
CHAPTER IV: Strange Event

A year passed it's the same day my memories start to fade

The practice teacher grouped us for an activity

After the performance, everyone was waiting for the result

I sat at the corner of the wall by the side of the door, away from everybody

A boy from the other team walked towards me and sat beside me.

I move away a little trying to distance myself again.

In that moment a strong wind passed by us

The wind move the wall of the room

The phenomenon was really strange, such a strong wind on a sunny bright day?

But that didn't caught my attention, I was enthralled by the rest of the class

The people inside the room was slowly being dematerialized

By they didn't even show any concern

My mind seems to recall something, something that happened in the past. Same as this, fading, vanishing people...

The boy besides me hold my hand

And the time stopped

I didn't pay attention to his appearance then. But just now I'm ascertain that I know him. I have seen him before, but my mind can't recall a memory of him

His figure, his face I've seen it all before but where? When?

As it seems, my mind was full of familiar but distant thoughts and didn't pay attention on what's happening.

I just woke up on reality when the boy pulled me out and lead me

It seems he can see what I see too...

We ran as fast as we could... I couldn't even catch up with my breath..... Thinking I might die from asphyxia that time

But why are we running? It seems I can't remember a thing

We were heading on a full ground.....the people there... were ...vanishing?

Vanishing people, fading?

I seem to recall something, no someone, someone named--


The boy stopped by hearing this

"He's gone don't anticipate for the impossible"

"Who is he?" "Why can't I recall?"

"You don't need to remember" "he's no one"

His voice it's telling me that Ian was something, but who is he? Why do I know him?

We continued to run, until we reached the open ground.