
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs



!!!Please remember this is what happen if Y/n didn't listen to what hawks had to say after the new article

came out of hawks kissing some chick!!

Before Hawks could explain himself I got up to grab my stuff, then grabbed Ayaka's arm. And we left. He tried to stop me numerous times, but I kept going. I didn't want to deal with him, along with I didn't want him to see me cry more. I and Ayaka left, and she told me we could go to fatgums place.

Once we got to his place he was confused. " Hey gummy, y/n had an umm, fight with Hawks. And doest have anywhere to go. She said she'll be leaving that agency, SOOOOOO do you think you could use another intern." I heard Ayaka tell Fatgum in the other room. I just sat on the couch with my knees in my chest. I pulled the hood over my head but didn't realize I took the wrong one. I took Hawks by mistake. It smelled like him and that just made me cry more. Ayaka ran in and pulled me closer to her. She smelt like rose and lavender... she must have done that on purpose. She used it to calm me down, and boy did it. I started to close my eyes while she was still holding me. I was so thankful for her. Before I knew it I blacked out.

Hawks POV

After she left I didn't know how to feel. I called dabi, and he came over. He didn't know why but he was the first one he thought of. Dab came over and was extremely confused. I told Dabi what happened but just said to let her go. But that was the last thing I wanted. "I'll make her mine again. You can count on that Dabi."

A week went by and I still haven't gotten a message from her or Flora. I would have hoped they would at least tell me she's safe. After I hadn't gotten contacted from her or flora I decided to call her. But she didn't answer me. I called Flora and she answered. "Hey Ayaka, I was wondering if I could talk to y/n? She hasn't texted me or called and I need to speak with her. Also what agency is she in now?" I asked her over the phone. She took a minute to answer which meant y/n was around her telling her what to say. "Y/n I know you're there, please come back home so we can talk" I started to get angry. "Listen Hawks, I don't want you contacting me anymore, don't look for me, don't come to UA to get me. NOTHIN." she shouts back. That's when I got mad. "Y\N IF YOU DONT BACK TO THIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW I'LL-" "Youll what Takami? Kill everyone to get to me, hurt me? You'll what? You're a damn hero don't put it on the line. I joined Ayaka and Fatgum's agency. Now if you'll leave me alone now. We're out patrolling." she finished and hung up. I threw my phone across the room. "She'll come back to me, I mean who can stay away from me that long . And if she doesn't I'll just have to push her into coming back.


The next few weeks went by and she still didn't come crawling back, guess I'll have to do things the hard way. I started following her, tracking her phone, watching her, STALKING her. One day I saw she went out with this guy, uhhhh Monama I think was his name. (I hate Monama with a passion sooo). I stalked and watched like a bird. After they said goodbye he pulled her into a kiss, and she had the audacity to kiss him back. That's when my top blew. After they parted ways I planted a feather on both of them so I could track them. I followed y/n to where she was staying, just making sure she was ok. Then followed that little bitch. I followed him until he went into an ally. That's where I strike, two feathers pinning him to the ground. He was extremely confused when he looked at him. "H-Hawks????" he frightenedly asked me. " Well well well, what do we have here. A little rich bitch, that laid his hands on my girl." I glared at him. "Girl?? Do you mean y/n? H-how are...How is she "your girl"??? He joked "Well my kid i am gonna kill you after we're done talking... So I'll make this quick. Let's just say we're dating." I grinned at him. "Kill me? I-I haven't done anything wrong. She's the one who said she needed to have fun, get things off her mind. We had some fun, and one thing led to another." He smiled at me. I bent my feathers, turned into a sword, and stabbed him directly in the heart.

After I was done there I called an ambulance making it seem I found him dead making sure there was no evidence to me killing him. After they arrived they asked what happened. I gave my report, then I left. I started following y/n but it ended where my feather was. "Dammit," I yelled. She took the feather out. Ugh, smart ass girl. I flew up thinking I could scout her from afar, and I did. I flew down and scooped her up without warning. She started bashing sound in my arm to the point where I dropped her. And she started falling down. I quickly flew down and caught her before she hits the ground, but before I can talk to her, she punched me the face. "Damnit kid, that fucking hurt" I yelled in pain. "Well maybe if you didn't kidnap me, I wouldn't have punched you!" She yelled back. Before she could say or do anything else I kissed her. But that only lasted a few seconds. "DAMNIT HAWKS PUT ME ON THE GROUND> I ALREADY SAID IM DONE WITH YOU. PLUS IM OVER YOU." she screamed out "What you mean that rich boy from UA, uh Monama?" I chuckled. Kid, I just found him dead in an alleyway." I told her trying to act like I was sad for her. BUTTTT I wasn't. "Your mine you know that kid, and if I ever see you with another guy, they'll meet their end just like Monma did." I smiled at her heading back down to the ground.

You're pov

Hawks but me back on the ground and I had tears rushing down my face. I was scared of him. But I didn't want to show how scared I really was. I smacked him hard against the cheek, and he just laughed at me. "I told you kid your mine, nothing you do or say can hurt me." He turned evil, his eyes were different all he had on his mind was me, and to kill whoever I would be with. Before I answered I bolted to Fatgum's place, my knees hurt after I fell but I just kept going. I was terrified, and the tears rolling down my face. I ran for about 25 minutes before reaching Fatgums place. I knocked on the door many times before Ayaka saw me, bleeding knees, tears stained my face, red puffy eyes, and a broken heart. "Ay-Ayaka." I tried to plead but couldn't get my words out. I was scared for anyone I came in contact with. I felt eyes on the back of my neck and quickly turned around to see Hawks parched on a light stand, just watching me. I quickly turned back around. I pulled Ayaka into a hug " I'm driving into the ocean". Was all i said. She picked me up, and we started to walk into the building. But before she goes inside she stopped and looked around outside, and spotted him but didn't make it obvious.

Ayakas Pov

We both went inside and she shut the door. "Ok Y/n explain, why is he following you." I got the hint. Those words she said they code words we put together, that was just many of the signals we have.After she finished crying into my arms. I hugged her tighter and asked her what exactly happened. "He killed Montana!!" she blurted out. My eyes widened. "H-He killed someone?!? No that can't be true he's a hero, he wouldn't have done that... Right?" I was now scared. I pulled her in closer after we heard banging on the door.


"Come on y/n~ I know your in there". It was Hawks he gave off that weird joker laugh after saying that. "Go away or we'll call the other pros, they'll take you in. She doesn't want anything to do with you." I yelled out to him. Just then the door swung open. "Now now Flora,-" he said, holding up his feather sword. "We don't want any trouble, do we?" He grinned at me. I look down at her and she was shaking in fear. "Why wouldn't you leave her alone. She doesn't want you. Your scaring her. I thought you loved y/n!! This isn't love this is trochure!!" i threw at him. As i was saying that i had vines wrapped around his lags and arms strapping him down. But before i knew it, one of his feathers shot right into my chest.

Back to your POV

Ayaka Fell to the ground as my eyes widened as blood surrounded her. Her vines still wrapped around him holding him hostage. I soon called the other pros like Aizawa Fatgum Almight and President Mic. I had used my winter to freeze him up a little before they arrived. I called an ambulance for Ayaka, and thankful she made it to the hospital in time. She was ok, but i couldn't say the same for Monana. "It's all my fault." i shot out and Aizawa heard me. "Y/n it's not your fault. That bird man over there went crazy, but i would like to know why he's after you?" he raised a brow at me.

After about a half hour of explaining to him everything that was going on between us two, he got up, walked over to the bird and punched him in the face. Of course, i was shocked that Aizawa would do that, but he protects his students and i'm one of them.

A few weeks later, Ayaka was released from the Hospital and I was able to see her. I was so happy she didn't fully die, though she did code a time or two which made me jump out of my skin. We were able to talk about everything and how she was feeling after what happened and we joined therapy together. Deep down in my head, and heart, this was something I could never forget. I still blame myself for Monama's death and for what happened to Ayaka. Everyone told me to stop blaming myself, but I wasn't able to. A week later at school me and Bakugo got back to talking, and I realized how much I loved and still wanted him. We finished high school at UA and I decided to keep my hero License but would be an underground hero like aizawa was. Instead i went to college and became a therapist, so i was able to help the trouble kids or adults that were in need of someone to talk to. Like i needed one and Ayaka.

About 4 years after that incident I worked up the courage to go and see Hawks in jail and ask why he did what he did. His answer was the same, it was because he was in love with me. A week after that Bakugo préposés to me and ofc i said yes. Ayaka was my maid of honor obviously, and that was that. The thing that happen was a thing of the past for everyone, it still lerked in the back of my mind. But eventually I let go of it.