
The White Phoenix

"I won't bow down to you. I'm The Queen... I'm The White Phoenix!" Farah craved for a normal life and she had it. She achieved it but then The Ancient Phoenix came into the picture. He made Farah the next Phoenix stronger than anyone else. Even though she didn't ask for such power, it was given. She fulfilled the Ancient Phoenix's wish, to build a land uniting all the different types of Phoenixes and she named the kingdom after the Ancient Phoenix— Gazaria. Little did she knew she was only fulfilling the prophecy. Repeating what has happened 500 years ago. The Queen of Hell once again escaped the depths of her cage and will do everything just to destroy Gazaria. Farah fought as best as she could, but unfortunately she lost. With the help of an old friend she'll travel with the man she'll fall into— Oxoluz. Together with the help of her friends they'll find a way to bring back Gazaria to it's former glory. In the end, will Farah once again have the life she'll always want or she'll end up doing what have happened 500 years ago. "If we lose again, we will no longer have something to save, everything is on me now, it is time for me to choice, what is right and sacrifice what I want," Farah said as a lone tear fell in her eye. "No I won't let you! We will fight together," Oxoluz said and held Farah's hand. "Together?" Farah asked. "Always." Oxoluz answered and claimed her lips. --------------------------- :: Do call me Midnight! I'll call you guys (my readers) as Raven! Yay! :: WSA ENTRY 2021 :: NOVEL WRITTEN BY A 14 Y. O. TEENAGER FROM THE PHILIPPINES. :: Instagram :: @wake_at_midnight :: Twitter :: @clalelroums :: Facebook :: Lychee Morelli :: UPDATES WILL BE DAILY ( 2-3 CHAPTERS A DAY) :: TIME FOR UPDATES ( 7 PM — 12 MIDNIGHT) (GMT+08)

Midnight_Raven0425 · Fantasia
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207 Chs

You Feel Me

The night ended as; all of them having a good rest. Hearts somehow broken but healing as hours pass by. Soleil slowly accepted that, even though she didn't had a lot of time with her real father.

While Farah on the other hand, once again had difficulty sleeping. She gave her whole attention watching the stars. Wearing her cape outside Ellenia's home.

She was breathing heavily as the wind played with her cape and her hair tied into a messy bun was playing around her cheeks. A smile slowly painted in her lips when she saw a shooting star passed by. "What did you wish for?" Oxoluz asked.

Farah didn't know that he was just standing behind him the whole time. She glanced to Oxoluz and smiled at him, for no reason she stood beside Oxoluz and spoke, "I was wishing these things didn't happen at all."

Oxoluz sighed and locked Farah in his arms, she was no longer shock on what Oxoluz did, for slowly she is getting used to his gestures.

Oxoluz then caressed her hair and whispered to her ears, "I guess, bad things happen for us to find the good ones."

His words made sense to Farah. "You have a point," Farah replied and slowly she embraced Oxoluz back. She likes how it feels, how that warm feeling from Oxoluz make her heart run wild and calm at the same time.

"I like you," he said making her heart run wild.

"What did you say?" she asked and blinked thrice.

"What I said, is what you feel for me," Oxoluz answered. Farah felt her cheeks burn which made her turn her gaze away from him.

"Hey? Look at me Farah," Oxoluz said and Farah shook her head as a response and let go of her embrace to the man.

Slowly Farah left Oxoluz alone, but before she could, she heard Oxoluz spoke, "you kow what I wished for?"

"I wished that you'd feel the same way with me...I like you, Farah," Oxoluz said and Farah took a deep breath before leaving.

'I like you too, Oxoluz.' Farah said in her mind as she leave Oxoluz standing alone with a small smile painted in his lips.

Morning came and the sun begin to shine and invade Farah's room. The wind entered Farah's window and woke her up from her deep slumber. Soft groans escaped her mouth as she stretch her body.

Someone then started knocking on her door, it was Oxoluz who prepared a breakfast for the lady, to make it up on what he did last night. He thought that, what he did made Farah uncomfortable so he wanted to make it up to him.

"Farah, can I come in?" Oxoluz asked from the outside and Farah stood up from bed. Fixed herself as fast as she could. She does not want to look like a crazy witch.

"Wait a minute!" Farah yelled from the inside. A sigh escaped Oxoluz's mouth and obliged. He did waited for Farah and truth to her words.

She is the one who opened the door and smiled widely at Oxoluz when she saw the tray of food he is holding. Farah then kissed Oxoluz on the cheeks before she spoke, "thank you Oxoluz. You feel me."