
Turbo: Human Velocity

In the aftermath of a traumatic and life-threatening race with his arch-nemesis, Gange, Theo, the speed-obsessed garden snail known as Turbo, finds himself haunted by recurring nightmares of the dangerous race that nearly took his life. Struggling with post-traumatic stress, he becomes consumed by the need for revenge. One fateful night, while wandering the streets in search of answers, Turbo stumbles upon a mysterious and glowing radioactive substance. To his shock and disbelief, the substance causes a remarkable transformation. Theo mutates into a human, his once small, slime-covered body replaced by human limbs and skin. But this newfound existence comes at a cost. With only seconds to understand the complex human anatomy and adapt to the sensory overload of his new life, Turbo faces a race against time to survive in this unfamiliar form. As he navigates the human world, he discovers the potential of his incredible speed as a human. Determined to take revenge on Gange for the injuries and trauma he endured as a snail, Turbo trains tirelessly to master his newfound speed and physical abilities. He seeks out experts who can help him harness his power, eventually gaining control over his extraordinary capabilities. Turbo's quest for vengeance culminates in a dramatic and high-stakes race against Gange, who remains unaware of Turbo's transformation. The race is not only a test of speed but also a battle of wills. Turbo, now a human, must face the psychological challenges that come with his new form while seeking redemption and closure. "Turbo: Human Velocity" is an exhilarating fanfiction adventure that explores themes of transformation, revenge, and the resilience of the human spirit. It's a unique and thrilling take on the beloved "Turbo" character as he races towards a new future, both on and off the track. .

Drizlin_Reign · Movies
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Chaos out of the shell

Angelo stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching in terror as the glass bottle of snails crashed to the ground. The snails, who had been happily hopping and dropping down the glass bottle from the top of the table, were now scattered across the floor. It was a disaster.

Angelo felt a surge of adrenaline as he dashed to try to save Turbo from the catastrophe. He managed to catch the little creature just in time, but not before the bottle had broken apart around him, sending shards of glass flying across the room.

Angelo felt a sharp pain on his arm and he rushed away to wipe the glass away.Turbo, lay wounded on the ground,his wounds slowly healed.

His brother, a large brown snail, yelled at the one responsible for it knowing for how much he knew it was a bad idea to start the day with a climb up the glass bottle.


"Excuse me garden snail,I thought it would be cool your friend Turbo here did a stunt whiles dodging damger,know ing he is the only one who do it"whiplash,the black snail replied.

"Excuse you,whiplash!!"Turbo came from under the table fully healed.Everyone was shocked to see he was fine.He added.

"So I can't live a normal life just because I have powers?-I'm not a clown to entertain you."

"Aye if you can't handle the heat,just follow the beat"said smooth.

"Shut up slowzy!!I'm getting tired of y'all always living dangerous.I almost died in a race and this is how I get welcomed?"Turbo crawled besides them in fury.

"Slowzy?Who this fool think he scaring?"Smoove crawled towards Turbo in anger.

"I'm sorry Mr.All-fast-no-gas snail,you may be as speedy as a car,but you can't ride like us,we're a gang. I'm the one who got raised in a garden!!"word after words,Turbo's vessel of peace was getting filled with rage.


Turbo sparked up his snail engine,he threw his sight slowly towards Smoove with his eyes glowing blue.

He begun a burnout,with smoke rising from under him.His whole body was covered in smoke,making it difficult to sense his presence by sight. Smoove didn't see it coming when a sudden collision stoke him into a pile of clay behind him.

The situation escalated rapidly as the remaining crew members joined the fray, resulting in a chaotic melee. In the midst of this turmoil, the kitchen bore the brunt of the mayhem, its once-orderly interior now a scene of disarray and destruction. A dangerous mishap ensued when a projectile, unleashed amidst the pandemonium, narrowly missed Turbo,but went for chet leaving a concerning crack in his protective shell.

With the situation spiraling out of control, Angelo hastily retraced his steps, returning to the chaotic scene in an attempt to restore some semblance of order. However, the tension was palpable as the black snail,whiplash lashed out in a moment of fear and confusion, labeling Turbo a "demon." This unfounded accusation caused Turbo,to calm down and notice his wounded brother.

Turbo took a look around him and realized the damage he had caused and decided to flee the scenery.Meanwhile, Chet attempted to call Turbo back, recognizing the need to mend the rift that had emerged in their group.