
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Red vs blue

There is a small lemon part on this chapter and i put 🍋 where it starts and ends :) it's also the first time ever doing that so :P

Through the day and hawks got ready for the dinner date with Dabi and Ayaka. I'm praying the hero and villain won't start throwing hands while we're eating. I went shopping and picked up the stuff I needed to make dinner, which was Tonkatsu. A dinner consisting of deep-fried breaded pork cutlet. I also got some mochi making so I could make some for Ayaka because i know how much she loved it. I asked Ayaka if she and Dabi wanted anything special and they both said they would eat whatever. After food shopping, I went to a clothes store and picked out a nice but casual outfit for dinner. I found this cute pink skirt with a white tied shirt and some baby pink hightops. And for the accessories, I found this stone necklace and marble phone case.

Me adding something dramatic

After I finished shopping I was walking back to the penthouse, when this group of guys stopped me. "Hey, beautiful were you headed in a rush," the taller one asked me. " I'm on my way to make dinner for me and some friends, now I'll you'll excuse me. I need to get going before my food unfreezes." I told them walking away. Just before I got walking away, the second guy pulled me closer into him. I quickly used my quirk and gave him frostbite on his arm and that made him yell. The first guy walked up to me then smacked me across the face.

Hawks POV

Before y/n left I snuck one of my feathers in her jacket just cause, you know last time she was alone she almost got raped, and i didn't want anything happening to her. After about an hour I was able to tell where she was, which was at the clothes store probably getting something for the dinner. After she was done she was leaving but was suddenly stopped. But i couldn't tell why. I soon felt a vibration in her arm, like she was being pulled. I got up but then my feather felt cold, she must be using her quirk to get away from the people. I felt her face grow hot and that's when I rushed out of the house. Forgetting about my stitches, I felt I tore some and my wounded opened up. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as it first was but I hurt.

Back At Your POV

I felt something moving in my pocket and I guessed it was Keigo's feather he snuck in before I left. Before I knew it I was on the ground holding my cheek in pain with tears forming in my eyes. I saw a figure flying closer and it was hawks. " Picking on a lady is not a heroic thing to do, did your mothers never teach you that? " He stared down at them and they were scared, could see it in their black and red eyes. And I was glad little bitches needed to learn manners. They soon apologized to me, then left. In the eyes of the public, I'm just a normal girl who got hit by guys. But in Keigo's eyes, I was his most precious thing that someone hurt. It took him everything not to stick a feather in their eye, literally. He helped me wink and that's when I saw it. Blood running down his side. My eyes widened and he fell onto the ground. I had tears streaming down my face as I called the hospital;, telling them the pro hero Hawks passed out and reopened a dangerous wound on his abdomen.

About 5 minutes later an ambulance came to load me and hawk's in, saying I'm his intern plus having no other way of getting there. He was passed out on the gurney and they had to restitch a wound before he bled out more. We got to the hospital and he went to a room to recover and wake up.

After about an hour he finally woke up and I was so relieved. "God, you're finally awake!!" I told him. "Hang on let me call the dr." The doctor came in and said he would be on bed rest for an extra three weeks, which made him upset, and I felt bad and I started blaming myself. We got back to the house and I headed to the kitchen to start making the dinner. Thankfully it was only about 2, and the dinner was around 6:30. I started the pork and then rolled the mochi dough. And about three and a half hours went by. Now it was 5;30 and we waited and talked.

Ayaka's POV

The day was finally here and I was nervous. It was a weird feeling and I hated it as I turned the corner to the alleyway that we averagely met up on the neutral ground. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a black mask making it see as he was sick. I could tell he did his best to hide his appearance to make me more confident but he didn't need to try. I was wearing a lacy blouse with a knee-length floral flowy skirt and Dabi kept looking at me up and down with a blank expression that the mask only made it harder. Once he was done he extended his elbow and I immediately wrapped my arm around his and perked up trying to seem taller 'I should start wearing some sort of heel around this giant' I giggled to myself before speaking up " I'm sorry I dragged you Into this I just wanted-" He cut me off before we were about to leave the alley " I know you wanted this and you sounded happy on the phone so I don't mind as long as it brings a smile to your face" I giggled, swore I was glowing and gripped his arm as we exited the alley

This was the first time we were out in the open and even though he was unrecognizable the anxiety was still there as I kept my smile but my grip tightened around his sleeve as we made our way to the Chicken wings house. On our way, we stopped by a bakery and I stepped? in and wandered around looking for y

's favorite pastry and when I found it I showed it to Dabi

" Do you think this would be enough as thanks for inviting me and the person that I swear you hate"

Dabi let out a deep sigh before nodding and took it from my hand and paid for it plus two cake pops and he walked out of the store leaving me to follow in all my grump. I raced after him trying to keep the wind from blowing up my skirt. Once I reached dabi he was at a shaded bench looking at me with those eyes that drew me closer with every step. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder

" You know, I never expected to end up with you after all that went down... the only regret I have was you making the first move" He chuckled before handing the cake pop " How could I resist? You didn't seem to mind It, In fact, I think you enjoyed it"

Those words turned my face into a bright tomato as I nommed on the cake pop trying to hide my face. I jumped up and began to drag Dabi to the street now realizing that he was stalling and we began to make our way there. It seemed like Dabi knew where he was going and now that I think about it that's not very surprising. We were soon at the door and knocked, and saw y/n in this cute outfit. 'Too bad I didn't go with her to get this' i thought to myself before jumping oh her and yelling " EEEEEEEE IT'S BEEN A G E S" then kissed her in front of both the men Just me trying to ruin the mood before bird brain and hot stuff see each other. I then turned around and grinned at Dabi. ANddddd he just glared at me. I and he walked in and immediately the boys, and I said boys instead of men for a reason. Both of the pig brained boys glared at each other Like we're some prize that would not be touched so I grabbed y

s waist and smiled

" What's for dinner cutie?" I seductively asked her. "Wellllllllll I made some mochi for after dinner just for you and for the main course I made Tonkatsu~" she winked at me.

After some time y/n sat us all at the table, two on one side and two on the other me and she sat next to each other and the guys were forced to sit next to each other. The man did they wine. They act more like kids then a hero and a villain. I looked at y/n she giggled, then looked back and Dabi as he was glaring at hawks. SOOOOO I kicked his foot and glared at him. " Ow, what was that for I'm not saying anything, yet," he asked me "What do you mean yet you burnt toast" Hawks threw in dabis face. "Keigo you know I don't like those words, you say them one for the time you'll be roasted chicken." he threw back. I remembered the first time I asked about those scars towards the begging of our relationship and I almost got my ass beat into the wall.

Honestly, it was annoying and we had it " OKKKK enough we said in unison." You two are grown adults, if I didn't know any better it's like you're trying to piss us off, and ruin the dinner." Y/n hissed then it went quiet. "What I think y/n is trying to say, why can't you two get along. Your girlfriends right here are best friends so you'll be seeing more of each other. Better settle the differences sooner rather than later." I calmly told them. They looked at each other and sighed. "The flower is right-" he was cut off. "Hawks if you ever call my flower, flower again I will burn your wings off and shove each individual feather down your throat and then wait for you to throw them up just to do it again" we all stared at the beautiful villain who was surprisingly possessive. Then me and y/n laughed. "HAHAHAHAHA OMG YOU TWO REALLY ARE CHILDREN!!" y/n laughed out. "Damn babe, didn't think you could be so hot threatening someone," I told him. Both the men grew red. And then they looked at each other. "I'm only doing this for y/n, I don't want her being ahem-" he cleared his throat. "Crazy," he said quietly thinking she couldn't hear him, and boy was he wrong. Hawks took out his hand "Troose." he asked dabi. The burnt man shook his hand and then looked at me and gave me that smile he normally gives me. "Thank you," we both said.

We continued to eat, we laughed and joked around and the rest of the night was a fun night to remember. Me and Dabi said goodbye to y/n and the chicken man then left. Thankfully it was dark out so we didn't have to go down the ally, but we were still careful. "Thank you, baby, I appreciate you doing that, I know it must have been hard." I smiled at him then intertwined our hands. I felt the coldness of the staples but the warmth of his hand made it disappear. Suddenly we stopped walking and he pulled me into an embracive hug, it was so warm and I loved every second of it. "

"Thank you flower, for all you do for me," he told me. "Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?" I chuckled at him. He looked at me then looked away. My eyes widened then pushed him away and stared into his beautiful eyes, the eyes I knew I wouldn't get too see for god knows how long. "How long have you been keeping that from me. HUH?! When were you gonna tell me you're leaving me?!?! I started to yell while tears filled my eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but didn't speak. I turned back around and sprinted back for y/n and hawks place. Petals fell from the dying flowers that were once lush in my hair as I stumbled and my eyes were blurred with tears as I fought every part of me that wanted to go back to him. I knocked on the door only for my knees to buckle as I fell to the ground

Your POV

🍋After they left I and hawks started cleaning up the mess. After that, he came up to me and started kissing my neck. He kissed and sucked till he found the soft spot and started taking advantage of that, I let out soft moans and he continued to do it. He slipped my shirt off over my head and then took off his. He lifted me up into his arms, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He walked over to the couch and threw me down. Then came the steamy makeout session. We were on the couch making out. I started unbuttoning his paints and his member was hard against his trunks. He started to lift his hand up my thigh and pulled down my skirt. His hand tugged at the hem of my white floral underwear. "Already wet i see, you horny kid," he whispered in my ear. He started flicking my clit, massaging it while keeping one hand now on my breast. 🍋


We both stopped and Hawks walked up to the door to see flora kneeling down on the ground red tear-filled eyes, dead flowers surrounding her, tear-stained cheeks, and a broken heart. I asked who it was and I came racing over to the door and hugged her. I brought her inside and sat her on the couch while I and hawks got dressed in comfortable clothes. After putting my clothes on I grabbed some for Ayaka and then texted Fatgum saying she is staying with me cause she's hurt. Walked out to the living room to see the roasted out with Dabis jacket in her arms and tears falling down her face. I'll just ask what happens tomorrow, she looks like she needs her sleep. I walk back into the bedroom with hawks and ask if he knew. But he didn't him and I cuddled till eventually, we fell asleep.