
New Moon 8

Skylar spent every free moment she had at Emily's house. She always managed to have a good time with her and the wolf pack even when Jacob and Bella weren't there. She had started seeing less and less of the two.

In fact, she hadn't hung out with Bella since they found out about the wolves. She isn't made at her friend, instead, she was glad to see Bella happy again.

The door to the kitchen burst open and Skylar looked up to meet Jared and Pauls eyes. Jared took a seat at the table before looking up at the girls, "Harry and Charlie went out hunting today,"

"How do you know that?" Skylar asked as she leaned on the counter. She and Emily were making brownies.

Embry and Same then walked into the house before Jared had a chance to reply. Embry took a seat at the table while Sam went over to Emily, "Jacob told us,"

Skylar hummed and turned back to the stove. The timer went off and Skylar grabbed the oven mitts. She opened the stove and grabbed the tray of brownies.

Skylar placed the plate full of brownies on the table as Jacob walked in. He looked very alarmed and Skylar narrowed her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Bella?" he asked.

Skylar crossed her arms at the wolf, "No, I thought she was with you,"

He narrowed his eyes, "I was out looking for the leech. I thought she was with you,"

Over the past few days, Bella hadn't been with Jacob. Of course, he had been hunting Victoria along with the rest of the pack. Ever since Jacob found out she was looking for Bella he hasn't stopped hunting for her.

Before Skylar could say more the phone rang. Sam walked over to pick it up, "Hello?"

The pack all looked at Same as she spoke to the person on the other line. Skylar frowned as Sam's face turned to one of sadness. He swallowed harshly.

"Thank you, Charlie,"

Sam hung up the phone and turned to the group, "Harry Clearwater has had a heart attack," The room was now filled with intense silence and she could feel the boys sadness.

The ding from the oven suddenly went off and broke the silence, "I'm going to head over to Sue's house. I'll be back,"

Sam kissed Emily's forehead and left. Jared and Paul followed after him. Jacob looked over to Skylar and motioned his head to the door. Skylar nodded and began to leave with Jacob.

She looked at Emily who looked very sad, "I'll see you later Em,"

Skylar followed Jacob outside to his truck. She stopped at the door handle, "What were you supposed to do today?"

"I told her I would take her cliff jumping," Jacob said, "But she never answered when I called so I thought she was with you,"

Skylar's eye suddenly realized where Bella was, "We need to go to the beach now!"

Skylar and Jacob suddenly started to run, bursting through the trees, heading to the beach. The waves were huge today and Skylar knew Bella wasn' a very good swimmer.

She prayed that Bella hadn't jumped and that it was just her overreacting mind. Her eyes scanned the water trying to find the girl.

Jacob huffed, "I'm going in to see if I can find her,"

"Wait," Skylar stopped him, "Maybe I can see her if she's out here with my mind,"

Jacob nodded as Skylar searched for Bella's mind. She suddenly gasped and opened her eyes, "She's not too far from the shore,"

Jacob then bolted into the waves. Skylar bit her lip searching for Bella from where she was.

Five minutes went by and there was nothing. Skylar looked at the waves and wondered if she should go in and look too. She took a step forward bracing the cold water, then she saw Jacob. Bella was lying limp in his arms.

"Is she okay?" Skylar ran over to him as Jacob put Bella on the ground. Her skin was blue which made it look like she was suffering from hyperthermia.

Jacob immediately started CPR when he saw Bella wasn't breathing. Skylar held her breath as she prayed that Bella would wake up.

Bella coughed up water and sat up. Her eyes began to focus and Skylar sighed in relief, "Bella what were you thinking? You could've died?"

"You know why I did it," Bella panted.

Skylar glared at her friend. She was glad that she hadn't gone as far as Bella.

"Jacob!" Skylar turned her head to see Sam rush on the beach, "take them back home then get to Harry's place,"

"What happened at Harry's?"

Skylar and Jacob shared a look. "Harry had a heart attack. Charlie and my dad are at Harry's place with his family,"

"Is he...?"

"He's gone,"

Jacob sighed and looked at his friend, "Come on. I'll get you some dry clothes and drive you tow home,"

The three walked back to Emily's who offered Bella some dry clothes. After she changed they climbed into Bella's truck to drive to her house. Skylar sat next to the door, ignoring Bella and Jacobs conversation mainly because her head hurt too much to focus.

They arrived at Bella's house after the short ride. Since Charlie was going to be at Harry's for most of the night Skylar decided she was going to stay with Bella. She didn't trust the girl to be on her own.

Skylar stared out the window waiting for Bella and Jacob to finish their conversation. Her eyes watched the outside then came to a stop at the car in the driveway. Her breath caught in her throat, she knew whose car that was.

It was Carlisle's.

"Bella, I'll meet you inside," she kept her voice steady. It may not be Carlisle as far as she knew.

As she made her way to the door she let her hand out of her pocket ready. With another glance at Bella's truck, she opened the front door with her free hand. She took a deep breath before pushing it open fully.

The house was too dark for Skylar to see anything so she reached for the switch. Skylar jumped when the light illuminated the face of Alice Cullen. Alice's eye widened, "Skye,"

Skylar stared at the vampire and dropped her hands, "Alice?"

The vampire started to grin and pulled Skylar into a hug. Skylar squeezed Alice tightly trying to decide if this was real or not. Her throat was tight and tears threatened her eyes. "You're back!"

"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead. Where's Bella?" Alice pulled away looking at Skylar.

"I'm not dead...yet," Skylar hoped Alice didn't catch the last bit, "Bella is outside with Jacob. Why?

"She's alive!' the vampire jumped, "I saw her jump off a cliff and then I could see your future anymore,"

Skylar shook her head, "Alice, she's alive and I'm alive,"

Alice let out another sigh of relief and reached up to wipe the tears off Skylar's face. She could see this was something different about the human but couldn't figure it out. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out the car key. Alice dropped them into Skylar's hand.

Skylar looked at her in confusion, Alice looked at the door, "He's at home, waiting for you,"

Her heart skipped a beat, she had forgotten Carlisle for a second. She pulled Alice into another hug, "Thank you so much. I've missed you so much and I have a lot to tell you,"

"I missed you to Skye, now go!" she pushed Skylar out the door.
