with megalophobia - fear of large things - and his shell began to quiver.

The dizzying barrage of flashes and images returned to him, images of Angelo whispering to his brother that they just couldn't wait until Turbo made them rich after winning this race. Turbo felt used and the scenes around him only showed Angelo, Gang, and the humans laughing at him. He tried to crawl away from the chaos, but the deafening laughter that pierced the air held him in place.

He felt helpless and alone, his shell trembling in fear, and in that moment he wished he could disappear and never come back. But then, in the corner of his eye, he saw something move. Focusing his eyes, Turbo could make out a figure in the distance, standing tall amidst the human chaos. He squinted and blinked, trying to make out who it was, and then he knew. It was his brother. Suddenly, he felt a newfound strength swell in him, and he gathered all of his courage as he moved towards the figure. It was his reflection.

It was rather unconscious from suffering hit from in his shell,he was near his end.Theo watched himself fall and die.


His mirror twin rose up,bleeding from its shell.

"Scary right?I died and you would have too"it said in a loud menacing voice.It crawled around.Its shell revved up with blue light and so did his eyes.The broken car pieces flying towards them slowed into a frozen state at the moment mirror-theo stared in their dorection.He then stopped and looked his original in the eye who was terrified.

"Youre just an ordinary snail.Theo then wakes up in fear covered in sweat.His eyes are wide open only to see that the streets were empty.The stalls of his owner Angelo and his friends were closed.He started panting and the environment around him grew foggier by the sec.He turned to look at his shell reving like an engine but slowly degrading away.

He woke up again.This time it was all good.A terrifying dream that only a snail could have.He reved his shell once more and his power still remained.He sighed in relief.

He then crawled out to watch everything looking normal as usual.The other snails came up to him by suprise.They had planned to prank him.The dropped a bottle from the top table.It smashed and the glass shattered into tiny pieces towards theo's direction but he failed to dodge.

His snail friends laughed expecting it to have missed,but they only crawled down the table to see that Theo was hurt.They crawled to him in shame and asked if he was alright.His body was healing from the cut.Turbo turned to them in anger.

" you did this becuz i have super powers right?"