
True King of the Pirates

Orion Kartia's life was cut short and he was now forced to transmigrate into the wonderful world of One Piece but thankfully he has a few gifts to help him get started! This is purely fan-fiction. It's just a way for me to practice my English whilst writing something enjoyable. This book is targeted at avid One Piece fans as there is a lot of terminology that can only be understood by people who follow the manga/anime. The release schedule for normal working weeks will be as follows: Mon - 1x Chapters Tues - 1x Chapter Wed - 1x Chapters Thurs - 1x Chapter Fri - 1x Chapters Sat - 2x Chapters Sun - 2x Chapters Any mass releases or dead periods will be announced in advance. Thank you for all the support so far but please don't hold back with the criticism as well... I need it to improve my writing. I welcome all criticism, as long as it's constructive! I'm mainly using this to test the waters and improve my writing, as I'm also working on the story I'm most proud of and looking forward to releasing! I won't be releasing that one for the foreseeable future as I want to have written the majority of the story in advance as the goal is to get paid on the back of it. And there are too many potentially good novels that finish half way through for one reason or another. I don't want my main novel to be one of those!

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140 Chs

Children Of Monsters

It had been 3 weeks since the Heavenly Demon's had started the trio on their boot camp. Every morning they'd start by going on a 10 mile run where Luffy would carry Shaya above his head, Ace would carry Roman and Sabo would carry Ori.

They'd then split off into the same groups and carry out individual specialised training. Shaya would help Luffy control his rubber powers, Roman was teaching Ace the basics of armament haki and Orion would help Sabo with his staff play.

And in the evenings all three would team up to fight against one of the Heavenly Demon's.

Orion was actually impressed by their rate of improvement. The basic physical qualities had shot through the roof. Orion estimated that Luffy had reached the E Rank making him as strong as your average adult and Sabo and Ace being older had reached the D- Rank.

That wasn't all though; Luffy now had full basic control over his devil fruit ability so he wouldn't miss when punching at distances. Ace had mastered the basics of armament haki, although he couldn't actually add damage to his attacks he could still use it to negate the qualities of devil fruit user, which he tested more times than necessary on Luffy. And Sabo had actually reached the Staff Student boundary.

That night they were laughing and eating under the stars in front of the fire. Sabo looked at Ori and asked.

"Why did you set sail as a pirate?"

Ori didn't even look up from his food as he replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"To become the king of the pirates!"

Luffy glared at Ori as he shouted.

"I'm going to be the king of the pirates!"

Ori glanced at Luffy as he said teasingly.

"Not if you wimp out and fall over when fighting an oversized kitten!"

Luffy jumped to his feet as he argued back.

"I already told you I tripped, that log came out of nowhere. I'm not a wimp!"

Ori waved his hands dismissively as he said.

"If you cry like a wimp and run like a wimp… You're a wimp."

Luffy grabbed his shoulder as he said.

"Can a wimp do this?!

Gomu Gomu no, pistol!"

As he said that he fired his fist through the fire and into Ori. Orion didn't even bother to dodge it merely letting it phase through his body. Luffy looked at his arm that was stretching through the fire for a second as if to comprehend what he was touching. He then rapidly pulled it back with the recoil sending him on the floor.

"Oww, it burns!"

Whilst he was rolling on the floor blowing his arm everyone else was keeled over in laughter. Eventually everyone stopped laughing and Ace asked a question that he had been wondering since he found out about their real ages.

"Since you're not an adult yet, why didn't your parents stop you when you set sail?"

Ori shook his head as he replied indifferently.

"We all lost our parents to the hands of the world government."

Ace, Sabo and Luffy were all shocked when they heard that, then they all started thinking about their own families. Ace looked up and asked.

"Were they pirates as well?"

Ori nodded as he replied.


Ace looked down at the ground with his hands clenched as he asked.

"The whole world must see them as monsters for the world government to want them dead. As the children of monsters doesn't that make you monsters?"


Ori looked up at ace startled by his question. Before he could answer though, Ace continued.

"I mean if Roger the world's biggest monster had a child wouldn't he be a monster that deserved death as well?!"

Ori looked at Ace who was shaking as he asked the question.

"Ehh… What makes you think Roger was a monster?"

"The world government said th…"

Before he could finish his answer Ori burst out laughing. Ace glared at him still emotional as he asked.

"What's so funny?!"

"You haha, the world government call all pirates monsters. Just because you're a pirate doesn't make you a monster, just like being a marine doesn't automatically make you some sort of angel!

History's written by the winner's and as the so called winners in the war against the pirate king, the world government declared that he was a monster!

As for whether or not his child deserves death…That's for that child to decide, no one else! If they're so weak willed that they can't live with themselves for the so called sins of their parents then they should kill themselves."

When he heard that Ace felt as if a knife was thrust into him. He felt as if Orion was calling him weak for even asking him such a question. He couldn't bare it any longer and snapped out of anger. Using his basic control of haki he fired into Orion hoping to punch him in the head.

Orion didn't even look at him merely raising his hand and sending him flying with a gust of wind. As ace crashed into a tree not far away he heard Orion's voice.

"But if it were me, I'd choose to live! I'd live despite those who hate me, I'd live for the people who love me, but most importantly I'd live for me and show the world that I'm my own man!"

When he heard that, Ace couldn't help but run off in tears. Luffy got up to chase after him but was stopped by Sabo.

"Leave him he needs to be alone right now!"

Luffy looked in the direction Ace ran off but didn't chase after him, eventually sitting down. Sabo sighed as he explained to Ori and his siblings.

"Ace is Roger's son! Ace hates him for leaving him alone to face the hatred he inherited from Roger after his death."

After saying that he looked up expecting to find some kind of reaction on their faces, shock, horror even the slightest element of surprise but he saw none of that. They were still eating and drinking as if they hadn't heard what he said.

"Did you hear a word I just said?!"

Roman looked at Sabo and shrugged.

"We heard but why should that matter to us?"

Shaya continued.

"We don't believe in judging someone based on their parents. Luffy said his grandfather's a marine, as pirates should we hate him for being related to someone who's job it is to capture or kill us?!"

Sabo was shocked by their answer as he didn't know how to reply. Ori who was still munching on large pieces of meat spoke between mouthfuls.

"All 3 of us have infamous parents who were taken away by the government for their "Sins" and while it's sad that Ace never even got the chance to meet his, he has to find a way to move on from it! Otherwise he will be eaten alive by his own anger."

Sabo looked down at the ground in contemplation understanding that they weren't wrong.

Orion sighed as he said to Luffy and Sabo.

"Go and relax for the weekend. We'll meet you here on Monday!"

When they left Roman was the first to speak.

"Are you sure it's ok not telling him who we are? Knowing he has family out there might do him a world of good!"

Ori shook his head as he replied.

"He has 2 brothers already, so family isn't what he's missing. It's the feeling of the love of a parent, which is something we can't give him."

Shaya nodded in agreement.

"If what you said before is correct then the only way to move passed his feeling of self-loathing is for him to join the whitebeard pirates in the future."

Ori sighed as he continued.

"All we can do is protect him from the shadows. It won't be too late to tell him who we are in the future!"

[Sigh! Uncle Roger, you really left us a difficult task didn't you!]