

Noah and Allie who mostly reminisce about their romantic past in their 70s reveal to us how their relationship began when they were young. *MAIN PLOT* (SYNOPSIS) With a Summer Romance That Contradicts The Future Of Allie And Noah. Will They Be Able To Move Past Their Relationship In Order To Pursue Their Dreams Or Will They Go Against All Odds Just To Be With Each Other? This is the story of Allie and Noah who experience first love in their hometown. Allie went to their hometown with her parents to only live out the summer and enjoy it as much as possible but she didn't know she would meet a handsome yet simple man like Noah who would slip in love that would later be dimmed as a forbidden mutual relationship by her parents. Summer comes to an end and Allie has to forcefully leave due to her resentments and her parent's commands, especially her mother, to keep her far away from Noah. Noah is emotionally stricken with the news of Allie's departure. Will he stop Allie from leaving? Or will Allie escape from her parent's Clutch on their way back to the city?

DaoistHcbvhn · Filmes
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

"Noah? Noah?" Fin called. The front door opened and Fin entered. Noah and Allie tried to cover themselves. "Jeez, Fin," Noah gestured. *Sorry," Fin apologized. "What in the hell are you doing here?" Asked Noah. "It's Allie's parents. They're going crazy. They've got every cop in town out looking for her," he said. Frank's car raced into the driveway and Allie jumped out, stomping into the house. Noah waited outside. "You sent the police out for me?" Allie asked her mother. In the living room, Allie stood in front of her mother, irritated, "you sent the goddamn police?" "Yes. It's two in the morning. We were worried. We sent the police," replied her mother. John entered, threw his arms around his daughter. "Thank God, you're alright. Where have you been?" Her father asked worriedly. "Come on, John. She was with that boy," her mother interjected bitterly. "Is that true?" Allie's father asked. "Yes, Daddy," Allie said ashamedly, worrying her dad. "Yes, Daddy. Yes, Daddy.' You think you're going to bat your eyelashes at your father and get away with it? Not this time. There's going to be some rules around here…" said her mother strictly.

"Like what?" Allie asked. "...And if your father won't enforce them, I will," she said. "Like what, mother?" Allie insistently asked. "One. You're going to stop seeing Noah. I didn't spend seventeen years raising a daughter, giving her everything, so she could throw it away on a summer romance," her mother explained. "Dad!" Allie pleaded looking at her dad. "You will wind up with your heart broken or pregnant," her mother continued. "Anne!" Her father pleaded for Allie's mother to stop. "He's a nice boy, but he's…" Anne said but didn't finish. "He's what?" Allie demanded an answer. "Low class. Not for you," her mother finally admitted to herself. "Low class?" Allie asked, broken. Outside the house. Noah sat on the grass, his head tilted up at the stars, the words hitting him like bricks. "He's a laborer's sweetheart," Allie's mother said. "Don't you ever call him low class. He may not have any money, but he's got more class than you and all of your stupid society friends put together!" Allie lashed out at her mother.

"So, what are you going to do, move down here to hick town, live in his father's white trash house, and pop out a few dirty kids? Is that your plan?" Her mother lashed. "I wouldn't mind," Allie said. "You see what I'm dealing with? Alright, that's enough. You're not to see him anymore and that's final," Her mother said to John then turned to Allie warning her. "It's not final for me. You can tell me how I have to dress, and what schools and social events I have to attend. But you're not going to tell me who I am to love!" Allie said, shouting nearly crying. "Love?" Her father called. Allie moved to her father, pleading. "I love him daddy," Allie said. "He's not suitable for you, baby," her father said. "I know. He's not what you want for me. He doesn't fit. He doesn't have any money or status, but I don't care. Because he has a soul. And I love him from the tips of my toes with everything I have. He makes me prickle," said Allie.

"I don't like the sound of that. Prickle?" Her father said. "Yes. Tingly all over. Something she wouldn't know anything about," Allie said to his father and proceeded to mock her mother. Anne, her mother not caring, said "Yes, yes. It's all very emotional. Puppy love and star crossed lovers. You're seventeen years old. You don't know anything about love." "Oh, and you do?" Allie asked her. "What is that supposed to mean?" Her mother seemed offended. "You don't look at dad the way I look at Noah. You don't touch or play or laugh. You're the one who doesn't know anything about love," Allie clapped back at her mother. Then, nearly in tears, ran out of the house. "Allie," her father called. "Leave me alone," replied Allie. When Allie walked outside, Noah was still looking at the stars. "You heard everything, didn't you?" Asked Allie. Noah nodded.

"I'm sorry. They're crazy. Really crazy. My mother's crazy. My father's crazy. Having their chromosomes, it's a wonder I'm not some kind of twisted psychotic killer," she said. "Allie, they're not crazy. They're right. And you shouldn't talk to them like that. I don't have a mother, but if I did, I would never speak to her the way you did," said Noah pretending to be emotionless. "I was sticking up for you. What are you talking about?" Allie was confused. "It's not going to work out, Allie," he said. "What isn't ?" Allie asked. "You and me." Noah replied. "You're kidding, right? Of course, it will," Allie was sure it would work out. "No. You're seventeen years old. You've got a million things to do. You've got school and a big future ahead of you. I'd just be getting in the way," Noah reasoned with her.

"No," Allie refused to admit the bitter truth. "Yes, I would. We're different, Allie. All my dreams are here. What am I supposed to do, follow you to New York? Sneak around, spend time with you on weekends? Hope no one sees us and tells your parents?" Noah said. "I don't have to go to school. We could go away. Just start running and not look back. Couldn't we?" Allie said desperately. Noah took his time, measuring his words. "I know we love each other, but your parents are right. It's not enough," Noah said. "I see," Allie said, knowing what was coming next. She bit her mouth and the first tear rolled down her face. "You breaking up with me, Noah?" Asked Allie. "Yeah. I guess I am," he replied hurt. Allie took it in, thought about it and started to get mad. "You're breaking up with me because of my parents?!" Allie asked, disappointed. "I can't fight them, Allie," Noah said. "Why not? I'll show you how. I'm an expert," said Allie. Noah looked at her and almost smiled.



"Allie Hamilton. You've got that big brain going all the time, racing, racing. But you can't think your way out of this one," said Noah. "I don't…" she said unsure. Noah said the words he didn't mean. "Let's just finish the summer and say goodbye," he said. "Don't do this, Noah," she pleaded. Seemed like Allie was pleading with everyone this night, it's really going to be a long night for her F.Y.I. Allie put two fingers together and said "we're like this, remember? Right? This isn't a summer thing. Not for me, anyway." Noah looked at her, his heart tearing apart. Finally, she snapped, "oh, hell. Why wait until summer ends? Why not do it right now? Go ahead. No, I'll do it. It's over between us. You hear me, Noah Calhoun? Over." "Allie…" he called regretfully for how things were ending between them, it wasn't supposed to end they way it did. "Don't touch me. I hate you, you know that? I hate you!" She said. Now it was Noah's turn to be emotional. He turned to leave. "I'm going to go," he said, hiding his heartfelt pain. "Yeah, why don't you? Just leave. Get out. Go," she said bitterly.

Noah walked away from the house, disappearing into the moonlight. Allie called out after him…