
Through Apocalypse (BL)

Huang Jin had lived for a decade before he found himself traveling back in time. Betrayal had left him deeply angered and embittered. All he had ever wanted was a peaceful and content life, but little did he know that survival would prove to be incredibly challenging amidst an ongoing apocalypse. Was there any hope left? Perhaps... Perhaps not... HJ: "Why not just chop off its head? You're still toying with its arm!!" ML: "Give it a try; you might find it oddly satisfying. It helps relieve stress."

Mahdz · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter 10 - N County (1) (Rev.)

As Huang Jin approached the car, he noticed Xun Wei leaning against it, dressed in a loose black shirt paired with well-fitted jeans and combat boots. His heart started racing as he thought, "He looks so handsome; I want to devour him." The thought made his face blush bright red, and in an attempt to distract himself, he pinched his cheeks painfully.

Seeing Huang Jin's reaction and the hungry look in his eyes, Xun Wei couldn't help but feel happy and couldn't stop smiling, thinking, "He's so adorable."

"Ready to go?" Xun Wei asked, taking Ahjin's hand and wrapping his other arm around Ahjin's waist. He leaned in and kissed Ahjin passionately on the lips. The intensity of the kiss increased as Ahjin reciprocated, and both of them were left breathless after it ended.

Xun Wei provided support to Huang Jin's body, and as Huang Jin rested his head on Xun Wei's shoulder, it took a while for their breathing to slow down. When Huang Jin looked up at Xun Wei, his heart raced even faster. He missed their kisses so much, and in his previous life, every time they kissed, his reaction was intense. As Xun Wei tried to help him up, Huang Jin quickly hugged his waist, and in a gravelly voice, he pleaded, "Just a little longer."

Xun Wei grasped the significance behind Huang Jin's request for "a little longer." He gently caressed Ahjin's cheek and patiently waited with him.

"I'm okay now," Huang Jin assured him, releasing his hold on Xun Wei. Although his cheeks were still flushed, he playfully poked Xun Wei's chest. "Let's head to the car; otherwise, we might be late for our flight. We can always share another kiss later," he suggested, feeling a bit embarrassed about displaying affection in public.

Xun Wei gazed at Huang Jin, then tenderly lifted his face and kissed him on both cheeks. "Ahjin, I just can't resist," Xun Wei admitted with a warm smile. He knew that Huang Jin's shy and kind nature, which made him different from others, was one of the traits that attracted him so much. Even without experiencing the apocalypse, Xun Wei would still find Huang Jin's unique qualities captivating and endearing.

"Shall we go?" Xun Wei asked softly, looking at Ahjin with affection in his eyes.

"Okay," Ahjin replied, nodding. As he glanced at Xun Wei from the corners of his eyes, a sweet and warm smile graced his lips, unable to be contained.

After driving for a while, with Huang Jin holding Xun Wei's hand, they finally arrived at the airport parking space. Huang Jin gently shook Xun Wei's hand, sensing that Xun Wei had something on his mind.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" Huang Jin inquired, noticing that Xun Wei seemed hesitant to speak a few times but refrained from doing so when he looked over.

Upon hearing this, Xun Wei glanced sideways, leaned in closer, and let out a soft hum. He pulled Huang Jin nearer, kissed his hair affectionately, and then said, "Let's talk after the plane land."

"Okay," Huang Jin replied with a smile, feeling reassured by Xun Wei's response.

Upon checking in, passing through security, and boarding the plane, they found themselves seated in the first-class cabin. After a two-hour flight, they finally arrived at N County in the afternoon.

As they reached their destination, both of them were feeling a bit tired. They decided to have a meal first before doing anything else.

"For today, let's take some rest first. Tomorrow, we can explore and take our time," Huang Jin suggested.

Just as they started to walk away from the airport, they heard someone calling out, "Mr. Xun!" They turned around to find someone else saying, "Mr. Xun!" It seemed like someone was trying to get Xun Wei's attention.

Two men, one dressed in a black suit and the other in a blue suit, called out to Xun Wei one after the other. Xun Wei turned with Huang Jin, and the two men approached them.

"Our Master heard that Mr. Xun was bringing someone here to have fun, so he deliberately sent us to pick you up from the plane," said one of the men.

"The Eldest Young Master also asked me to extend his welcome," added the other man.

As they were speaking, another man arrived, coming from A City, and he was followed by two other men. He also addressed Xun Wei, "Sir."

Xun Wei nodded, acknowledging their presence, and allowed them to take the suitcases they were holding. However, he then addressed both the black-suited and blue-suited men, "No need. I already have my plans here. If I require anything, I will reach out to him directly." He then added, "Please convey the same message to my cousin."

Both men respected Xun Wei's decision and didn't insist any further. They gave a slight bow and watched as Xun Wei and Huang Jin departed from the place.

The Xun family had a rich and extensive history. The Xun clan in A City held the distinction of being the oldest branch, and over time, other branches had also flourished and grown. Xun Wei's cousin's ancestors had arrived in N City over five years ago, with the backing and support of the A City Xun clan. However, it was only after Xun Wei made his arrangements that his cousin's people were alerted to their actions on this side. As a result, his cousin had also sent individuals to escort and assist them.

As for that friend who had called Xun Wei earlier, he was not currently in N City. His family was involved in the hotel business, and if he were on a regular business trip, they would have picked him up, and he would have accompanied them. However, since Xun Wei was now on a personal journey with Ahjin, he preferred not to engage in much socializing or meeting up with friends during this time.

"Let's just have a simple meal with them before we leave," Xun Wei patiently explained to Huang Jin.

They departed from the airport in a car and embarked on a two-hour drive before finally arriving at their accommodation for the next few days.

The manor they visited was an estate that had been purchased by the Xun family many years ago. The surroundings were adorned with lush green trees, picturesque grasslands, and water flowing through flower fields. The sight of ancient castle walls added to the breathtaking scenery along the way.

Huang Jin had managed to get some rest on the plane, putting him in a good mood. As they drove, he leaned forward, taking in the scenery outside the car window for quite some time. On the other hand, Xun Wei leaned against him, catching a brief nap.

Huang Jin was determined to cherish every moment of the remaining three years of peace before the predicted apocalypse. He understood how precious this period of tranquility was because, during the impending apocalypse, peace would become a rare and valuable commodity.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, zombies were slow and lacked intelligence, but as they progressed, they became smarter and deadlier. Even insects posed a threat as they grew larger and more dangerous with each level of the apocalypse.

Living in such a perilous environment required constant vigilance and made it challenging to find moments of peace and relaxation. Huang Jin wanted to savor and treasure every moment of the peaceful environment they currently enjoyed.

Huang Jin's heightened sensitivity had been ingrained in his bones for many years. Being constantly alert was a way of life for him, helping him survive in the dangerous world they lived in.

However, even with his vigilance, he understood that the most dangerous threat of all came from other human beings. In a post-apocalyptic setting, people's actions and intentions could be unpredictable and treacherous, making them the most significant threat to his safety and well-being.

Despite all his precautions, he knew that danger could still lurk around every corner, and he had to remain cautious in his interactions with others.

Once Xun Wei had leaned against him, Huang Jin's attention drifted slightly, and he found himself lost in thought while gazing at the passing scenery. Absentmindedly, he shifted his body further back in the seat and used both hands to support Xun Wei, ensuring he could rest more comfortably.

Lost in the moment, Huang Jin only realized that they had arrived at their destination when the car had been stationary for some time.

"Xun Wei, we've arrived," Huang Jin softly spoke as he gently woke Xun Wei from his nap.

With his eyes still closed, Xun Wei raised his hand, reaching out and gently groping. His hand landed on Ahjin's cheeks first, and after feeling the comforting touch from Ahjin, he slowly opened his eyes.

Sitting up, Xun Wei turned his head to look at Huang Jin, observing him for a moment before reaching out and pulling him closer.

"Feeling numb?" Xun Wei asked with concern.

Huang Jin blushed slightly, nodding honestly in response. "It's okay. I don't mind at all. I actually like it when you lean on me," he admitted affectionately.

Huang Jin's affection for Xun Wei was wholehearted and genuine. Seeing that Huang Jin's words had lifted his spirits, Xun Wei felt even more content. He caressed Huang Jin's hand, pulled him closer, and planted a tender kiss on his lips.

"Let's get out of the car," Xun Wei suggested.

"Okay," Huang Jin replied, his cheeks blushing even more. He couldn't help but notice that since yesterday, Xun Wei had become more openly affectionate towards him. Their displays of affection, like kisses and hugs, were no longer restrained even in front of others. Huang Jin surmised that it might be because Xun Wei had already discovered his secret.

A bright smile spread across Huang Jin's face as he thought about it. When Xun Wei walked slightly ahead of him, Huang Jin caught up and planted a loving kiss on Xun Wei's lips. His eyes sparkled, and he felt a warmth washing over him, making him feel happy and at peace.

Even with the impending apocalypse looming, he had no regrets because he knew that this man would always be by his side, supporting and loving him unconditionally. Their bond was strong and unbreakable, and that gave Huang Jin comfort and strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Enjoy Reading ❤❤

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