
Transmigrating to MHA World After Eating A Devil Fruit

Miyata is finally dead and just as he had read in those novels he had been given an opportunity to transmigrate in an anime world. A pity though, since he can't choose which world he could be sent to but judging from the gift they gave him it most likely gonna be the world of One Piece...right? For Support: https://www.patreon.com/John_Titor

John_Titor234432 · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Miyata who was in a hurry to leave the scene quickly to not get caught by the police forces calmed down after gaining an appropriate distance from the site. By now the adrenaline had calmed down as he could clearly feel the aching pain from his legs which made him groan with each step. The mental stress from using his ability was also taking its toll on him as he could feel his eyesight getting blurry.

Miyata slowly leaned back on the wall beside the road and slid downwards until he was on the ground. Sitting on the ground hoping that he would recover soon but instead of that, tiredness started taking its toll on him as he eyelids started closing despite his resistance.

"Hey kid! What are you doing in front of my house?" a voice entered his ears as a man with long golden hair exited the house that was in front of Miyata. Miyata just remember the man moving towards him before he lost consciousness.


Miyata slowly opened his eyes and saw girl staring at him. The moment their eyes met girls eyes widened as she retracted something which went towards her ears.

Seeing that Miyata had caught her she said hesitantly "I-I'm sorry... I was just checking your heart beats." Miyata didn't heard her as his gaze never left her face.

"B-Beautiful..."Miyata's thoughts came out of his mind involuntarily making the girl's eyes widen again followed by a blush as she ran away from the room. Miyata soon regained himself seeing this and tried pushing himself up and leaning his back on the bed. The moment he opened his eyes he instantly recognized the girl that was in front of him. She was Kyoka Jiro and looking at her from this close distance he couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty and accidently ended up voicing it out.

"Oh you're finally awake child. How are you feeling?" A man with golden long hair entered the room. He was the same person whom he remember seeing before he lost his consciousness. He didn't recognized him at that time but now how could he not? He was Kyotoku Jiro, Kyoka's father.

"I'm sorry for troubling you sir. I'm fine now." Miyata said with an apologetic expression giving the man a good impression of him. "It's alright, but I'm more curious about what happened to you? Why were you so you so exhausted to the point of losing your consciousness right in front of my house?"

"Well..." Miyata thought for a bit before telling him that he saw the villain Steel Ball accidently and used his quirk to run away for his life and ended up overexerting himself which lead to his current state.

"Goodness. I'm glad you're alright. You should make sure to be more vigilant from next time as you can't always bet on your quirk to save your life. Kyoka's father said after asking Miyata for his details so that he can contact his home.

Miyata nodded hearing Kyoka's father's earlier words but was distracted by a head that was leaning out of the doorway looking at him sneakily. Noticing this Kyoka's father looked behind only to saw Kyoka looking towards them sneakily and said "Kyoka that's no way to conduct yourself in front of guests. Come and give your introduction."

Kyoka hesitantly walked out towards them and said while looking at Miyata "I'm Kyoka Jiro, nice to meet you." Kyotoku smiled hearing his daughter's cute introduction.

Hearing her introduction Miyata did his part as well.

"I'm Miyata Hideyoshi, nice to meet you too." Miyata said while smiling at her which made Kyoka look away in embarrassment. Kyoka's father noticed it and wanted to tease his daughter a bit more so he said with a grin "Miyata kun did you know that Kyoka was the most worried about you? She was with you the whole time you were unconscious and if not for her telling me I wouldn't have known that you had woken up."

"D-Dad no-" Kyoka said in a mix of embarrassment and frustration but before she could say further she saw a grateful face of Miyata thanking her.

"Thank you Kyoka chan." Miyata said which made Kyoka fumble for words as she said "N-no there's n-no need to...I was j-just helping." Kyoka's father couldn't help but laugh seeing his daughter like this which gained him her ire.

Intending to ease up the situation for his daughter he asked Miyata about where he lived which to his surprise was very close to their place. Miyata was also surprised by this and he had no clue that he was living so close by of Kyoka.

Kyoka's father offered to send him home but Miyata refused it by saying he was fine going by himself. It was mostly because he didn't wanted to trouble him more than he had already had but how Kyoka's father not see his intentions. He was about to take him to his home but instead thought of something else.

"Kyoka would you like to take Miyata kun to his home? Daddy just remembered that he needs to buy something from the market." Kyoka's father said to Kyoka and disappeared from there leaving both Kyoka and Miyata there awkwardly.

Few minutes later Kyoka was walking with Miyata as they walked towards his home. It was a bit awkward for the two of them at first but trying to break the silence Kyoka said "Well...when you opened your eyes you said 'beautiful' what were you thinking about?" Kyoka at first didn't thought much about the question before finally understanding how Miyata might think of her intentions of asking such a question which made her feel like slamming her head on the ground.

Hearing the question Miyata just told her "Well, I said that while looking at you. You look beautiful." and smiled which made Kyoka's eyes widen as her whole face became red from embarrassment.

Soon they reached his home and Miyata thanked her for accompanying him "Thank you for dropping me home Kyoka Chan, Let's meet more often."

"Alright," Kyoka said with a smile now that she had recovered from her initial embarrassment, which made Miyata be in a dazed state. Kyoka chuckled seeing this and went away waving her hand at him. After a while Miyata recovered when there was no sight of Kyoka, he chuckled a little while shaking his head and entered his house.