
New Moon 7

Skylar's phone rang and she rushed to her bed to pick it up. It was late, about eleven and she was curious to who was ringing at this time, "Hello?"

"Jacob just left my house," Bella spoke up.

"What? What did he say?" Skylar sat down.

"He told me has a secret that he can't tell anyone. He told me to the Quileute legends,"

Skylar's eyes widened and she put her hand up to her mouth. They were true, the Quileute were true. Werewolves were real and Jacob Black was one of them.

"Skye, are you still there?"

"Y-yeah I am. I've got to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow,"

Skylar quickly hung up her phone and sighed in disbelief. She ran her hands through her hair, the Cullens had been gone for 4 months now. So much has happened, so much has changed and now it turns out werewolves were real.

Her phone rang again and Skylar looked to see the caller ID was Bella again. She answered it and put the phone up to her ear. "Yeah?"

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come over to Jacob's with me tomorrow?" Bella said.

Skylar bit her lip, "Yeah okay,"

"Great now you can hang up,"

Skylar laughed and hung up her phone. She bounced her knee up and down repeatedly. She kind of hoped Jacob wouldn't be there. Some reason the wolves scared her.


Skylar tapped her finger on her thigh as she stared out of Bella's window. She had been focused on going to Jacob's. Her teachers yelled at her a few times because she wasn't focusing.

"Can you stop doing that? It's annoying," Bella said as she turned down Jacob's road.

Instead of tapping, she intertwined her fingers. However, her leg began bobbing up and down, so Bella just decided to deal with it. There were at Jacobs anyway.

Bella parked the truck and stared up at the red house. Skylar stared at her friend with a raised eyebrow. If Bella was going to sit and stare at the house then Skylar would have to do it herself.

She opened the truck door and walked up to the front door. "Skylar!"

Skye ignored Bella and knocked on the door. Billy Black opened the door and Skylar smiled down at him. She had talked to him before, mainly when they went inside to eat before they went back to the motorbike. Skylar and he seemed to get on well.

"Hey Billy, is Jacob here?"

He gave her a tight smile, "No he's not,"

Bella suddenly pushed past Billy and Skylar, "Sorry Billy but I really need to see him,"

Skylar apologized to Billy but then followed after her. She sighed when she saw Jacob curled up on a mattress.


Bella and Skylar looked out to Sam Uley and his disciples emerging from the forest line. The two girls shared a look before storming out of the house. Skylar slowed down as she got closer but she watched Bella get right up to Sam's face.

"What did you do to him?" she shouted.

The guy next to Sam snarled but Sam held up a hand, "Easy,"

Skylar now stood next to Bella as she watched the interaction between the human and wolf, "What did you do to him? He didn't want this,"

"What did he do? What did he tell you?" The man asked and Skylar glared at him.

"Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you," the man laughed at Bella's fury.

Bella looked at Skylar with a look of thunder. Skylar's eyes widened as she watched Bella raise her hand, "Bella don't!"

But it was too late. Bella hand connected with his cheek and stood with a smirk. Sam gave her a disappointed look, "Too late now, Bella, Skylar stand back,"

The man began to growl, baring his teeth. His breathing was heavy and if looks could kill then Bella would be dead. Skylar watched as he bent over and twisted his body before turning into a massive wolf.

He began to stalk towards Bella and without thinking Skylar stepped forward, raising her hands. Her eyes were glowing as she picked up the wolf and slammed him into a tree. Then she looked at the ground and vines began sprouting out of it, wrapping themselves around the wolves legs.

After a while, he broke free and began to walk again. The pack looked at Skylar with dropped jaws as she continued to fight the wolf off. She eventually gave up with pushing him back and just paralyzed his whole body, "Holy cow! Skylar!" they all said.


Skylar turned away from the wolf to see Jacob shift into the sandy-brown wolf from the meadow. He landed in front of Skylar and Bella, baring his teeth at the other wolf.

Jacob leapt forward and sunk his teeth into the other wolf's neck. The fell backwards and tumbled down the hill into the woods. Skylar looked at Bella to see that she was in shock. Skylar didn't feel too good herself, he head was pounding.

"Get them to Emily's house!" Sam ordered before taking off into the woods as well.

"Guess the wolfs out of the bag," this boy was shorter than Sam but was just as muscular. The same tattoo laid across the boy's shoulder like the rest of them, "Jared Cameron,"

Skylar smiled at him and jumped into the back seat of the truck. Embry and Bella then climbed in next to her. She smiled at the boy who she hadn't seen in a long time. The ride to Emily's house was short and Skylar was happy to be out of such a small space.

"Come on Bella, we don't bite," Embry joked. Skylar looked at Bella who was still in the truck.

"Speak for yourself," Jared snorted as they walked into the house. Skylar smiled and followed after them. Jared suddenly stopped, "Oh wait, don't stare at Emily's face, it bothers Sam,"

Skylar frowned, "Why would we stare?"

Skylar's question was answered when she saw Emily. At first, she was at the stove pulling out a tray of muffins, "Are you guys hungry? Like I have to ask?"

She turned around and stopped when she saw Bella and Skylar, "Who are they?"

Skylar looked at her scars but kept a pleasant smile. They were angry scars that ran from the top of Emily's forehead down to her chin. Sam must have done that.

"Bella Swann and Skylar Callaway who else?" Jared said, taking a seat at the table.

"Ah so you're the vampire girls," she nodded.

"And you're the wolf girl," Bella tried to joke back but it only made Skylar cringe.

"Guess so...," Emily said, "engaged to one anyway,"

She emptied the tray of muffins into a small and brought them over to the table. The boys instantly reached over to the muffins but Emily smack their hands away, "Save some for your brothers and ladies first,"

"You guys want muffins?" Embry asked.

"Yeah sure," Skylar grabbed the muffin from Embry's hand and took a bite, "thanks Emily, these are really good,"

She thanked her, "Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order,"

Bella frowned, "He didn't say anything to me,"

"That's a wolf thing," Embry began to explain, "Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want them too or not. And check it out, we can hear each other's thoughts,"

Jared suddenly smacked Embry, "Dude shut up! These are trade secrets! These girls run with vampires!"

"You can't run with vampire's," Bella spoke up, "they're too fast,"

Skylar rolled her eyes at how awkward Bella was. Jared scoffed, "Yeah well we're faster. Freaked out yet?"

"Not even the slightest. You're not the first monster's I've met. I've met monsters who are human," Skylar said as Sam walked in.

"Jacob's right, you guys are good with weird," his gaze lingered on Skylar before he turned to Emily. He wrapped his arms around her and peppered her with kisses. Skylar's heart clenched at the sight.

The other boy and Jacob came through the door next. He jogged over to the table and took a muffin before turning to the girls, "Sorry,"

"Me too," Skylar smiled.

The room went silent, the wolf pack were only looking at Skylar, "So how did you do that?"

Skylar sighed and lifted her sleeve up to reveal the 11 marked on her arm. "I'm a lab experiment. I was taken from my parents at birth and experimented on for 13 years and an assassin. Then I escaped and found my way to Forks, to my place that I live at now. I've never had really been in the outside world until then. These powers are how I found out about the Cullens,"

"So what can you do with them?" Sam asked.

"Omnikensis which is the ability to mentally control anything and everything that exists, organic or man-made. Extrasensory Perception or ESP is just telepathy on a larger scale. Psychometry the ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them. Remote viewing is the ability to see things about a distant or unseen target, using extrasensory perception. When I use my remote viewing I go into a black void," she explained.

"Well, I think your abilities are awesome," Jacob said. Skylar smiled and watched Jacob nodded over to Bella. Bella looked at Skylar before heading out the door with Jacob.

"Yeah but it would cool if you didn't use your powers on me," the boy said.

"No problem. What's your name?"

"Paul Lahote," he replied.

"Nice to meet you," she nodded before looking over at the door, "I should get going,"

"I can take you home if you want," Embry offered and stood up from his chair.

"That would be great, thank you," She walked to the door but then turned around to the pack, "it was really nice meeting you all,"

"You too," Emily said, "You're welcome over at any time,"

Skylar thanked her before walking over to Embry's car. He followed behind and got in next to her. The ride was silent for a while, "Thanks for the ride,"

"No problem, are you and Bella coming over tomorrow?" he asked.

"I'm sure Bella would want to hang out with Jacob and I have nothing better to do so yeah," She said but then she thought about Carlisle. Maybe she'll sit in his office tomorrow.

"So which one are you with?" Embry suddenly asked.

"What?" she was surprised, "what makes you think I was with one of them?"

He gave her a look and Skylar realized she wasn't going to get out of this one, "Carlisle,"

Embry only hummed. Skylar's chest clenched, she hated that he brought it up. She hoped if she spent time with the wolves she would forget about it and just live.
