
Times Up

A girl named Thea has to go through difficult times in her life since her father died, she feels her world is shattered and problems keep coming into her life, she feels she doesn't have anyone in this world even though she still has her mother whom she hates so much. It doesn't stop there; problems keep happening and she has to go through it alone. Until she met someone who changed her. The introverted Thea slowly becomes someone who opens up since meeting Luna, a friend she finally had during high school. Luna helped Thea get out of her comfort zone and convinced her that life was much better out there. But she has to meet Milly, someone she saved earlier. After knowing her, Thea's world was getting messy, and problems started to bother her, it was not her responsibility to solve the problem, but a feeling of guilt continued to grow inside Thea. The problem opened her up and made her a new person, she had no friends but because of that problem, she had many enemies who were ready to destroy her. But for Thea her life was shattered long before she encountered that problem, to be precise when her father died and her mother abandoned her. She went through many problems, from family, friends, school, love to grudges, and becoming one in this story.

inpeaceplace · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 13

That day was a day Thea would never forget in her life, she didn't know Milly well, fate brought them together briefly. But the regret that Thea felt seemed to grow slowly within her. In fact not only that, hatred is also growing in her mind. Thea had never hated anyone other than her own mother like this.

Since then, Milly's death will continue to be a mystery, the police will never find out who did it. Because only Thea knows and that coward only hides behind his wealth.

A Month Gone

Nothing had changed from Thea's cold stare, only Luna could approach her, she didn't even leave her class and only watched Noah and his friends from the window beside her. That coward can still have fun without guilt on his face.

"Thea" Luna waved her hand in front of Thea's face, making her turn around.

"Can't you hear me?" Luna said.


"Are you still thinking about Milly? Are you sure this has something to do with Noah?" Thea looked out the window again.

"Yeah, that's what Milly said that day"

"But how do we know the video is real? What if it's just bullshit?"

"I have to find out for myself"

"Thea, I already told Sam about this, but he can't even open Noah's phone, only Noah can access his phone."

"I think there are many ways to get it"

"Thea why are you doing this? I mean Milly is dead and--"

"You don't know what it's like to be me" Thea looked at Luna sharply.

"I'm sorry"

"I shouldn't have been so reckless, I shouldn't have provoked his anger, if I had kept quiet, this wouldn't have happened"

"Thea, it's not your fault"

"Yes it's my fault, that's why only I can end this"

"I'm going to ask Sam for help, I'm sure he can help us to find the video"

"No, I don't want you and Sam getting too involved."


"Luna, thank you"

"No, I'm your friend, remember? You can ask for my help anytime" Thea just nodded.

After school, Thea approached Noah's class, she waited in front of his class until they out. Julian and Harry came out first and saw Thea in front of their class.

"Thea what are you doing here?" Harry said.

"I'm waiting for Noah"

"Noah? Are you serious? You two are dating?" Julian said and Thea just smiled.

"Oh hell, really? What a damn kid, he finally got what he wanted" Harry said.

It wasn't long before Ethan and Noah came out, then Sam followed behind them.

"What is this?" Ethan said.

"Hey, since when did you date Thea?" Julian said, he elbowed Noah's body.

"What?" Noah said, he just looked at Thea and Thea just smiled.

"Could you come with me for a moment?" Thea said and Noah nodded. Thea pulled Noah's hand and left from there, they only teased Thea and Noah but not Ethan, he just stared at them.

"Let me go" Noah said. Thea took him to an empty classroom at the end of the hall.

"What are you trying to bring me here for? Huh?" Noah said.

"Why are you like that to me" Thea got closer to Noah.

"Stop, I could do something you will regret for the rest of your life Thea"

"What? You're going to do the same thing you did with Milly?"

"Stop saying that name in front of me, you bitch"

"Sshh" Thea put one finger in front of Noah's lips.

"When are you having a party again? Call me, I've learned to dance" Thea brought her face closer to Noah's cheek and kissed him, then left from there.

Thea came out with a cold face and wiped her lips with her arm.

"Damn it!" Noah shouted.

There were so many thoughts in Thea's head, she felt that problems didn't stop bothering her life, she was still covered in sadness over Milly's death and the guilt that kept coming every day, but Thea had to face new problems.

Her steps stopped when she was in front of her house, she saw a car parked there, she was sure it was a car she knew. It doesn't belong to the jerk man who get her mother pregnant but to someone else who is even more jerk than that, the loan shark.

She rushed into her house and saw her mother kneeling before Aunt Irene. She immediately approached her mother and asked her to stand up.

"Finally, tell your mother to hand over the certificate of the house to me, after that I won't interfere in both of your lives anymore" Irene said.

"No I'm not handing over the certificate of this house to you, it's the only thing we have and it's ours" her mother said.

"Rena, you've been working all this time haven't you? Your money should be enough to buy a more luxurious house than this, I'm sure the men you meet can give it away for free"

"Watch your mouth Irene! You don't know anything about me"

"What's wrong with what I said? You're a slut, that's all I know"

"Enough!" Thea screamed and they both turned towards Thea.

"Get out of my house! Or I'll call the police" Thea said.

"What? Do you think the police will arrest me? They should arrest your mother--" Thea slapped Irene's face tightly and her mother immediately held her body.

"Thea.." her mother said.

"I'm not going to repeat what I said, so get out of my house!" Thea screamed again, that was enough to make her aunt annoyed, but she chose to leave at that time and would come back with other plans.

"Thea, why did you do that?" Her mother said and Thea pulled her hand from her mother's grip.

"Don't touch me, I'm not defending you, I just don't want this house to fall into that woman's hands, and one more thing, I don't care if it's true or not. Long before I knew this I didn't even care" Thea said and her mother just cry in front of her.

"Thea, why are you saying that? Do you hate me that much?"

"Yes, I hate you so much, I'm looking for reasons to forgive you but no one besides you is my mother, but that's never enough to convince me" Thea went to her room and left her mother who was still crying there.

Life is indeed complicated, day after day you will not guess what it will be like. Can we start to forgive or do we even hate more. Nobody knows about that. Maybe Thea seemed mean to her mother, but what about the pain in her heart? No one managed to heal the wound even herself. The wound is always open and getting worse with time. It made Thea feel like she really didn't have anyone.