
CHAPTER II: The evanescing flesh

In a second I believe that was meant for me I hugged him as if it's the last.... I never thought, that would happen... it is really the last

He.... Faded on my arms....like water turning to vapor... Not even a piece of him stayed

My tears I didn't even notice them flow...." Is this real? "

"It's just a dream right" " tell me it's just a freaking dream" " Ian where are you? You're just hiding right"

I screamed for help... But no one.... No one came....

I ran out of that place anxiously thinking maybe it's just an illusion because of the stories they say about it....

On my way back I saw someone, he's standing on the same place Ian cried. I ignored him and just walk straight down

"Why are you coming back from that direction" he asked me out of nowhere,

With trembling voice as if his hiding something on that place

"I'm just looking for someone. He has blue eyes and firm body he's wearing a shirt with the shade of black and gray. Did you see him? "

"I never encounter someone like that on my way here"

"Don't ever come here again" He said those words with such a cold voice.

I continued to walk on the opposite direction of him. I'm almost out of that corridor

"He's gone don't find him anymore" It's his voice.....again

I turned back but he's not there anymore

I didn't believe what he said I looked out for Ian until the sun gets down

The competition was over, but I still didn't see him I went back to my teammates.

The coach scolded me for not coming to the competition but I don't pay attention on what his saying... I just shut up until..

"Do you know why we didn't win? It's because of you!!! You're the technical but didn't show up!!!! Now how can we continue?"

"What??" I replied him without hesitation

"I never been the technical, you said I can't!! Ian is our technical I'm just a--""

" is she gone mad"..." yeah how can she talk to coach like that and Ian who is he? "

I can hear all things they murmur about but the worst " Ian who is he? " .....what the helvet was wrong with them... Ian was a friendly guy and they all know him how can they forget

Is it me? Or the world just became erratic