
CHAPTER III: Forgotten memories

The event continued, one by one, day by day someone in my life evanesce.

But as they fade the memories suddenly dematerialized, and once again I was staring at a blank screen.

The fading stopped when 9 important people in my life evanesce

But I can't recall even the smallest event that had happened

My memories changed.

Every single day a fragment of my memories was being teared up....

Every time I recall something, my mind will dig farther and farther but as I go deeper I end up forgetting everything

My memories became a taboo in my mind

When I recall something I shared it with my friends, but they end up forgetting the same thing…..and later on all of them, left me.

But I don't even care because I end up forgetting them too

Ever since that event happened I started to distance myself to others.

Though I can't remember what's taken to me,

I know that my life was not complete

I can always feel my missing piece

I'm like a music sheet with broken notes. This is the reason I distanced myself, believing if I don't have a memory of them none of them will leave

Now I won't even dare to talk to others, even my classmates and teachers, I didn't care about anyone.

Everything seems normal in my own perspective and current situation

I was satisfied with my broken life

So as I thought