
Transmigrating to MHA World After Eating A Devil Fruit

Miyata is finally dead and just as he had read in those novels he had been given an opportunity to transmigrate in an anime world. A pity though, since he can't choose which world he could be sent to but judging from the gift they gave him it most likely gonna be the world of One Piece...right? For Support: https://www.patreon.com/John_Titor

John_Titor234432 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 3

Rita quickly finished making the breakfast and served it to Miyata. Miyata ate the food made by his mother with delight clearly written on his face and didn't forget to complement his mother's cooking. Rita was obviously confused by her son's sudden change in behaviour and was a bit worried about him as well. Miyata leisurely ate the food because today was Sunday and he didn't have school.

After finishing his food Miyata stood up from his seat and was about to up was stopped by her mother's question "Are you really okay Miyata? You're not in some trouble right?" Seeing the worry-filled face of her Miyata just replied while smiling "Yes, mom I'm fine." which made Rita's heart calm down a bit.

Miyata soon reached his room and after closing the door sat down on the ground. It was time for him to test the ability of Zushi Zushi no Mi fruit which had the power of gravity. This was obviously Miyata's first time doing this so he was a bit confused. He looked at a notebook that was lying in front of him and thought of removing its gravity which made the notebook start hovering a bit.

The effect looked a bit weak so Miyata increased the gravity of the portion of the ceiling lying just above the notebook and saw the notebook moving upwards slowly at first before zapping towards it when he doubled the gravity of that particular area of the ceiling. The force of attraction was fortunately not enough to break his floor but he could see the dust below the notebook also rising up with it before it all stuck to the ceiling.

Miyata then made the gravity of the ceiling back to normal making the notebook fall back on the ground. Miyata got the basics regarding how he can control his ability. Pondering over it he thought of something and went towards the table and took out a pen. While grabbing the pen in his hand he looked towards the wall and increased the gravitational force of the pen with respect to the wall 10 times that of the force of gravity with respect to the earth.

The pen darted towards the wall with great speed making a broke into pieces after making a small dent in the wall. Miyata couldn't help but be amazed by this. "Let's try making myself float," Miyata thought to himself and increased the force of gravity of the ceiling with respect to him slightly more than that of the earth making his body slowly float up in the air.

Miyata was currently feeling like he was a monk who after years of meditation achieved something like this. Thinking of such things he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Miyata then made the force of gravity back to normal and stood on the ground his chest's breathing pace increased a bit. He was panting for air which indicated that the usage of his power consumes a lot of his stamina so he couldn't use it to its fullest potential currently.

Miyata wasn't worried much as he would be able to increase his stamina by regularly exercising just like how Deku trained to be able to use a drop of his quirk's ability, one for all. He would also be able to increase his stamina by regularly practising his gravity powers.

Satisfied with his findings Miyata went down to drink a glass of water and saw her mother who was almost ready to go out. Finding him she said "I was just about to call you Miyata. I'll be going to attend the meeting at AWHF. They told the people of this area who are benefiting from their schemes to come and discuss something. I'll be going now, Stay safe."

"Alright mom, you too," Miyata said and went back to his. After spending his time doing nothing but lying on the bed Miyata stood up and decided to take a bath. After freshening himself Miyata decided to watch television for a bit.

A villain who goes by the name 'Steel ball' is going rampant on the streets of the town and citizens without quirks and the ones with weak quirks are requested to move towards the nearest shelter as soon as possible...'

Seeing the news Miyata thought about the location in his mind and suddenly remembered something 'This place..isn't it just a few kilometres away from the place my mom just went?'

Miyata thought to himself and rushed outside the house in full sprint. He knew that it would be too late to reach there on foot so he used his ability on his feet. The moment he pressed his foot on the ground he created a strong repelling force against the force of gravity which made the ground below his leg crack as he shot forward at lightning speed. He continued on it alternately not minding the pain it was causing his legs.

Finally, Miyata reached the area where the villain was supposed to be and not too much time had passed when he heard to sound of things breaking. He followed the source of the sound and saw a giant ball of steel which had two big eyes and a mouth on it staring daggers at him. Looking at this guy one would want to laugh but couldn't because of his serious face.

Miyata wasn't dumb enough to wait for the villain to attack him as the moment he saw it glaring at him he started increasing the force of earth's gravity on that steel ball. At first, the man was able to resist a bit and started rolling towards him before stopping as the force of too much for him the bear.

Afraid of meeting his end he pleaded to Miyata saying "Please let me go, I won't do bad things again I promise." the villain said making Miyata scowl towards him because it was clearly a lie. Miyata tripled the force of gravity on him as the villain started screaming in torment. Not a long time passed before Miyata left the scene leaving the villain named Steel Ball who would now most likely be called Steel Plate.